Disk of the World
Unpacking and publishing the Phaistos Disk since 1993
Wings of Isis
"Masters of the Domain of Time
Divine Regents of Heaven, Initiates of Life Eternal"


Book outline ideas

Here's where I left off. Added everything in. Now go back and write the book, looking up a couple of definitions and check out ephermis material somehow on the net perhaps.

Start on Chapter 3 and write the story using what's there and in the order that is given by the Meaning of the Pictographs page. Just write it, bringing it all together. Add in the material below.

Connection to Isis just a deepening of the life giving energy that already sustains us and keeps us alive, well and happy

Their basis of mythology was anchored in the Osirian groups in Egypt, who especially worshipped him, Horus and goddess Isis. That's why the pyramid is portrayed on the disk.

I finished integrating the reference books into the text, converging everything together, putting the images in sort of near where they belong, made web pages out of iFP chaps 2 and 3, plus chapters from the Golden Bough. Intended to start by introduction, then the entire myth, maybe including plutarch quotes in this sections, making a game of it, showing all the pictographs and asking, at certain intervals, for the reader to decide which pictograph goes with which quote. When they go onto those pages, there's all the info

Intro about the chakras and egyptians, etc, then tell the complete myth, interviewing all sources together and create a page with the images all lined up like in Find Osiris, but not repeated that way. Then, give the reader an opportunity to match the images with the story. They can click on the image and it takes them to that page, which starts with an image. They can see right away if they got it right. If not, they can not read the page and then go back and try again. Makes it a game. Book layout similar, but instead of clicking they just go to the page number associated with the image they chose. Each image page contains all the information about the image collected. At the end of each image page is the associated Sirian light key material. This way, there will be approx. 51 pages. 47 for the keys and 3 for introduction and myth story, title page, biblio page and index.


Egyptian Calendar
Goddess Isis
Myth of Osiris
Nature of Osiris
Ritual of Osiris

Add in:

Chronicle: The representation of an event or story; usually continuous historical acct of events arranged in order of time with analysis or interpretation

Astronomy and geometry were the laws of physics of the ancient world. The interpretation of these integrated sciences was classical astrology, which is said to have originated in Babylon, Chaldaea, and Egypt. Classical astrology was a widely accepted system of cosmogony in which the physical world and all its occupants and events were under the influence of the heavenly bodies, from which dominion there was no escape and to whom they looked for salvation and eternal life. This expresses our knowledge of the subject of classical astrology, as we understand it, but there is much more to these concepts than is handed down to us in history books. (In modern historical religions we have left off the part about the connection to the stars and planets but kept the part about God being "up there," to whom we look for salvation and eternal life. Don't know why people can't take the time to see where their beliefs come from and whether they are worth having.)

Much has been written up to this point regarding those subjects and particularly as they relate to the ancient civilizations mentioned above. In this book, we will be looking at the same parameters of those sciences, but from the never-before-studied perspective of the ancient Cretans of the Bronze Age world. In particular, we will be working with the most famous artifact from that era, the Phaistos Disk (pictured below.)

The Sirian System and Cosmogony, as Revealed by
the Phaistos Disk of Bronze Age Crete

By looking up into the dome of night, the Cretans derived from the starry heavens a system of correspondences, syncretism and beliefs in which the physical and spiritual nature of humanity mirrored that of the celestial inhabitants of the heavenly realms. Those inhabitants in particular they acknowledged to be Isis, Osiris, Typhon, Horus and Nephthys, the great gods and goddesses of the ancient Egyptian pantheon of divine souls. The Cretans recognized in the movement of the stars, and indeed in the stars themselves, the great powers of their theology, and they noted the star Sirius, the ruler of the heavens with the brilliant beings of light--the planets-- surrounding it. Opposing the Light and Life of Sirius was the realm of the kingdom of Darkness and Death, ruled first by the evil serpent Typhon, who we see is related to Draco, the constellation of the Dragon, and Tiamat (Draco), whom Marduk battles in old Babylon. Draco, Tiamat and Leviathan, the dragon of the sea, are early depictions of what became in Biblical times the serpent in the Garden of Evil. These are the powers of darkness; these are the evils inherent in the soul of Mankind...or so says this cosmology, according to its display on this disk artifact.

