Many are called by the inner call but few are chosen. Not everyone called acknowledges hearing the voice within and neither do they heed it. What about modern psychiatry and the damage it has done to our understanding of what the Roman Catholic church calls the inner call? Thankfully, we have the great mystical traditions of Hermeticism and Theosophy to balance the misconceptions distributed abroad by psychology and psychiatry. And as Carl Jung said to his detractors, "What I am saying is, the psyche is real!" So, with that in mind, do you hear the voice of your psyche calling your name?
In modern New Age terminology, we have the inner call manifesting in the individual life of a person as channeling capabilities - the ability to speak and write "allogeneous books" (books from God). Via this path of gaining information or Gnosis, many realities become known that cannot be known by any other path or access. Invisible teachers appear and give guidance and they extend themselves to the person with whom they merge or guide.
The focus of this book is on going within to access information normally available in outer sources; going within to access information not normally available at all; going within to attempt to contact spirit guides; going within to access guardian angels and other spiritual beings of light; and going within to contact the Higher Self of the Inner Genius.
First, we travel so far back in time that "herstory" is completely forgotten, to a time when history was not even born, to a time when Earth Mother took a deep breath and called forth goddesses to fill the void.
In the beginning was the Earth Mother called Cybele. All of the plants and animals of the Earth worship Her and do Her bidding, for She knows the source of Love. With Love She moves the stars and planets around Her. With Love She bids her plants wither and die, then grow and bloom. The Earth Mother tames wild beasts with the wink of an eye and guides the seas to the shore with the brightness of Her face.
Pregnant with Time and Light, the Earth Mother gave birth to a daughter, the Great Mother Theia, whose bright eyes sparkle. Theia in turn gave birth to twin daughters. One is called Eos, Light of the Sun, and the other is called Selene, Light of the Moon. Eos loves to play in her garden, and there she grows every plant known and unknown. When she cries that even the smallest plant must wither and die, her Grandmother Cybele tells her the meaning in life -- that only through death can a thing be reborn, and that only through rebirth can consciousness spread and grow. The Grandmother tells her grandchild, "Your purpose in life is to aid in the spread of loving consciousness. For this, you must pass through many lifetimes, many cycles. And, to pass through many lifetimes you must perforce die and be reborn. This yourself you must do, and even for the smallest flower, even for the smallest bug, this is the Calling. Follow it, as you always follow your heart in matters of love. This is my beautiful child."
Selene loves to lie in the cool grass of the evening and gaze at the twinkling stars in the heavens. When she cries because the stars and planets will not move, her Grandmother Cybele shows her that love, and only love, can move the universe. The Grandmother tells her, "Let there be no tears for me or my world, for I am Knowledge above all. You must see me as I am, a beautiful being of bright light, love, and peace, for I am your Grandmother in heart and in Spirit, for I am your Mother in life and in love. For me you will die and be reborn and I will resurrect you until the end, when we will ride away into a new world to spread our message of peace and love."
Eos and Selene are each fulfilled by their new knowledge and are not afraid to love living things. Eos rides her horses from dawn to dusk, and Selene rides hers from dusk until dawn. Together, they spread the knowledge taught them by their Grandmother Cybele, and together they go from day to day and from night to night with all understanding of life and love, and what it means to be free.
When the Earth Mother saw that Her Light was full shining, She gave life to her daughter, the Great Mother Rhea, who saw well her purpose; to give birth to three daughters, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia. Demeter loves Eos and cares for her garden so that Eos may ride her horses all day. Demeter sees that each plant is nourished and that food is grown sufficient to feed all the people that are being born on the planet, mirroring the reign of the Goddesses. They are people who are hungry and who need to be nourished like the plants, and they are given nourishment for their sustenance, their well-being, and their caring natures. They learn by imitation how to be free and loving, and so they desire no more than this.
But there are those among the people who begin to grow weary of the caring nature of those around them, and they seek for more. They search for the excitement of strife and they find it among themselves. They settle together and build themselves a nation of concern and worry, for they are not within the boundaries of the Goddesses any longer, but have set themselves apart as they are want to do and are free to do. Empowered by the Great Earth Mother, they are making for themselves a god of all they detest. They create for themselves new gods and they build themselves a Tower of Babel, a language barrier where no longer the vision holds true and where the people are feeling very sorry for themselves as a result of it. They pray to their gods for relief and the gods answer their prayers and try to protect them. Demeter cannot understand any of this but she continues to shower the people with all her givingness and her charity. She feels sad to be rebuked by some of the beings on the planet who cherish not her gifts. Demeter turns for solace to the garden of Eos, the garden of Eden it is called. She replenishes the soil with nutrients by her touch, and the grain and the seed grow too well in her presence. Eos shines her light on the garden, and its warmth suits Demeter well.
One day, Demeter found some snakes in the garden and she shooed them away, for they bade her to talk with them, but she would not. She told them, "Snakes do not need to talk, for you are born to wander, and where is the wisdom in being a wandering womans-talker? I tell you, depart my presence and be of one with yourself. This garden is for beauty and peace, while you are not for these things. Be gone, therefore, and stay away from me and Eos and our garden." She shooed the snakes away but they became esconced in the gardens of the unhappy worried people on the planet, who know not how to make them leave. There they live until this very time, but soon will they leave for they are not of the same ilk as the beings of the planet, who cherish them not. Soon, they will be called from their hole-homes by the Irish Caller and they will depart this plane of existence.
Demeter, in her turn, gave birth to the beautiful Kore, who served her mother well. Kore cared for the seed corn and saw that it was not ground. "The seed corn must not be ground," Demeter told Kore, "not of the corn which we are planting, nor of the seed of the people -- their own babies and kin. Do not allow them to destroy their own children by their lack of loving them. Show them the path to love and how to cherish their own kind. Show them the children must not be ground under the plows of the very civilizations they grow. Teach them, Kore, of these meanings and let them live their lives happy and free."
Kore cared for the seed corn and saw that it was planted and germinated each new season. She focused her light and love on this, giving all to it and desiring nothing more than the return of the beautiful corn. She prepared to teach the people not to grind their children into dust, but one night, as she was departing her garden of love and light, she was stolen away by the dark God of the Underworld, that demon born from the worried imaginations of the unhappy people. She was taken away by him while no one was looking, and she cannot fulfill her purpose of guarding the children. Instead she must focus herself on this lesser goal.
Her captor's name is Hades and he reigns beneath the earth in the planetary recesses of the old mines of the gods, those places said to be inhabited by dark ones, places made of fire and suffering. They are not anything more than the demented wishes of the uncaring, guilty people on the planet. But by their powers of imaginations, gifted them by the Earth Mother, the people devise for themselves these creatures of guilt and woe, who are themselves trapped within the consciousness basins of the suffering people who create them. Nevertheless, these gods exist and are empowered. And they steal from us our beauty, light, and wisdom. And this is what it means when Kore is taken by Hades to the underworld recesses of our planet. Kore rules with Hades in the dreadful underworld of our worst imaginations, and her wisdom is lost to the Earth. She remains in that plane of reality where she feels she can do the most good by educating Hades as to his own miserable existence. She is working hard at it, now, working to liberate this being from his prison.
