Peace, my friends. I am Buddha, speaking to you from my own special Heaven, which
I have created from my own special state of mind. I am the Buddha, not any other
being, but yet I am manifest myself many times over in beings such as you. I am you, in
fact. Does that surprise you? No way, because you know within yourself you are me
and I am you. This is Buddhism, wherein we know we are each other and so we
remark, on the physical plane, that we are hoping to achieve this sense of knowing, this
identification with each other, do we not? We speak of it highly, as though it is a virtue
worthy of our achievement.
But yet, it is more, much more, than mere virtue. It is
complete knowledge and understanding of the way life works. It is mastery. We are
each other, indeed, and we are also ourselves at various other levels. Trust me in this,
I used to tell my earthly disciples, trust me in this. Because just as I know I am you and
you are me, so also do I know I am otherwise myself at five levels of existence at
least, and more yet to be discovered.
Do you see how life works, then? We are always
on this path to discover ourselves at all our other levels of beingness, and so I tell you
now, you are yourself several times over and over again. Buddha speaks, dear friends.
Listen and smile.
The answer is simple: We are our earthly home. Do you think you build yourself a home when you
find shelter and housing in this physical life? Is your apartment your home? Is your house your home?
If so, then why do you feel so willing to leave it behind when you change your way of looking at
things, your way of seeing how life works? Because of this: Your home, your true earthly home, is
yourself, and in this world that should be enough for you. Is it not enough? Why, then, is it not
Is it because of fear of this world? Do you fear being lost in this world? If you do, then you
have just identified your situation perfectly. You are a lost being searching for your spirit-self, because
when you have found your spirit-self you no longer feel lost in this world. You are quite willing to
give up all your claims to physical selfhood and fear-based attachments to leave this kind of lost life
behind and venture out into a Universe which is your true home and not that piece of cardboard you
place over your head at night. That is not your home, but instead your body is your home and your
house is the Universe.
This is certain. Wherever you are, there is your home. That much is true, is it not? Then you
can see how it is that the Universe is your house and your body is your home. Now, one more thing
before we leave this subject behind. What do you think would be the result of your finding yourself
outside of your home and not being able to enter it?
Would you be surprised if you could not withdraw
within your body? Of course you would, because your body is your home and therefore you can
always enter your home and live there, can't you? Sure, so what is the meaning of this entire
conversation? To show you how it is that your body is your home and your house is the Universe.
When, in your life, you realize that you are all alone in the Universe, how does this affect you? Do you
decry this situation or do you make up your mind to embrace it and go about your business? This is
the essential question because this is the answer to the original question, Who am I? When you have
decided who you are, that is when you have answered the question in terms of aloneness or
What was your answer, by the way? Did you decide you are alone or did you decide you
are a member of a collective, because if the first is your answer, then there is little anyone can do for
you right now because you have chosen a solitary path, as is your prerogative. But, if you have
answered you are not alone but you are a member of a vast collective, of which you really know very
little, then you are falling within the bounds of togetherness rather than separateness.
Now, there is something important for you to do at this point. You can take up the opportunity
right now to decide for yourself that you have a higher level connection to Spirit and you are now
going to form that connection in a much stronger way than ever before. Can you do this? If you can
you are well on the path to understanding your own sensitive mortality and the key to your own
immortality, for you cannot become immortal within yourself without forming an association with
Spirit. So, this you must do.
You merely close your eyes and
call for Spirit to come to you. Close your eyes and say, "I call upon my high level Guide. I want
only my high level Guide to come to me." Did you do it? Well then, what was the result? Because, if
you performed this short ritual, then you would have received some kind of response. If not, then
continue to perform it until you do. The light keys of ascension are coming your way. Believe it, trust
it, live it, know it. Certain and sure it is, when you call for Spirit, the light keys come.
What is the point of no return when it comes to association with Spirit? There is no point of no return.
You can always back out of your relationship with Spirit. All you need to do to escape this association
is this: Perform the same ritual in reverse. Say, "I disassociate myself from Spirit. I want no more
Spirit in any capacity." Will this work, you ask? Of course it will, but for one thing. Once you have
formed your association with Spirit, you can never un-form it. By this is meant, you have guaranteed
yourself some degree of conscious immortality just by forming the association. The lengths to which
you wish to go at this point are up to you.
You may decide, for example, to leave off completely with
your physical world endeavors and begin to work exclusively for Spirit. When you make this decision,
you have made the decision that will place you at the top of the Spirit World pillar, for you have
decided to dedicate yourself to the good of the Universe, and once you do that, you are forever more
cherished and loved by that same Universe.
Now, what can you do to make this decision. What questions can you ask yourself that will
help guide you to this point in your life in which you can make this decision? It is simple. You just ask yourself this one question and you decide for yourself if you like the answer you give it: When you
leave this world, where do you want to go, up or down? This is a metaphorical question, of course, as
there is really no up or down, but the implication is clear, is it not? Up is toward the Divine, down is
toward the River of Return to the physical world. Which way do you wish to go?
If you
decide you want to go up, then you must do this one simple thing. You must pick up the banner of
Spirit and elect to receive the light keys for ascension. The light keys are the Language of Light, and
without the codes you cannot speak the language. The Sirian Disk (Phaistos Disk, Crete, 1600 BCE), shows this light code reception process as it was
recorded by Bronze Age people in Egypt and Crete nearly 3,500 years ago. The Phaistos Disk is how they passed to us this light key information. Study the disk and see the Victory Path as they describe it,
the path of the Immortals, as they were called by the Mystery Schools of Bronze Age Egypt and Crete, human
beings who received the light keys.
Page 1 - Photon Wave Data Streams | Meanings of the Light Keys
Becoming the Light Keys | Weighing the Soul
Soul's Redemption | Someone's Knocking
Whatever Became of Heaven? | Your Earthly Home
When Spirit Calls | Point of No Return | Someone's Knocking
Page 2 - Within/WIthout | Possibility of Life Everlasting
Transcendent Reality | What Do the Light Keys Do?
Purpose of Ascension | Beings from Star Sirius | Isis Energy
Electromagnetic Turbulence Divine
Page 3 - Bull's Foot Energy | Phallus of Osiris | Death of Osiris
High Five in Ancient Egypt | It's a Dog's Life
The Heart Chakra | The Sheeple People | Wreath of Victory
Blowing Your Own Horn | Cutting the Cord to the Past
Copyright Notice - Disk of the World - Text and images copyrighted March 21, 1993-2025, Claire Grace Watson, B.A., M.S.T., U.S. Copyright and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, All rights reserved. No part of this web page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.