We worship this====stars We know the stars are not gods, but are they not as gods to us? They believed stars were their forebears and neighbors

In the Babylonian religion, a little piece of which is displayed on this disk, Earth is considered to be the battleground of Good and Evil, as Marduk and Tiamat struggle for human souls. We see this mirrored in a more civilized version in the conflict of good-doing Osiris and wicked Typhon, the gods of ancient Egypt and of the Cretans, apparently. Like Marduk, the supreme Babylonian god who vanquishes Tiamat and the forces of chaos, Osiris eventually triumphs over Typhon and comes to reign in his stead in the realms of the underworld. Osiris displaces Typhon so that the dead become the living once again, either recycled via reincarnation back onto this planet or either passed into eternal life through the portals of Amenti and into the dawn of Sirius. This teaches us that, though the battle wages on for the souls, the outcome is already determined and the victors reign as immortals. In Christianity of modern times, we are taught that the final outcome or fate of the world is known and that only the battle remains for the souls.

Although Typon first rules the underworld realms of Darkness, his plan to murder his brother Osiris eventually backfires when Osiris becomes ruler of the underworld and becomes the Power over all that is capable of transfiguring a soul from death unto rebirth. This myth, in which one brother murders another, was no doubt gifted to Chrisitianity in the story of Cain and Abel. When we realize that all references to Osiris are references as well to the star Sirius, the myth takes on a cosmological meaning vast in circumference, stretching from the Bible story to the far reaches of distant space and encompassing everything in between.

In the ancient world in which these myths originated, and to which we must return if we are to gain insight into the myth as displayed on the Phaistos Disk, the serpent roamed the holy realms of the god and was a divinity itself, serving a purpose though miserable by our estimation. Without the good god to guide us, we could all become as serpents - as Typhons - roaming the land of the gods and bringing the chaos inherent in the typhoon of the misconception and dispair associated with greed and hunger for power. This is the danger the Phaistos Disk warns against by its pictographic display of this ancient Egyptian myth. Fortunately, as the disk tells us, reigning high above all this earthly and celestial drama of good and evil is the great star Sirius and its son, Sirius B or Horus-in-the-Duat, which both the Egyptians and the Cretans knew about, apparently. In fact, the Phaistos Disk portrays this knowledge of Sirius B in a very dramatic way.

But Sirius itself is more than mere star; it is an Aeon, a divine being in its divine realm. The star is Isis and Osiris and it also is the divine realm of the gods, who are themselves vast and divine. Within them one can live and continue to learn, even after death. Below the sphere of the divine star revolve the seven rulers, the planets. From our planet, the planet of the mortals, is given only that we should find a way to somehow come closer to the star Sirius, to admire it and to worship it, as is given us mortals to do. To accomplish this, as we shall see on the Phaistos Disk, we must build a great pyramid so we may sit at the top of the world and worship our great progenators, Isis and Osiris, and get a bit closer to them and their heavenly realms. As we admire Sirius from the vantage point of our pyramid, we also see the constellation Argo, the boat of Osiris that sails across the night skies and across the surface of the Phaistos Disk. This disk displays the Cretan version of this ancient myth and displays a system of classical astrology that owes large parts of itself to the prevailing religions of Egypt and of Sumer in Mesopotamia. Your eyes are some of the first to ever behold its secrets!

Phaists Disk Side 1Phaistos Disk Side 2

The Phaistos Disk is a small, two-sided terracotta disk, excavated in 1908 in Phaistos, Crete. The disk, through its use of pictographs to tell a story and its use of geometry to describe the properties of a sphere, is an ancient representative of angels and angles and their correspondences. The idea that angels and angles are related is belief expressed even earlier by the Egyptians, who conceived of God as 'Light, Great Creator,' while in our modern times our angels are winged and live in churches, and our angles are geometries taught in schools. The theology and the science are now distinctly separate. But geometry was once held to be sacred, and the priests kept the secrets of the angles as well as those of the angels. On this Cretan artifact we see angels and angles bounded by a circle and alchemically mixed in a whorl. Spinning round and round they take human form, and perhaps this stands as the old definition of what it means to be human, what it means to be a mixture of spirit and matter all at the same time and bounded by a universe we can never comprehend. This is consistent with Bronze Age spiritual beliefs regarding life as being alchemically bounded and contained either by the circle or the triangle. Thus, the study of god and the universe, in the Mediterranean world, originally involved the study of geometry, and this we can term 'applied religion' or 'living astronomy.'