Hera, Demeter's sister and daughter of Rhea, cherishes the birth of each new child and cries with each mother who feels the pain of childbirth. Even those who do not know it are accompanied by Hera at childbirth. She is loving and good and not at all despised by Zeus, who exists to worship her. But yet the Greeks portray her one way, as is their way. But not to be concerned at all about that, for Hera is more than just a Goddess, she is an ideal and therefore eternal. Hera felt such empathy for the mother's pain at childbirth that, one day, she gave birth to Ilithyia, the midwife who spends all her life lessening the pain of childbirth and helping each baby find its mother. Without Ilithyia, a woman can not bear the terrible pain of birth, because it is Ilithyia who enters the birth canal of each newborn daughter and numbs the nerve endings in the canal so that childbirth is at least bearable. But with this compassionate action, she desensitizes the woman to the ecstacy of natural intercourse with a man. And when Ilithyia returns after the childbearing years, when the woman can no longer give birth and will not have to tolerate the pain of childbirth, she regenerates the growth of the nerve endings, and natural intercourse becomes more satisfying for the woman.
The third daughter of Rhea is Hestia, who found fire and brought it to the people. Hestia built a hearth to hold fire and then she placed it in a forge. She learned to turn dirt from Demeter's garden into copper charms to adorn the body of her Grandmother Cybele. Hestia loved to work at her forge; she became an artisan and never gave birth. This she trusted Hera and Demeter to do. Before Hestia the people had only themselves to find fire, but with Hestia came the ability to create fire from the earth and also the ability to create objects from fire. With Hestia came the ability to make many things by using fire. And with Hestia came the propensity of the sad ones, the uncaring, unhappy people, to abuse fire and misuse it for purposes of causing sadness and pain. With fire came the people's ability to choose which life they want to live, one of sustenance and warmth or one of sickness, sorrow, and pain.
The Earth Mother Cybele observed the work of Her Goddesses and decided to give birth to more, for she felt the people's call to her for assistance in their lives. And, as the people's needs develop, she begins to give birth to new kinds of Goddesses, ones who can serve the people well. And, in truth, Cybele loved her children and wished for more. Love was with her, and now she gave life to the Great Mother Phoebe, who repaid her in kind with her twin daughters, the Great Mothers Leto and Asteria. Leto came first.
Leto loves the water and swims whenever she can. It is her joy in life. When she was a child she swam even more often, and one warm afternoon she swam across the water to a floating island. Just as she arrived she felt the pains of birth, and though she searched for a midwife and called for Ilithyia, there was no response and no one could be found on the island who could help her. For long hours she suffered the pains of birth and she wished often for the help of Ilithyia, the goddess midwife. After some time, Leto gave birth to Artemis, a healthy, strong daughter.
Artemis grew and prospered on the floating island, choosing to stay in the land where she was born. She runs with the wild beats in the forests. She sleeps with a white doe and is guarded by her loyal dog. When hunters come to her forest to kill the white deer, she learns to shoot the bow and arrow to protect her cherished animals. She shot well the bow, but when her arm was restricted by her right breast, she cut the breast off so that her aim improved and she might wound rather than kill those who slaughter her animal friends. Because she keeps so busy guarding the forest, she has no daughters. Artemis grew to become a goddess of the Greeks, the one they begged for when war developed and when they needed the guidance of a goddess huntress, one who would protect them as she protected her animals. She was much loved by the Greeks, who worshipped her daily and made statues of her for viewing.
The Great Mother Phoebe's light shone bright and she gave birth to Leto's sister and Artemis' aunt, Asteria, a bright light who gave life to her own daughter, Hecate. When Hecate was born, she loved her cousin Selene the best. Hecate and Selene, Light of the Moon, run with the hounds and guard the innocent animals of the forest from hunters. Like Artemis, Hecate's closest cousin, she punishes all who murder the forest animals. While Artemis shoots them with bow and arrow, Hecate sends her dogs to tear at their heels and chase them away. Hecate swore vengence on Hades, who stole Kore away to the underworld. Hecate vows to restore Kore to her beauty and glory and to prevent Hades from further usurping her beauty and power. Hades denies Hecate access to Kore, but Kore knows the world awaits her return.
The Earth Mother Cybele loves to remember her daughters as little girls and to tell of all the childish things they did. On remembrance, love welled up within her and she gave life to the Great Mother Mnemosyne, who was so filled with joy of life that she gave birth to nine daughters, the Muses, each one as happy as her mother. Clio loves to tell stories of days gone by. Thalia laughs out loud and always has a smile on her face. Terpsichore loves dance and lyrical poetry. Erato speaks often of love and sets it to poetry. Polyhymnia meditates often and mimes. Urania loves the stars and the planets. She fashioned a globe and compass. Calliope dresses eloquently and speaks highly of others in epic poetry. She fashioned stylus and tablets. Melpomene is mischievous and plays tricks on others. She wears a tragic mask. Euterpe loves music and plays the flute. The Muses inspire the people to greater poetic heights than ever before and, without them, little would be done on the planet in art, poetry, and music. The Earth Mother sees this is good and continues to create them, over and over, each with a new demeanor and purpose to help fulfill the artistic desires of her people. She is loving and well-guided to give us Muses to help us achieve our artistic fulfillment.
The Earth Mother Cybele looked about Her and admired the beauty of Her land. Her plants grow soft beneath Her feet and Her animals frolick about Her. Her people prosper. A time came when the planet rested and restored itself to love and peace. But that time soon passed, and a cry came up from Her land for justice, because without justice there is chaos and suffering. In answer to her people's cry, the Earth Mother gave birth to a daughter, Themis, who was born to protect the just and punish the guilty. Themis was wise above all others and spoke freely to her Mother. Themis told Cybele, "The guilty will punish themselves, for they will send themselves to Hades, where Kore will restore them, in time. What I prefer to do is to reward the innocent and guard the righteous." Because of Themis, the people can assemble and speak together and makes laws. Themis is blessed and can tell us of future times by coming to us through the dreams of others. That is how she guides us.
When Themis saw what justice required, she gave birth to three daughters. The first, Eunomia, sees that the laws are made and observed. The second, Dike, sees that the just are rewarded and the guilty fulfilled. The third daughter, Irene, is caretaker of the peace and urges all to be mindful of others. Of the three daughters of Themis, only Dike had a daughter, Nemesis. Dike had learned that only the just had a sense of fairness, and she is greatly pained to see the abuse of the fair. From this pain was born Nemesis, whose purpose it is to maintain order and avenge wrong. Nothing angers Nemesis more than thieves and liars. For these, she has no love, and though it is not to be, she struggles to show mercy to these criminals. More often than she wishes, she brings down her sword of bronze on the neck of a thrice-caught thief. When her sword of bronze lands upon the neck of the thief, she feels the power of the righteous and she also feels the shame of the thief.
