Disk of the World
Unpacking and publishing the Phaistos Disk since 1993
Color Healing System
The Goddess Sarasvati


Sarasvati is the Hindu Goddess of all art and learning. She is the patroness Goddess of all songs and music. She is beautiful and kind, and her deepest desires center around serving humanity. She gives us her chakra color healing system, brought through by her devotee, Claire Grace Watson. Her system parallels the vibrational attunement system of her consort Lord Ganesha, brought through by Sai Baba. Ganesha's system uses symbols while Sarasvati's relies on colors. Enjoy these images of Sarasvati, collected from sources on the Internet. They are beautiful and represent a Divine Collective Consciousness whom people fantasize as having physical characteristics.

Sarasvati's Healing System

Color heals. How it heals is still a mystery. It may heal by

1. Fine-tuning the vibrational frequencies of the body;
2. Focusing light on the body part in need of healing;
3. Enhancing the healing powers of prayer.

If we accept that we are energy fields vibrating at various levels of frequency and colors, then we can understand how color heals. The human body and all living things carry a frequency, expressing as color. The frequencies are:

1. Healthy human body - 62-78 hertz
2. Healthy brain functions - 78 hertz.

Various diseases show or reflect a corresponding drop in the head to toe frequency of the body:

1. Cold symptoms - frequency drop to approx. 58 hz;
2. Flu symptoms - frequency drop to approx. 57 hz;
3. Candida symptoms - frequency drop to approx. 55 hz;
4. Epstein Bar symptoms - frequency drop to approx. 52 hz;
5. Cancer symptoms - frequency drop to approx. 42 hz;
6. Death symptoms - frequency drop to approx. 25 hz.
(Opinions vary regarding the exact frequencies.)

Cancer, AIDS and other devastating frequency viruses are out-of-sync and spread rapidly, disrupting and dis-easing our system, producing symptoms such as tumors, lesions, sores, breathlessness, headache, etc. The symptoms are not the disease. The dis-ease is nonsynchronous frequency-vibrations. The disease and its symptoms can overwhelm the body. The organs can stop functioning and the body can cease to thrive and can die, leaving only the skeletal remains of a vibrant and colorful life frequency. Within each one of us is the ability to heal ourselves of disease with our own God/dess-given, life-force energy. We need to learn how to activate the energy within, how to make the energy wheels (chakras) spin and the healing energies flow.

The chakra system is our body's operating system at the subatomic level. Aligned down the center of our bodies are seven main chakra centers where frequencies-colors are generated. These centers are spinning wheels of atoms and chi energy, expressing as colors in our aura. At the energy field/molecular level, we look just like a person being molecularized and beamed aboard a starship! If we can see ourselves as energy fields of vibrating light, then we can see how disease is a part of our energy field. Disease is energy/light vibrating at an unhealthy frequency, causing the rest of our biofield to get off-frequency. By communicating with our bodies at this level, where the language of color energy is spoken, we can introduce color and get a healing result, no matter who we are or what our belief systems are.

Imagine you are being beamed aboard a starship. You feel sick, and in a mirror you see yourself as a vibrating field of beautiful blue particles, except for a few places vibrating as red particles. The red particles indicate areas of nonsynchronous frequency/vibrations. Left alone they will become dis-ease. On the starship, the medical technician adjusts your vibrational field frequency. As you watch, she uses blue light to phase out the red particles before they can spread and affect other areas.

Chakra Color Healing System, given by Divine Mother Sarasvati, does the same thing. It is a system of remote sympathetic transformation healing - a vibrational attunement and spiritual healing system. Comprised of 54 chakra color cards, the healing system is used to direct needed color-energy to parts of the body. On each color card is a chakra circle with a color for performing a healing in a specific area of the body. Through a conversion process involving color, light, energy and spirit, a healing spirit is generated and focused.