The Phaistos Disk is dated about 1600 BCE. It has remained a mystery since its excavation because it represents the profound concepts of a long-lost religion. That archaic religion, the remaining parts of it known to us now as Hermeticism, recognized other correspondences as well, such as the relationship of the night skies of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres to the right and left sides of the brain (two sides of the disk). It recognized correspondences between the spiraling path of star Sirius through the constellations and the spiraling descent of divine starlight from that star (spirals on the disk). It saw a correspondence in the return of the physical body to ashes and dirt and in the return of the living soul to its Source in the realms of the star, where there is an eternal dawning of life and love within the realms of Isis, Osiris and Horus (pictographs on the disk). And these relationships or correspondences can be represented, according to this theology and according to this disk artifact, by geometry. The entire universe, in fact, and not just its drama, is represented by geometry!

The properties of a circle and the geometry of a sphere as studied in astronomy come under the antique study of 'containment of geometrical arrangements.' This concept of containment was considered by these early Hermeticists to be a sacred concept. To the ancient geometers, containment was sacred because Light, Great Creator created circles and spheres, triangles and quadrilaterals, all geometrical forms intending to bring us to knowledge of the Creator, and this intent or level of consciousness is defined herein as angelic. This intent to impart knowledge is enlightenment; this enlightenment is ascension or resurrection into the original Light of Great Creator. And for this light of enlightenment, the ancient priests and priestesses and their initiates gave all thanks and glory to the star Sirius, which they percieved to be a bright and shining god and goddess who would, in their divine love and wisdom, lead us onto a personal path to the star and to permanent immortality and not just the fading immortality that worldly fame can bring. Why embrace the worldly, therefore, when the Star awaits us?

Thus, the circular Phaistos Disk represents a sacred configuration and reflects that world-view of the beings who created it. It is a symbol of it. The two sides, placed together and connected at the matching line segments, form the symbol for infinity, a horizontal figure 8. The disk holds so much information for us that it becomes like a university that we can attend, especially when we realize that this disk preceeds both Pythagorus and Euclid by at least 1000 years. Contained on the disk are concepts that informed those two great thinkers and others like them through the ages and that granted them worldly immortality. But the disk also has permanent immortality to impart when studied under the guidance of Light, Great Creator - whose disk this is!

ADD THIS IN - parts of it

Phaistos disk is probably layered with silica and then baked in a sove, made for pottery but because its made this way it appeasr to be young, but it's not, its authentically old. remember, Cretans made cermaic tile; join in to hel pus locate and name all the designs; draw correspondences to Sothic facts; Heaven in the stars and conjectures about what's up there; Book of the dead is The Coming Forth into Day; diety of star, same connotation; constellation names originated in Crete, many did; ephemeral axis material; linear view of the signs like in F.O.; try some graphs to see any harmonies and use their work as a springboard for deeper meditation/development; Why does this simplistic system work? We know the gods are not the stars in the sky, but are not the stars like gods to us? This is the central and elemental belief system for the star worshippers; The precession of star Sirius, Ephemeris tells us for any time what constellation each planet is in. Astrology is interpreted astronomy; how to stimulate certain largely unknown and barely used neurosecretory cells (the valve) opening the way to the ordinarily latent human regenerative process; doubles the body of knowlecdge we have about Crete; we get constellatons by connecting the dots; I think just about everyone feels a relationship to ancient Egypt, but not everyone makes a religion out of it. ; I want to help reconnnect the reader to the times and the feelings had by the people there who were resurrected into the LIght of the Divine Realms of Sirius; Sothism is as much a science as it is a religion, but we don't have to believe in it for it to work; we only have to practice it and that's the key to the power of the human regeneration process, what we call in the New Age, ascension/resurrection into new life; Sothists= believers in ultimate godhood by and through interaction with life; something in betwee religion and reality lies in the transcendent - mythology; make it a living myth and this brings it to life; invisible college = where students were given the opportunity to learn without the burden of theological restraints; apotheosis= elevation to divine status; archaeoastronomy = the study of the astronomy of ancient cultures (since 1971), disk is an early constellation map; has 2 parts, north and south hemispheres;


Human Brain Embeddedness of the Sirian Light Keys

Human brain embeddedness of starlight, showing the development of the brain of an enlightened human being, according to the theology of the ancient Egyptians and Cretans of about 1600 BCE.
(From The Lion Path: A Manual of the Short Path to Regeneration of our Times, Golde Sceptre Publishing, 1984, Musaios)

Sirius SystemAccording to the religion represented by the disk, the starlight comes down to us from Sirius and other constellations in spiraling waves like DNA spirals that travel as geometrical packets of divine light and that bring us regeneration and immortality. (Activating the hypothalamus, get definition of this word and expound on it a bit, ref. the higher lightbeing in the brain)

We can learn much about the ancient world and its spiritual beliefs by closely studying this archeological artifact because it represents not only the Cretans' ideas regarding living astronomy but also the spiritual ideas of the ancient worlds of Babylon, Egypt and Sumer. And from another concurrent, ancient civilization we can gain information about how we, as humans, assimilate the starlight into our human bodies for purposes of enlightenment and enhanced enjoyment of physical life.