The Earth Mother was full of knowledge. Her people were many and would need many leaders. Now was the time right to bring to life those destined to rule. Cybele gave birth to the Great Mother Tethys, so that she might bring into the world her daughters Electra, Metis, Dione, and Amphitrite. Metis brought forth her daughter, the Great Queen Athene, who protects the townships and goes forth into battle to repulse the enemy. Athene rides her chariot into battle carrying only a bronze shield and spear. She hurls her chariot against all who oppose her and crushes them beneath the wheels. All who fight her fear her. When the Great Queen is not fighting or taming horses or making chariots, she is weaving cloth and practicing embroidery. She also mixes potions for health and she practices healthy living.
Dione gave birth to the Great Queen Aphrodite, who fights with her regiments at the side of Athene. Though Aphrodite rules as sister queen to Athene and fights victoriously at her side, the battlefield is not where she longs to be. Fighting is not her nature, for she loves the beauty of a quiet afternoon beside a cool stream. She gave birth to Harmonia, who prefers the home to the battlefield. Harmonia in turn gave birth to four Great Queens, Semele, Ino, Autonoe, and Agave.
Amphrite, daughter of Tethys, who lives on the seashore and gathers fish from the sea, gave birth to the Great Queen Rhode, who learned to sail and founded an island of her own. She calls her island Rhodes, and there she lives and rules and fights. In her time she gave birth to Electryone, the mother of the Great Queen Alcmene, woman of might. Amphitrite's second daughter Benthesicyme led a group of elite Amazon warriors to conquer and settle in Ethiopia.
Electryone brought forth the Great Mother who held within her body all the colors of the rainbow, and more. She gave birth to three Great Queens, Podarge, Aello, and Ocypete. In time, the world was blessed with the birth of the Great Queen Medusa, Queen of the Gorgons, and valiant above all others. She was murdered by the brutal Perseus, who invaded her island for such purposes. Born also was the Great Queen Lamia, Queen of Libya and daughter of the Great Queen Scylla. Into the world was also born Hypermnestra, traitoress mother of Hercules who, reared on his mother's jealousy of other women, vowed to destroy the reign of the great Matriarchs. Also, many others were born swearing allegiance to the vengeful fathers Zeus and Jupiter and other lesser sky-gods of practiced brutality who martyr their fathers for profit. These are the beings created by the unhappy, worried people in their anger, hate, and jealousy.
Only the goddesses have the power to turn the gods toward their divinity and only the goddesses determine when that moment will come -- it will come when the gods desire it, for the Great Earth Mother Cybele has granted us all freedom of choice. When the sky-gods have revealed their divinity to their makers -- the anxious and worried people -- then the people will be turned to face their goddesses, who long for this moment. Then, Earth Mother and Sky Father will be wed, and the people will be resurrected by the Great Earth Mother, who promised us this.
Yet, the Earth Mother thinks not of these things, for She is of the mind to bring Light and Love to a world, and this She has done here in this place. She rests on her knowledge that all is now well with the Earth and that Order and Beauty reign above all. Thus, the Earth Mother sleeps and will awaken when finally She feels, once again, the pressure of the void.
If life is a system, does that mean it's mechanical? No, indeed. It means it's pre-designed
to work a certain way, and that particular way is discoverable. So instead of running the system,
we could be on the path of discovery of how the system is designed to work. The Divine Plan is
very mysterious. It makes us explorers and engineers.
What if life is neither a system nor a discoverable path? Well, then, life is systemless and
so we would be the participants in a divine plan that is always potentially immanent. In that case
we are the co-creators of a systemless system, and so we can co-create life in such a way that it
has inherent meaning. That would make us co-creators of life systems - WithGod, in other words.
So, being WithGod, what would be the first executive decision in this instance? To make the
system manageable. So that is who we are and what we do. We are WithGod, involved in life
energy management. The Oneness of life is miraculous.
Inner Voice of St. Germain.
We live on this planet under certain conditions, and those conditions are these. Where life
is a system, we are part of the system. As part of the system, we have some say about how the
system should run. As operators of the system, we decide what parts of the system should be
utilized and what sections should be abandoned. As members of organizations designed to
run the system, we are the controlling factor regarding how the system shall work, and not some
2nd party. Right? So the point is this. Is the system running as it should, and if not, what can we
do about it? That is the question, whether to run the system or allow the system to run us.
Words such as these, multidimensional self, are meant to cause you to think, aren't they?
What is the multidimensional self and how does it function in the real world? What is the real
world? These are questions we hope to answer in this piece about humanity and how to be human.
Now, first of all, what does it mean to be multidimensional? This is the first point under
discussion here and so we will begin. Multidimensionality means moreness rather than oneness.
There is far too much emphasis put on oneness these days because it eliminates from consideration
the possibility of moreness, which is also a good deal more than is thought of. These words
are tricky, as you can see but they mean something to you, don't they? They mean measurement,
and when you read them you think in terms of measurement of the self. More self, one self,
twin selves, and so on. These are the kinds of concepts that are bandied about these days by
people who think they know what they mean. But do they really know?
Multidimensionality is the most complicated concept there is, simply because it expresses
a concept that cannot really be explained but can be felt. Ask yourself this, "Am I multidimensional?" Does it mean you have two jobs? :-) Does it mean
you have two selves? What does it mean? :-) It means you are much more than you are aware of
and it also means you are capable of understanding yourself within the context of being multidimensional.
This is powerful indeed, so let us continue, please.
Multidimensionality is rare because, for one thing, you have to have lived a long, long time
to achieve it. Not so many people on this planet have lived that long. Oh, sure, in the universe there are
some really old folks out there but they are not really related to us and this topic, because we are
speaking of human multidimensionality. We are speaking of Earthian beings who are beginning to
come into their own multidimensionality. So here we are talking about it but yet talking around it
because it's something you need to feel, not speak. It is something you need to experience, not
talk about. It is something you either are or you're not. Are you multidimensional? How would you
know? You know by this one simple checkback response. You will know when you ask yourself
this question, "Am I multidimensional?" Now, be still and listen. Did you get an answer from some
other part of you? Was it from another part of you that is thinking you, rather than you thinking it?
Another part of you thinking all by itself? That is multidimensionality, and when you experience it
you will know it. Are you multidimensional? Sure you are, or you would not even be reading this.
Now, let us proceed to another question at this time. What do you think would be the
response if you asked yourself this, "Why am I here with my multidimensional self?" The answer
simply is: because. And why should you accept that silliness as an answer? Because.
Now, let us go on to another question and see if the answer isn't stranger than the question.