A healing card is easy to use. Meditate upon it. Place it on the 3rd eye chakra (between the eyebrows). Place it under the pillow at night, carry it during the day. Place food and drink on the card so the vibrations are consumed. Place medicine on the card before taking it. Place a cup of water on the card and then apply the water to external wounds and diseases. Work with the cards intuitively. The cards work in a miraculous way, and who could ever explain a miracle? Life itself is a miracle we simply accept.

BODY PARTS: Click the body part to view the card.

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Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Alimentary Canal
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Arm and Hand
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System

Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System

Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Body Tissues (all)
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Circulatory Syst.
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Endocrine System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Gall Bladder
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Immune System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati Chakra Color Healing
Leg & Foot
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Lymphatic System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Nervous System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Respiratory System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Throat and Tonsils
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Bone Marrow
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System

Whole Body


Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Alimentary Canal
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Arm and Hand
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System

Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System

Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Body Tissues (all)
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Circulatory Syst.
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Endocrine System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Gall Bladder
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Immune System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati Chakra Color Healing
Leg & Foot
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Lymphatic System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Nervous System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Respiratory System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Throat and Tonsils
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System
Bone Marrow
Sarasvati's Chakra Color Healing System

Whole Body


"That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the Lord's passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head and worshipped."

In the ancient days of the 1st through the 4th centuries CE, the word Egypt, in spiritual or esoteric circles, was deemed to symbolize "matter" or the "evil" material world. At that time, the physical world was conceived of, by early Common Era mystics, as being a great evil into which humanity had fallen. If this was true then all of the Bible is true because at the same time that the world was conceived of as evil, it was also conceived of as having been created by a vengeful, almost demonic god who cared not a whit for anyone except himself. This being true the Bible itself begins to ring true, for it is filled with tales of an Old Testament god who can't, for the life of himself, be nice to humans. Only if it amuses him will he intervene on our behalf and even then just to shake his thunder fist and scare the crapola out of everybody. Or give out mandates about offerings of gold and precious stones. Or set bushes ablaze or beam up the likes of Enoch and Seth. Now the point of all this is simply, God didn't do it. Whoever it was that was doing all of that stuff was not God and, of course, speculation abounds across the New Age as to who the perpetrators might have been.

One of the things that happened in the Old Testament has to do with God raining wriggling creatures and flying horrors upon members of His own human family, except for some of the family members who were favored by God and given a reprieve called Passover. This passover was enacted by god when he recognized the blood smeared on a door as being the blood of his special family members, the Jews. These people he passed over with his terrible abomination of killing innocent children.

What does it all mean? I don't know. Maybe it means that if you are favored by God, then while you are sojourning in Egypt or the material world, and while the bugs and viruses of the physical plane are striking dead or ill those materialistic people all around you, then you will be passed over if you are more spiritual than physical, or more strongly connected with spirit and thus more favored by god - if you are one of God's chosen people. Maybe that is what it means. I just know that since I've had close connections with my guides over the past 5 years, illness has passed over me completely, with the exception of one time when I got a chest cold. Time after time I knew I would "catch it" because "everyone around me has it," but no, I was passed over. I credit my passovers with my merger with my guides, who teach about chakra color healing and how to build an immune system by specific color input.

Maybe my immune system can't ward off the plagues of Egypt, but thankfully it doesn't have to. It does, however, do a great job of defending me against chest colds, flu, stomach viruses, fevers and runny noses. For more information see my gift from the Goddess Sarasvati - her Chakra Color Healing system.

Thanks be to the Lord. Amen Thanks be to God/dess.

Who is Sarasvati? | Color Healing | Body Parts | Chakra Cards | Ultraviolet Spectrum Chakra Cards | Passover Me Today

Claire Grace Watson
Copyright Notice - Disk of the World - Text and images copyrighted March 21, 1993-2025, Claire Grace Watson, B.A., M.S.T., U.S. Copyright and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, All rights reserved. No part of this web page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.