This image (left) from the Indus Valley is 400 years older than the Bronze Age Phaistos Disk. It portrays the Indian concept of the invisible chakra system that is the subatomic particle operating system of the human body. Of the chakra system and its spinning wheels of energy-light shown by these images, the writer Joseph Campbell says, "You won't find it on the operating table." (Transformations of Myths Through Time

The next image (above, right) is a color version of a 20th century image by Manly P. Hall. It depicts this author's experience of yellow light entering her head at night. As to the physical experience of this light as it enters the top of the head, we have an account from the detective novelist Philip Dick, who said that God fired a beam of pink light at his head. He described it as having his own mind entered by a transcendent, rational mind and that it was as though he had been insane all his life and now was become sane. He described the light as an artificial intelligence, something not of himself. These experiences involving the light would possibly be interpreted by the ancients as incoming starlight.

In mysticism of the Middle Ages to the present, the light has been described as too bright to behold and also as a bright white light that goes "Bang!" in the biofield. In Christianity, we are familiar with the conversion of St. Paul, who had his own experience with the light and we know through song of those who have seen the light. In New Age literature, we know of being embraced by the light, and we have popular books by writers like Deepak Chopra that teach us about the chakra system and about what it means to us. These are all varied and interesting accounts of the enlightenment experience as well the spiritual technology regarding it, and all these accounts could conceivably be interpreted as personal interactions with starlight. The Phaistos Disk is a Bronze Age account of how enlightenment via light or via starlight occurs, according to ancient concepts regarding the universe and how it operates to bring us to immortality. But why Sirius, especially, as the origin or source of enlightenment?

A modern depiction of the chakra system at work collecting the light.


Sirius, a blue-white star 34 times brighter than our sun, with 8 times the mass, is 8.8 light years or 2.7 parsecs away in Canis Major. It is traveling at unbelievable speeds and heading straight for us. If any star in the sky is our destiny, it is Sirius. It has two dwarf stars as companions, Sirius B (Horus) and Sirius C. The image, left, shows Sirius B. In 1718, the astronomer Edmund Halley compared the position of Sirius with the position of background stars in the same field of view over time and discovered that it had moved. Beginning in 1834, the mathematician Friedrich Besel measured the exact position of Sirius night after night and discovered that Sirius does not travel in a straight line; it wobbles. He surmised that the wobble was caused by an invisible companion, Sirius B, orbiting around the star once every 50 years. The companion is a white dwarf star, a 'dead' star, as the astronomers say. Our sun will become a 'dead' star 5 billion years from now. As we look at Sirius, we are looking at the future of our own solar system. And everything that ever happened in and around that star is contained within the light that escapes from it, bringing us the knowledge of the creation of the universe. Contained within its light is that knowledge and those values of birth and creation.

To find Sirius, first find the North Star, Polaris which is directly north. Then, turn full around 180 degrees to face the south. Looking up you cannot miss Orion. It is a big constellation, made up of bright stars of different colors. Identifying Orion is found by looking for three similar stars in a row which is Orion's belt. Follow the line of Orion's belt to the left to find the bright glow of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius is one of the closer stars, a little over 8 light years away. Our Sun is 8 light minutes away. This makes Sirius a half a million times farther than our home star. At magnitude -1.5, Sirius is often mistaken for a planet, but is rather a blue-white main sequence star. Its surface temperature of over 10,000 K, its luminosity 22 times that of the Sun and its distance of only 8.6 light years from Earth combine to secure its place as the brightest star.

From the Second Shrine of Tut-ankh-amunThe Phaistos Disk represents starlight traveling in a spiral as it leaves the star Sirius. Presumably, one can follow that spiral back to its source if one has received and assimilated its light. The star appears to travel in a spiral through the constellations. Its predictable spiral movement was used to record the passage of time as a Sothic Calendar, an ancient Egyptian calendar. Within the spirals on the disk are pictured divine beings of light moving in streams that contain them collectively as a pantheon of gods and their divine properties. In this Bronze Age representation, the pictographs mirror, in an 'as above, so below' (macrocosm--microcosm) relationship, the movement of the star as it passes through the constellations and the movement of the starlight before arriving on the planet. Upon arrival, its light enters the minds of the Elect, the priests and priestesses of Isis and Osiris who anticipated the arrival of the Light and who elect to receive it, their intent being the key that opens the inner portals to that reception of it. (Right, from the Second Shrine of Tut-ankh-amun. Above the Horus/Osiris falcon can be seen the walking sign, showing that Horus/Osiris flew a distance to bring the regenerative starlight to the Elect.)