What do you think would be the result of asking yourself this, "Could I be God or no?" And the
answer is: No, because God could not question God in such
fashion. God simply IS and so are you but you are not God. Now, if you are multidimensional, how
is it you are not God? Because God is not multidimensional, only singledimensional. How is this
possible, you ask?
Inner Voice of Sir John Warren, Atlantean and Knight Templar
God is everywhere, you say. Indeed, God IS everywhere but as a single being not as a
multiple-being self. God is oneness and you are - we are - multiple selfhood exploring the Universe
that is God. We are many inside the One. We are One experiencing the many. We are not
God but we know who God is and we know God well. God is all around us but we are not God. We
are God's probes, beings who go out into God and experience God and report back to God
through our multidimensional selfhood. That is the answer to the question, "Are we God?" We
are Ourselves. We are exploring the Dimension of God.
Whenever a group of people unites to perform functions, such as regulating the federal government or distributing laws
and rules of conduct, then these people place themselves at the head of a group known as the population of a country.
When these lawmakers decide, for example, that the population must be taxed on their personal property for reasons of
supplying the regulating group with funds with which to run their established governing body, then these regulators and
lawmakers hence become a tax generating, tax collecting body of workers, from which taxes they pay themselves a
Now, a conflict has arisen because of this, and the conflict can only be dissolved, it seems, when the
lawmaking, regulating body is dissolved. Therefore, anarchy becomes the position from which the government begins
to regulate the population and, as such, this anarchical governing body can become totalitarian in scope.
When this
happens, fascism and other forms of self-serving governments spring up for purposes of regulating and lawmaking, and then you
have gone full circle over a period of years without any progress being made. So, it is easy to see that it is incorrect to
dissolve the government as it stands at this time, because what happens is much worse than what was dissolved.
Therefore, one must search for the solution among other methods of resolving the problem of taxpayer exploitation on
behalf of the ruling, taxing governing body.
This is the position in which the United States of America finds itself today, and other countries as well. Now is the time to look for the solution
to the problem of property taxes as they are instigated at this time. When the property of public citizens is being taxed,
then what is occurring is this: the citizens are being held captive within a system that operates to supply itself with
funds from the large group of people who are simply working to attain their financial goals and have no real interest in
supplying a governing body with a salary to support them while they are producing rules, regulations and taxes that are
perceived as detrimental to the well-being of the population supplying the income.
Certainly, there is a way out of this.
It only needs to be looked at and studied from the perspective of clearing up the problem rather than dissolving the
existing government of a two-party system and replacing it with a three-party system. This will not work because it
only begs the questions of what to do about the taxation of the working population and how to empower the largest
mass of working citizens on the planet today: the citizens of the United States of America and for which it stands: life,
liberty, the pursuit of happiness and justice for all.
This is the purpose of this article, to explore the possibilities of reducing the burdens of the citizens and at the same time
increasing the wealth of the federal government. Let's look at how this will work for the benefit and happiness of all.
Certainly, there is an answer and we will now begin to discover it.
Where there is a will, there is a way, and the will is
strong in this country to find ways to liberate the citizens from the indebtedness of the federal government, an
organization bent upon destruction of this country and its citizenry. Make no mistake about that. Unless this tide is
turned, the federal government will destroy us all. Now, let's see what can be done about it because there is power to
be revealed and to be used to alleviate this problem, where the people are paying for the support of the government that
is enslaving the people.
Can you imagine the effects of having a government without taxation of private property? We can. Here is how it would work. The public citizens would pay taxes on income in proportion to salary amount, but their property would not be taxable because, even though the government is the ultimate owner of all the property in the country, the citizens would be the property owners in deed and title and would be in effect leasing the property from the government and paying the lease off with their taxes. When the taxes of the property owner reached the level of the property valuation, then the citizen would no longer pay taxes on the property.
This would allow the citizens the motivation to own the property by paying taxes and it would allow the government the opportunity to collect more taxes from the citizens, who would be motivated to work to pay taxes so their property would no longer be taxable as income to the government. Both entities would benefit this way, and both entities would also find their attitudes changing greatly towards each other, because the government would learn to appreciate its citizens more and the citizens would learn to evaluate the government in lighter terminology than is in use today.
There is no real reason for these two entities to be at war with each other when their differences can be resolved. After all, they both want the same thing: money to fund their programs and their lives. This should not be in conflict but yet it is. Whatever the reasons, they can be resolved. It just takes a little cooperation by both parties to resolve their material world problems and meet at high planes of understanding. For this reason, we are writing this article, to show the path to understanding and cooperation. Then, the country can become really powerful in leading the world by showing the rest of the planet how to resolve issues between the governments and the citizens.
This is the purpose of this article, to show the people involved, and that would be everyone on the planet, how to achieve these goals by cooperation, understanding and realization of the value of everyone involved. Where governments and people are concerned, much worth is evident and much devaluation of worth is also evident. For the citizens of the United States to continuously harp about its government is ridiculous when all they would need to do is find solutions to the problems at hand.
For the government of the United States to tax their citizens beyond reasonable rates is also ridiculous, when with a little imagination, the government could come to evaluate the citizens as beings worth cherishing and not people worth extorting money from for purposes of funding meaningless and expensive programs. Something needs to be done NOW, and something will be done soon. If not, then the outcome could be tragic.
The following material is meant to guide the citizenry of the United States and other countries to a higher ground of understanding, where they can learn of the value of their government and at the same time understand the meaning of private ownership of property. When citizens all over the country unite to distribute information regarding the establishment of a new form of private property ownership, then the government must listen or see itself of the verge of living without the tax base offered by the citizens, who are threatened with life and limb if they do not pay their taxes. But the people of this country can subscribe to a new kind of orthodoxy, in which they are rewarded for paying their taxes rather than punished when they do not.
This is what we are suggesting to the government at this time, that the citizens be rewarded for being the good taxpayers that they are, rather than punished when they withhold their hard-earned money simply because the government squanders it on programs that the citizens do not care about and do not want. Were the citizens to withhold their taxes as a large group, the government would have no recourse but to subscribe to the citizens' new programs, one of which would be the full ownership of private property without being taxed, achievable by the continuous and quiet payment of their income taxes.
This would prompt the government to enact an across-the-board law applicable to all states that they could no longer fund their local and state governments by the extortion of property taxes from their citizenry. This would not weaken the power of the local and state governments but would increase their state and local tax base because they would have plenty of money, since the law itself self-motivates the citizens to work to pay taxes, rather than to be forced to pay taxes on the money they have worked in order to spend.
This is a complete reversal of the trend as it is going now and we can only imagine the results of this great new program and what results might be attained by the citizenry of the United States withholding their taxes until such law is enacted. In fact, many more interesting and fair movements can be started this way and what would be established is this: the first true democracy of the United States of America. We would be honored to assist in any such programs as come along and need guidance. Certainly, we are interested in issues that can be resolved by the citizens and the governments at hand.
