4Sun/Flower, Helios, Eight, Vertex, Dodona 3 Side A, Positions - 1, 13, 76, Segments - A1, 4, 19 1 Side B, Position - 72, Segment - B19 |
Astronomer-Priest, Argonaut, Sailor, Minyae, Oracle, Divine Curete
2 Side A, Positions - 2, 14, Segments - A1, 4 0 Side B |
Oar, Argonauts, Minyae, Minyaens
4 Side A, Positions - 3, 15, 46, 71, Segments - A1, 4, 11, 18 0 Side B |
Runner, Olympic Runner, Herakles, Hermes
6 Side A, Positions - 4, 19, 41, 66, 84, 118, Segments - A2, 6, 10, 17, 20, 30
5 Side B, Position - 51, 60, 71, 88, 94, Segment - B14, 16, 19, 23, 24 |

Spindle for Cloth
3 Side A, Positions - 5, 20, 119, Segments - A2, 6, 30
3 Side B, Position - 44, 89, 95, Segment - B12, 23, 24 |

Maze, Palace, House of the God, Three
2 Side A, Positions - 6, 56, Segments - A3, 15
0 Side B |

Thistle, Thyrsoi, Festival, Wand with Pine Cone
2 Side A, Positions - 7, 57, Segments - A3, 15
2 Side B, Position - 85, 109, Segment - B22, 28 |

Tree, Sacred Oak, Plant, Five
5 Side A, Positions - 8, 16, 57, 85, 90 , Segments - A3, 5, 15, 21, 22
6 Side B, Positions - 9, 29, 58, 66, 79, 111, Segments - B3, 8, 15, 18, 21, 29 |

Golden Fleece
10 Side A, Positions - 9, 10, 30, 34, 47, 58, 59, 72, 99, 103, Segments - A3, 3, 9, 9, 12, 15, 15, 19, 24, 25
5 Side B, Positions - 35, 52, 74, 104, 114, Segments - B9, 14, 19, 27, 29 |

Bronze Shield, Hexagram, Hexahedron
15 Side A, Positions - 11, 21, 23, 35, 39, 51, 60, 64, 79, 88, 95, 100, 106, 114, 120,
Segments - A3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30
2 Side B, Positions - 100, 118, Segments - B26, 30 |

Minyae, Headdress, Crested Dancer, Armed Dancer
14 Side A, Positions - 12, 22, 36, 40, 48, 52, 61, 65, 73, 80, 89, 96, 107, 121,
Segments - A3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 30
5 Side B, Positions - 11, 54, 78, 110, 119, Segments - B3, 14, 20, 28, 30 |
3 |

Pillar, Hammer, Awl, Carpentry, Leatherworking
5 Side A, Positions - 18, 44, 53, 69, 77, Segments - A5, 12, 14, 18, 19, 4
Side B, Positions - 4, 24, 98, 108, Segments - B2, 6, 25, 26 |

Horn, Serpent, Fire, Rising
5 Side A, Positions - 24, 37, 49, 62, 91 , Segments - A7, 10, 13, 16, 22
1 Side B, Positions - 77, Segments - B20 |

Vulture, Icarus
5 Side A, Positions - 25, 38, 50, 63, 92, Segments - A7, 10, 13, 16, 22
0 Side B |

Hat, Hill, Pyramid, Mt. Ida
1 Side A, Positions - 27, Segments - A8
0 Side B |
Pyramid, Vault, Carpenter's Square
6 Side A, Positions - 28, 31, 43, 68, 93, 117, Segments - A8, 9, 12, 18, 23, 30
6 Side B, Positions - 13, 23, 30, 63, 87, 97, Segments - 4, 6, 8, 17, 23, 25 |
Mother, Isis/Rhea, Earth Mother
2 Side A, Positions - 29, 94, Segments - A8, 23
2 Side B, Positions - 10, 59, Segments - B3, 15 |

Falcon on the Perch, Bird, Partridge, Dove
2 Side A, Positions - 32, 78, Segments - A9, 19
1 Side B, Positions - 57 , Segments - B15 |

1 Side A, Positions - 33, Segments - A9
1 Side B, Positions - 64 , Segments - B17 |

Hoof, Bull's Foot
2 Side A, Positions - 42, 67, Segments - A11, 17 |

Boat, Skiff
2 Side A, Positions - 46, 71, Segments - A12, 18
5 Side B, Positions - 3, 32, 73, 83, 105, Segments - B2, 9, 19, 22, 27 |

Sharpsnout Fish
2 Side A, Positions - 54, 90, Segments - A14, 26
4 Side B, Positions - 55, 61, 92, 103, Segments - B15, 16, 24, 26 |

1 Side A, Positions - 74, Segments - B18
0 Side B |
4 |

Star/Seed, Pomegranate, Fruit, Star
3 Side A, Positions - 79, 87, 97, Segments - A20, 25, 28
15 Side B, Positions - 1, 7, 12, 18, 25, 26, 28, 31, 37, 41, 48, 82, 90, 112, 115,
Segments - B1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 21, 23, 29, 30 |

Casket, Coffin Chest
1 Side A, Positions - 82, 105, 115, Segments - A24
3 Side B, Positions - 75, 80, 118 , Segments - B20, 21, 30 |

Roll Up, Baby, Rock wrapped as a baby
2 Side A, Positions - 81, 85, Segments - A20, 21
0 Side B |