They expected to receive this regenerative energy in the personification of the god-king Osiris, shown above as the falcon. Osiris is the One who brings enlightenment, regeneration and, ultimately, afterlife resurrection into his realms and the realms of his wife Isis. Just as she prepared a reception and a feast for the arrival of Osiris, so does she do the same for Elect. Forever more will the Perfect reside in the Dawn of the light of Sirius, rejoicing and awaiting the arrival of more of the Elect, they who teach the arts of civilization (proper respect for the gods, the sharing out of knowledge and wisdom, and the study and understanding of star lore). This is the world from which this disk comes to us and this is the world to which we must return if we are to understand it. But let us remember that the star still shines, it still passes in a spiral fashion through the constellations and it still delivers to us, the Elect who want to receive it, the regenerative properties of the eternal light of enlightenment.

Papyrus of Amon-M-SutPapyrus of Ta-Shed Khonsu

Above, left: Papyrus of Amon-M-Sut; Above, right: Papyrus of Ta-Shed Khonsu

Left, Horus bridges the Limit or barrier to the higher realms to dispense the starlight to the newly deceased. Right, having received a quotient of light, the deceased is regenerated, the barrier to the higher realms removed.
(Go back give credit to Musaios for the two Horus/limit images. They are on p. 45 and 47)

The Regenerative Properties of Starlight

According to this ancient theology of Hermeticism, when starlight enlightens the individual, the human being ceases to exist and becomes a divine person. Enlightenment regarding the purpose for existence is regenerative in itself and is the path to immortality. The word immortality invokes several meanings, all of them quite different. Individual earth-self immortality is not a given but is instead something that is accomplished just like everything else in life. On the earth plane we are certain of very few things but one of those things is this; we will die. This is horrendous to many people, who perceive death as an ending, rather than an opportunity for a new beginning. Refusing to face the simple fact of death, we long for physical immortality without any real understanding of what it amounts to.

Immortality, as the Egyptians referred to it, means engaging the Ba, the earth-self, in a merger with the immortal overself and spirit-soul, the Ka. The ba was a psychic force...Then it became the possessor of imperishable powers...("The God and Symbols of Ancient Egypt," Manfred Lurker, Thames and Hudson, publishers, 1974, p31). The ka was born with a person. Many representations show the god Khnum fashioning the child and its ka on a potters wheel. The ka accompanied a person like a kind of double, but when the person died the ka lived on. 'To go to one's ka' meant 'to die', since the ka then left its mortal house and returned to its divine origin. ("The God and Symbols of Ancient Egypt," Manfred Lurker, Thames and Hudson, publishers, 1974, p73).

BaIn Egyptian-Cretan terminologies, the Ka-Ba, then, is the collective Being (Ka-Ba-La) who continues on after death in a vehicle called the Mer-Ka-Ba, Mer meaning "place of ascending." Tomb paintings and papyri of the New Kingdom show the ba in bird-form hovering above the mummy of the deceased. ("The God and Symbols of Ancient Egypt," Manfred Lurker, Thames and Hudson, publishers, 1974, p31). Left, the ba of mummifed Ani hovers above while Nephthys and Isis in the form of hawks stand at either end.

In personal meaning, this moment, this now, is our Mer, our place of ascending. The Merkaba vehicle is comprised of beingness established by the earth-self, who intentionally united itself with the soul-self, the Ka. The beingness of the earth-self unites itself to the beingness of the soul self for purposes of achieving immortality. The merger begins as one begins to assimilate the starlight.

Page 1 - Where I Left Off | The Starlight Chronicles
     The Human Brain | The Star Sirius
     Regenerative Properties of Starlight
Page 2 - A Vague Remembrance | Weighing the Soul
Page 3 - Transcendent Reality | Being One with Nature
Page 4 - Creative Energy | Number Philosophy
     Meanings of the Pictographs

Copyright Notice - Disk of the World - Text and images copyrighted March 21, 1993-2025, Claire Grace Watson, B.A., M.S.T., U.S. Copyright and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, All rights reserved. No part of this web page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.