The question of how to own real estate without paying taxes is simple to answer, but the question of how to implement such a program is not so simple, because it requires a group consciousness effort on the part of the citizens of this country, and this is a 4th dimensional concept rather than a 3rd dimensional concept. Most of the people living on the planet at this time are still living in 3d concepts of their own making, and so we would suggest to them that they begin to open themselves to ideas originating from 4d reality.
Here is what we are saying to do. Stop and look around you and see your environment as one of your own creation and then come to the realization that if you created it, you can uncreate it. Stop right now blaming others for your circumstances and begin to realize how you can create your environment to your own liking. This is the most important thing you have to do in your life and if you will do this you will come to understand how it is the government works the way that it does.
First of all, the government exists as a projection of a reality that exists in some other dimension of thought and beingness, because nothing exists on the physical plane that does not exist on the ethereal plan as a form or idea, constructed exclusively by the collective consciousness of mankind.
See the government as a problem you have created in order to be solved by you, then you can realize how the problem can be solved. You just join forces with your neighbors, bringing about a physical world collective consciousness group, and then you begin to pressure the government, an entity of your own creation, to respond to you rather than to continuously feed itself off of the manna you are making as hard-working people.
Next, you cause the government to listen to your new ideas, which you have placed, by virtue of your actions, into the reality basin of the planet, sometimes called the collective consciousness of mankind. Finally, you put the government on short notice that what you intend to do is cut off funding to the government completely as a group. This will cause the membership of the ruling, taxing body of government, called the legislature and the senate, to respond in kind to your wishes and ideas or else go home and learn to earn a living like you do. This is the action we are suggesting you take, because if you will do this one thing, you will be utterly successful. This is the kind of action that was taken in Golden Age Greece by its citizens and it worked then, just as it will work now.
Governments and citizens stay the same, only the faces change. We have all done this before, else we would not be here now reading this and contemplating doing it again. It's what we do, move mountains and change governments. We are interested in the Tao of Change, as a group and as individuals, and that is one reason we are here. We like it.
What can be the cause of your inability to manifest that which you need? Have you given this much thought, lately? For some people, the answer lies in their inability to determine exactly what they need, and for others the answer lies in the fact that they need more than they determine they need. By this is meant, some people require more from life than others, but ask for less. This is typical in this plane of being, in which physical wants and needs often go unappeased because people simply will not do what is necessary to acquire their goals.
When this is true, a case exists in which a larger group or organization of people will exploit the meager needs and requirements of a smaller group or individual to keep them in penury and want, just because the smaller entities allow it and do not consider themselves worthy of more. This is what we see is happening in this country at this time.
People everywhere are going around with less than they need because their government has convinced them they do not deserve or need more. When a government does this kind of exploitative activity, then it becomes the enemy of the people, not the people's friend, and should be forcibly realigned to the people's needs and goals. This is what we are suggesting when we advise withholding income tax money from the government.
This large ruling body cannot put us all in jail, or even some of us, when as a large group we advocate withholding, and then we withhold, income taxes from the government, and we also withhold the government's ability to punish us for doing so. We would advise the citizens of this country to take such action as this because we are asking the government for a right that they will not give us unless we threaten such action as withholding taxes. The government is not likely to assist us in owning property outright unless we force them into such a position, so make no mistake about this. We need to leverage our position in such a way as cannot be withstood by the government. Threatening to withhold, and then withholding, income taxes is the kind of leverage that will work. And it will work! Make no mistake about it, it will work.
Now, we are going to tell you something you already know but have forgotten. We are going to remind you of your godhood and of your beingness, for these two concepts are critical to your ability to make the changes in your life that you deem advisable to make.
Formulate in your mind an image of yourself sitting at the right-hand of God and then see yourself discussing with God some changes you would like to see made on planet Earth. As you are forming this image in your mind, consult yourself as to whether or not you are deserving of this right-hand position and then look over to the left-hand side of God, and who do you see there? Is it Buddha or Jesus or Mohammed or Ashtar or Sananda or do you see anyone there at all?
Now, ask yourself this. If you were to be allowed to sit at the right-hand of God, who would you chose to sit at God's left-hand? Now, ask yourself this. Were you to sit with these two beings on the universe's highest throne, what would be the first thing you would do to alleviate the suffering of the people on the planet Earth and on other planets throughout the universe? Would you act for them or would you empower them to act for themselves?
We think your answer is the latter, because when people are empowered by God to act for themselves, yet they do not act, what is it you think God and God's disciples and co-creators ought to do? Should they intervene in human affairs? Are you waiting for God to straighten up your life and the occasional messes you put yourself in? Were you to ask God for assistance, would you ask for God's intervention or would you ask for God's empowerment of yourself to do the things in your life that you deem necessary to be done in order to have a great life?
Now, ask yourself this. Suppose God were to show up one day and say to you, "Here I am. Use me as you see fit." What would you do? Give this some thought, because the answer to this question defines who you are and what you believe you yourself are capable of doing in terms of regulating your life in such a way as to make it the best life you can make it, because if you ask God to do your life for you, then what good are you to God? Nobody in the world can say with complete authority that they are useful and worthwhile to God if they are expecting God to intervene and straighten up the messes they get themselves into.
Now, with this in mind, organize a group locally to make it possible to own real estate without paying taxes, and when you do this let us know and we will connect you with other local groups who are doing exactly the same thing. We can act at the central networking point of all the people who are working towards this goal and we will have more good ideas like this forthcoming so we can enact them on the physical plane. Your own ideas along this line will be greatly appreciated, and together we can make our world a better place. Reactionary politics is part of the Tao of Change.
Yours in all light and love,
Sananda Buddha Jesus and Solon Centurion
The Saint speaks of our first global New Age movement in the early Common Era (1st-4th c. CE) and of spiritual groups meeting inside the emperor's palace in Rome. In visions I see St. Peter as a man with flowing, curly golden hair around his collar. He likes to wrestle and he invited me to watch him wrestle. I saw it from a distance, via remote viewing, when dreaming. Later, he offered me a rope to hold onto and he told me I could go with him. I thought perhaps I would wait until another time to hold onto his rope and travel with him. Lately, he appears to me as a solemn man with much to convey. I look forward to my next meeting with St. Peter the Divine.
Simon Peter be my name. I speak to you thus, so that you understand me and why I am speaking. I am come to you today to tell you a story of the Emperor Tiberius. Not that I knew him during his day, for I did not, but that I know him now. And this I say. The Emperor Tiberius was a cruel man, unjust and hasty in judgment. He deemed himself worthy of God and so he spoke like a god. He was a god, from his point of view, and from mine as well, for he held sway in a land in which godlessness ruled supreme. He was the god of all godlessness. Tiberius was the god of it all. But this much is true about the place in which he ruled - it was a godless place with little else to recommend it, except for this.
Among the members of the royal court were a few good people who spoke well of each other and loved well. But they were forbidden to express it thus, so instead they formed little spiritual groups. In these groups they could tell each other their own deepest hopes and beliefs. They could recluse themselves from Tiberius and his unholy court. They could comply with their guides and behold them in dreams.