Fingers, Dactyls, 5 Divine Curetes, Hand
1 Side A, Positions - 97, Segments - A24
4 Side B, Positions - 17, 36, 45, 47, Segments - B5, 10, 12, 12, 13 |

Stylized Pig, Sow
1 Side A, Positions - 98, Segments - A24
0 Side B |

Wave, Water, Aegean Sea
2 Side A, Positions - 102, 112 , Segments - A25, 28
4 Side B, Positions - 2, 27, 42, 113 , Segments - B1, 7, 11, 29 |

Father, Warrior, Dactyloi, Orion with the Pleiades hanging from the belt, Ares, Planet Mars
1 Side A, Positions - 106, Segments - A26
0 Side B |

Dog Scratching, Big Dog, Canis Major
1 Side A, Positions - 108, Segments - A27
0 Side B |

2 Side A, Positions - 109, 112, Segments - A27, 28
8 Side B, Positions - 6, 20, 39, 43, 46, 50, 62, 70 , Segments - B2, 5, 10, 11,12,13, 16, 18 |

Lion Roar
1 Side A, Positions - 110, Segments - A27
0 Side B |

palanquin, Temple
1 Side A, Positions - 116, Segments - A29
5 Side B, Positions - 22, 68, 69, 81, 102 , Segments - B6, 18, 18, 21, 26 |

Ivy, Heart of Dionysis
0 Side A, 2 Side B, Positions - 5, 34, Segments - B2, 9 |
Hoe, Scepter
0 Side A, 2 Side B, Positions - 8, 33, Segments - B3, 9 |

0 Side A, 1 Side B, Positions - 15, Segments - A4 |

Cave, Mystery, Hood of a Robe
0 Side A, 2 Side B, Positions - 16, 53, Segments - B4, 14 |

Plant, Olive Branch
0 Side A, 4 Side B, Positions - 19, 38, 49, 76, Segments - B5, 10, 13, 20 |

Gauge, Measuring Device, Fork, Horned Serpent
5 Side B, Positions - 21, 40, 86, 106, 117, Segments - B5, 10, 22, 27, 30 |

Shell, Trumpet
0 Side A, 2 Side B, Positions - 65, 99, Segments - B17, 24 |

Pitcher, Vase
0 Side A, 2 Side B, Positions - 67, 101, Segments - B18, 26 |

0 Side A
1 Side B, Positions - 84, Segments - B22 |

Axe, Labrys
0 Side A, 1 Side B, Positions - 91, Segments - B22 |
Pyramid, Equilateral, Triangle
0 Side A, 1 Side B, Positions - 96, Segments - B23 |
Young Man, Child, Mythical Creature
0 Side A
1 Side B, Positions - 107, Segments - B28 |
Page 1 - Antique Science of Containment
| Many Hidden Patterns
Page 2 - The Tablet
| Who Created It?
| How to Solve It
Page 3 - Constellation Argo - The Ferry
| Khufu Ship
| Rope Truss
Argo Sails Backwards for 2,300 Years!
Page 4 - North Star
| Enochian Language
Linear "A" for Argothic?
| Egyptian Influences
Page 5 - Great Pyramid Exterior
Page 6 - Pyramid Interior
| Pyramid Goddess
Archaeoastronomy Site
| Vault Technology
Page 7 - Minoan Warriors
Page 8 - Apex and Base
Minoan Symbols for Star and Constellation
Page 9 - Pyramid Geometry
Page 10 - Maze Solution
| Phi Spiral
Page 11 - Conclusion
| Unidentified Patterns
| Ships of the Sky
Page 12 - Minoan Calendars
| Minoan LuniSolar Calendar
Minoan Zodiac Stellar Calendar
| Minoan Sothic Calendar
Minoan 366-Day Year Calendar
Page 13 - Brilliant Lost World
Page 14 - Origins of the Phaistos Disk
| How Was it Made?
Page 15 - Evans Pictographs
Page 16 - Pictographs Numbered
| Entire Inscription
Page 17 - It's Full of Stars!
| Hoax Defense
| Infamous Letter
Wrong Motivation
| Conclusion
Page 18 - Galileo on Philosophy
| The Crater of the Whorl
Remembering the Whorl
| Planeism
|Tree of Life
The Arktype Astrology
| Waking Whorl and Dream Whorl
Page 19 - The Phaistos Disk
| Hidden Patterns
| Emerald Table
| As Above, So Below
| Planeism
Page 20 - Crete Invents Modern Astrology
sexagesimal System
| Phi Spiral
| Astronomical Ages
Birthing Stone of Zeus
| Watcher Unseen
Page 21 - Phaistos Disk Color Animations
Page 22 - Phaistos Disk Maze of Daedalus
Daedalus, Cunning Artificer
| Palace of Knossos
Daedalus Invents Images
Page 23 - Animated Geometry
Page 24 - Shield of Achilles
Page 25 - Great Pyramid on the Phaistos Disk
Page 26 - Constellation Argo Sail Backwards for 2,300 Years
Page 27 - North Star, Sirius, the Planets and Stars
Page 28 - 3,600 Year-Old Animation
Page 29 - Phaistos Disk Clay Pictographs
Page 30 - Emerald Table of Hermes Trismegistus
Copyright Notice - Disk of the World - Text and images copyrighted March 21, 1993-2023,
Claire Grace Watson, B.A., M.S.T., U.S. Copyright and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, All rights reserved.