And this is what I say to you today, my beloved, that I have come to you in a dream to bring you this notice, that I will appear again to you on November 19th, 10 days from the day we marked in the calendar, the 9th. Now, look for me there for I will appear to you again and bring to you my friends once more, those loving beings who spoke so well of me as I appeared to them when they were murdered by the Emperor Tiberius for being who they are, for being members of spiritual groups in Rome, and for saying what they said of me and my host, King of Kings, Savior of Mankind, Jesus Christ. These are my friends you saw with me in your dream.
Inner Voice of Simon Peter
St. Peter the Divine
Saint of Forgiveness
Now, one night the fine old emperor went stealing down the hallways on his search for men and women to inspire to terror, when he came upon a Praetorian Guard hunched down beside a bed in the path of the hallway. The emperor asked the man, "What goes there? Do you not call out, 'Hoy! Who goes there?' Do your duty, guardsman. Call out, 'Hoy! Who goes there?'"
Now, the man was much confused by this reality of his only true emperor demanding of him that he make demands of him. So he spoke nobly but bravely, under the circumstances, and replied, "Sire, I give you not post for I know you well. You are my emperor. You need not identify yourself thus to me."
The emperor exclaimed, "Guardsman, do you instruct me how to behave towards you? Are you not my guard and do you not value your head where it sits upon your neck?" The guardsman quailed and replied, "Sire, I do. But I do not require you to tell me who you are. I know who you are."
The emperor exclaimed to the man beside him holding his sword poised for battle. "Guardsman, chop off this man's head, NOW." The guardsman raised his sword and complied with his emperor's command. He chopped off his fellow's head and watched as it rolled thusly upon the floor, up and down, back and forth. Then, he spoke softly to his emperor, saying, "Sire, I have done as thou commanded me. Now, let me ask of you this. Take this sword from my hand and chop off my head with it."
The emperor complied with the wishes of the guardsman and chopped off his head. Then, he spared himself nothing and went looking for another's head to let fly. But this time he was lost in the vast reaches of the hallways of the palace and could find no one to assist him on his way out. In the dark he rummaged around from point to point, from room to room, carrying his bloody sword and swearing by all that was holy he would find another man's head to let roll. But then, dawn broke and he could see his way clear out of that palace and into the courtyard, where another guard spoke softly to him, saying, "Sire, I heard you calling but I knew not where to look. I see you have found your way out of doors. That is good. Now, how may I assist you?"
The emperor looked squarely at the man and said, "Your head would roll, too, had you not escaped my venom last night. You know it's true." The guardsman said, "Sire, I agree with you. In all cases, I agree with you." And thus the Emperor Tiberius became known to us as the madman who cuts off the heads of his own protectors. We formed a group and became as one against him but did not slay him, as has been suspected. We could have done many times, but we did not.
Your guards and protectors,We are the Roman Guard of the great and mighty Emperor Tiberius of the Hudsoth Reign. We call it this because of Tiberiuses way of doing things. He was a madman. He would regain all the terror of those around him, in whom he had instilled it, by threatening to take them over at night as they slept. He would quietly steal down the hallways of the palace and knock on doors surreptitiously, not knowing upon whose doors he knocked, but that we told him some names. And though he cared not a part of one one-hundredth whether he spared them or no, still he so loved to frighten them. And so he did.
Bar Mitzvah Praetorius, the Roman Guards to the Emperors
A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new
law in the Name of the God that had sent Him. At first I was
apprehensive that His design was to stir up the people against the
Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke
rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed
in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against
a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This
I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between Him
and those who were listening to Him. His golden colored hair and beard
gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30
years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance.
What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards
and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt Him by my presence, I
continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and
listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the
works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings
of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious,
so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to
speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom
provoked the Jews -- not the poor but the rich and powerful.
Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with Him at the
Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made His appearance I was
having my morning walk and as I faced Him my feet seemed fastened with
an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as a
guilty culprit, though he was calm. For some time I stood admiring
this extraordinary Man. There was nothing in Him that was repelling,
nor in His character, yet I felt awed in His presence. I told Him that
there was a magnetic simplicity about Him and His personality that
elevated Him far above the philosophers and teachers of His day.
Now, Noble Sovereign, these are the facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth
and I have taken the time to write you in detail concerning these
matters. I say that such a man who could convert water into wine,
change death into life, disease into health; calm the stormy seas, is
not guilty of any criminal offense and as others have said, we must
agree -- truly this is the Son of God!
Your most obedient servant,
The following description of Jesus Christ was written by Publius
Lentrelus, a resident of Judea in the reign of Tiberius Caesar. It
first appeared in the writings of Saint Anselm of Canterbury, 11th
There lives at this time in Judea a man of singular virtue whose name
is Jesus Christ, whom the barbarians esteem as a prophet, but his
followers love and adore him as the offspring of the immortal God.
He calls back the dead from the graves and heals all sorts of diseases
with a word or touch. He is a tall man, well-shaped, and of an amiable
and reverend aspect; his hair of a color that can hardly be matched,
falling into graceful curls, waving about and very agreeable crouching
upon his shoulders, parted on the crown of the head, running as a
stream to the front after fashion of the Nazarites. His forehead high,
large and imposing; his cheeks without spot or wrinkle, beautiful with
a lovely red; his nose and mouth formed with exquisite symmetry; his
beard, and of a color suitable to his hair, reaching below his chin
and parted in the middle like a fork; his eyes bright blue, clear and
serene. Look innocent, dignified, manly and mature. In proportion of
body most perfect, and captivating; his arms and hands delectable to
He rebukes with majesty, councils with mildness, His whole address
whether in word or deed, being eloquent and grave. No man has seen him
laugh, yet his manners are exceedingly pleasant, but he has wept
frequently in the presence of men. He is temporate, modest and wise.
A man for his extraordinary beauty and perfection, surpassing the
children of men in every sense.
Pontius Pilate
Once upon a time a man lived near here but far away at the same time. He opened his eyes one day to discover the width, depth, and breadth of his situation. What did he do? Did he cry out, "Help me, help me, for I am lost to this world but found in the other!"? No, indeed, he did not. Instead, he simply got up, washed his face and body, rested his mind against the pillar of his beingness and went out into the world.
One day, as he went through this morning ritual, he noticed a bug had landed on his shirt. He flicked off the little creature and heard it say his name just as it passed by his hand. "Jesus!" it called out to him, "Save me for I am but a little bug and dreadfully require your assistance!"
"Little bug," said I, "Wherein do you require me to stand in your life? At the moment that I found you or at the moment that I flicked you off of me?"
"Neither," responded the little bug. "I require nothing of you except that you respect me for who I am and for my likes and dislikes."
"Oh, well," said I, "forget it. For I require of you much more than that. I require that you enjoy my flicking when I feel the flick come over me."
"Fine," said the little bug, "but I require of you this one final thing. I require that you enjoy my biting as you enjoy your flicking. Those are the rules of my game, as given me by my God."
"Well, all right," said I, for I knew one thing about this little fellow. He had read the book of life and now was quoting me verse by verse.
Master of Compassion Jesus
Inner Voice of Claire
A young man decides to go live in the woods. He tells his friends, "Bye, I'm gone. I'm going to go live in the woods."
His friends say, "But wait a minute. Why in the world would you ever do that? The woods are creepy and scairy, and many boogermen (!) might be in there. Where is the sense in living in the woods when you could live in society, where everything is ordered and pure?"
The young man replies, "Everything is not ordered and pure. There is no order that I can see and neither is there purity. Where is the order and purity, tell me?"
The friends reply, "Well, just everywhere. Look all around you. Don't you see the order and purity of it all?"
"No," replied the young man, "I do not see it at all. What I see is purposeful chaos and orderly destruction. But, when I am in the woods, all I can see is divine order and beauty of natural life. And this is why I choose to live alone in the woods."
So off he goes to live in the woods. While he is in there, he chances to meet a lovely woman whom he recognizes as his other self, his twin flame. He calls out to her, "Hello! You are me in disguise as a woman. I am in you in disguise as a man. Together, we are one!"
She calls back to him, "Hey, leave me alone. I'm lost in the woods and I don't need any crazy people talking to me."
The young man replies, "I am not crazy. I am just simply noting that we appear to be one and the same person, only divided into two sexes. But since you do not understand that, I will just help you find your way out of the woods."
She replied, "Thanks just the same, but if you come one step nearer to me, I'll scream." With that, the young man wandered off alone into the woods, sad and heart broken and determined to find his twin flame. But since he knew he had to approach her very carefully, he wondered how, when he found her, he would respectully approach her. He pondered and walked and walked and pondered. Soon, he came upon the same lost lady and called out to her, "I am not crazy but I am lost. Can you help me, this time?"
She replied, "Well, since we are both in the same mess, I guess we can guide each other back into civilization."
The young man responded, "In that case, go on your way because I am not going back into that chaos. No, never again."
"Come along," she said. "We can make it together and either we will be lost together or found together, however it happens to turn out." And so off they went, hand in hand, through the brambles and the bushes until they found the city once more, where she went her way and he went back into the woods. Later on, they met one more time, but this time they were not so attracted to each other, so it seems it all turned out okay.
Now, I ask you, what is the meaning of this parable?
The Father Sananda
The Brother Jesus
The Hindu Ganesha
Inner Voice of Claire
"The Apostle Mark said to me one day, 'Master, tell me of your sex life.' I responded to Mark, 'How is it that you ask me such a question? What do you have in mind to be asking me that?' Mark replied, "I am curious to know as to how the Master responds to women, when one knows that all women are inferior to men.' I said to Mark, 'How came you to this conclusion, that the beauty of the world is less than the intellect?' Mark replied, 'Sir, I meant no disrespect toward the beauty.' And I answered him as politely as I could, 'Then perhaps you meant some disrepect toward me, for you have measured your knowledge fully and come up fully half-empty.'
There was a man nearby who heard the discourse and replied to me in kind, 'Sir, I give you great thanks for taking up the challenge of protecting the beauty of the world and for acknowledging it's worth, but I give you sincerest doubts that you understand its relationship to knowledge, for I know of someone so beautiful and so brilliant that I tell you, there is no difference in beauty and knowledge at all. And I wish to introduce you to her. Will you accept this introduction from me to the most beautiful and brilliant woman I know?' I, taken aback, responded humbly, 'Yes, I will.' And that is how I met the Magdelena.'
Love to you all, my brothers and sisters,
Jesus Sananda, the Christ
Inner Voice of Claire
Once upon a time on the planet, a man said, "Let there be Heaven, and then he said, "Allow it to be bright and lively." Everyone agreed with this proclamation and all clapped their hands in joy, peace and love.
Then suddenly, a sourpuss appeared and said, "No! I declare there to be no heaven and no hell. Now, what do you think of that?"
The people all responded, "Hey, ok! That sounds good. We like that even better than before!" Then, they all dispersed and went to their separate homes, where they tried to live in joy, peace and love, but could not.
They came back out, all of them, and met one more time, this time to say they had decided there should be a heaven but no hell. The sourpuss proclaimed, "No! There cannot be one or the another, but instead there must be both or none!"
Everyone acknowledged the truth of this and went back home. Then, they found they could not enjoy life at all this way, with neither heaven nor hell. But, with both heaven and hell they felt they had a chance at peace, love and joy.
Now, I ask you, what is the meaning of this parable?
Jesus Sananda
Inner Voice of Claire
A lady looked into a glass of water and when she did, someone looked back at her. What was looking back at her, a reflection of herself or something quite separate? By your answer will you know yourself.
Jesus Sananda
Inner Voice of Claire
Once upon a time, a nice woman decided to make herself a bed upon which to lie, knowing all the while that if she did so, another person would appear to lie upon the bed with her. If she made her bed of feathers, along would come a soft person to share with her. But if she made her bed of straws and sticks and thorns, along would come a person roughened by the world to lie upon the bed with her, and a rough person she did not wish to attract. So, she decided on the feathers - peacock feathers - for she was wise as well as handy. And she knew, too, that she and only she was responsible for that which she attracted, and thus for the reality which she experienced.
Goddess Sarasvati
Inner Voice of Claire
Greetings from the Ahau of the Time Lords. Pakal Votan here. Speaking of Mayan Galactic Cosmology, allow me to verify something here, now. The Mayas never were a people who were interested in migrating to anywhere. So much is said about this, but also about other things, as well. And I will address those other things at a later date. Now, back to the migrating Mayans :-) Migration laws at that time forbade the kind of travel that one would expect to be necessary were a people trying to visit, say, Egypt, or Phoenicia or Babylon. The migration laws of the Mayas worked like this.
Time lords may travel throughout time but not in a vertical way, neither in a horizontal fasion. No, they must go within. Those were the rules and perhaps still are. I will have to check on this.
Phoenicians, for example, were allowed to travel horizontally across the seas. Mayans were not. Just a simple rule and regulation that we had at that time. No sea travel! None! So we were not responsible for many of the civilizations people claim we travelled to. I hope this clears this up for you.
Peace to you,
Pakal, Ahau
Inner Voice of Claire
Once upon a time in the world, a man set out upon a journey. He built himself a boat and some paddles, and he got into his craft. Hoisting his mast, he sailed away from the shore and waved good-bye with his hat. He saw no one was watching, but what did it matter? He was off on his journey, happy and free.
Right away, he had to pay a toll to the lake keeper to sail on the lake. While paying the toll, the sailor asked the lake keeper, "Why do you need toll money?" The lake keeper replied, "My wife needs new shoes and my son needs repair to his teeth."
"Well, indeed," said the sailor. "I, too, have had such troubles, but now I am sovereign and free. I don't need any assistance at all in order to get things done. I'm totally free."
"Good-bye, then," replied the lake keeper. "I'm happy to hear it, so off with you." He pocketed the toll money and measured his spyglass to watch for more free men such as this to come along and pay his toll.
Next, the sailor encountered a mean man chopping the grasses from the edge of the lake. The man was without virtue, was snarling, and was peering from under bushy eyesbrows at the approaching sailor. "Ahoy there, matey!" the sailor cried out. "I ask of you a favor. Will you help me dock my boat?"
The mean man said, "Deny yourself the pleasure, sir. I grant no favors, I give no gifts
I am but too pleased to give myself a tasking, and so I shall deliver you one, as well. Speak to me no more and sail on your way, sir."
Much befoggled by this, the sailor sailed on, focusing his eyes into the sun-streaked mist. He said to himself, "I wonder what would make a man so mean. But, what are we to know of these things? Let us just sail on."
The next thing to occur was miraculous. The sailor sailed into a tunnel in the mist. At the end of the tunnel was a bright light. He looked into the light and saw for himself that thing he had been sailing for - his life and how to live it. Enlightened by the experience, he turned his boat around and proceeded back in the direction he had come, only this time to see it differently.
He sailed back to the mean man cutting the grass along the lake and asked him, "Can I help you cut grass?" The man was surprised, and his beingness shifted. He was no longer snarling but he still peered from under his bushy eyebrows. He was still himself, nevertheless. He helped the sailor dock his boat.
The sailor returned to the lake keeper and asked him, "Can I help you collect tolls?" The lake keeper replied, "Yes, help me and I will pay you some of them."
"No problem," said the sailor. "But, you keep the tolls. Your wife and son need use of the money, and I am sovereign and free to do as I please. I have no need of tolls. I know of a lady who needs toll money to help pay her tolls. You can send her some, if you want to." The lake keeper sent the lady some tolls.
Then, the sailor returned to the side of the lake he had sailed from. He looked all around the place and thought, "This is perfect, this place. And perhaps I can sail out tomorrow and see how the lake keeper and the grass cutter are doing. They might need my help." With that, he lay upon the soft grass and enjoyed the starry night. Later, he dreamed of Divine Oneness and of freedom and of what it might really mean.
The End/Beginning
Once upon a time in a celestial kingdom by the sea in Heaven, a very wealthy king named Lord Gana ruled the world in that part of the Universe. He took for himself all that he saw and desired and loved and he left nothing for anyone else, but that was just fine with the population there, because it was Heaven, and they, too, could have whatever they wanted.
One day Lord Gana saw a man holding a beautiful gem and he said to the man, "Give me that gem. I desire it and so I shall have it. This is my kingdom and you must turn it over to me right away." The man said, "No, I will not. It is mine and I live in Heaven too, so I shall keep my beautiful gemstone and you shall never have it."
This irritated the king so much that he snatched the gem away from the man and said, "It is mine and I shall keep it." Whereupon, he rounded up all his forces of Heaven and he took them to guard him as he rode away, on a cloud in the sky, to his palace in the far reaches of beautiful, earthly planes on high. There is sat and meditated his new gemstone until it would tell him all its secrets and all its truths. But the gem never spoke, no matter how hard the king meditated. It never said one word to him about beauty and love, life and happiness. The king complained bitterly to the gem about its lack of language, but the gem changed not, nor did it speak at all.
Then, the man to whom the gemstone originally belonged appealed to me, Lord Ganesha God, and said, "Oh, please, my God, remove this gemstone from this mean king and let me have it back. I love it so much and it originally did belong to me." I responded, "Yes, you shall have it back but you also must take with it the head of Lord Gana. This is my ruling in this matter. Because the gem refuses to speak to either of you, then each of you must learn to speak to the other. And that one will be Lord Gana, for his vicious envy of your gem. He will speak to you about all his truths, but you must burden yourself with them by burdening yourself with his head. Do you agree to this?" I asked him. "Yes," he replied, for he wanted his property back very badly.
I returned to him his gemstone and cut off the head of Lord Gana and gave it to him on a platter, telling him to carry it with him wherever he went. He agreed, happily, to do so, for he had his beautiful, beloved gemstone back and that was all he really cared about, anyway. Now, the story develops thusly.
The man with the gem carries the head of Lord Gana around with him everywhere he goes until one day, many years later, he grew so weary of it, he appealed to me, saying, "Please, Lord Ganesha, give this head back to its owner and return to him also this gemstone, for it weighs far more than it is worth." I agreed to do so, and when I placed the head of Lord Gana back upon his shoulders and pried the gemstone from the hands of the man who loved it so, Lord Gana refused to hold it, saying, "Sire, I care not for gems anymore but want only to love and worship you from now on, for I have learned my lesson and so shall I speak of you always with love."
"Well, fine," I replied. "This is exactly as I wished to hear you speak, and now you must be elevated to my kingdom as a wise man, so let us leave this realm and advance to another."Wait," Lord Gana replied. "Take my wife Lady Gana with us, for she too wishes only to love and worship you."
"Well, then," I replied, "I will take Lady Gana and give her the name Princess Ganatha Ganesha and place her in my court as a crowned head of Light. I have discovered her through these ordeals, and I will give her a studded crown to wear, for she cares neither for gems nor truths, and she alone remains unblemished by these actions." Therefore, I name you Princess Ganatha Ganesha, Divine Envoy of Myself, Lord Ganesha. My love to you, Dear One."
Your Servant Ganesha
Krion gas has recently been introduced to the
planetary environment for
purposes of strengthening the pole shift phenomenon to
above 0 factor
epsilon. This will assist in helping to contain the
pole shift
phenomenon to levels sustainable by beings on the face
of the planet,
given they have the right equipment to harness the
energy needed to
subordinate the pole shift problem. Krion gas helps
in this respect as
well as the other uses it has, yet to be defined by
Krion Sisters of Ra.
End transmission by photon wave data stream
Krion Sisters of Ra
Krion Sisters of Ra reporting new metallic element
being introduced to
the planet now. Be advised new metal will hold
containers of lead
without any interference at all by molecular
conflicts. New lead-based
metallic substance will enable molten lead-based
products to be formed
by other origins of thought rather than
technologically-based concepts.
Be advised, also, new metallic substance will help in
nonindustrialization of NASA-based projects to be
fulfilled without
technological orientations in the future.
This new metal also will fulfill Sirian projects. Be advised
new metallic substance is not harmful at all to the
environment nor
will it be detected any time soon by portable methods
used to detect
such substances. Be on the lookout for this metal to
appear in your
auric environment soon for your personal benefit and
End transmission via photon wave data stream
Krion Sisters of Ra
I saw him there at a distance, wearing all black clothes, pants and cloak. Dark he was, with pitch black hair. He stood within the purple light at the door of the stone portal. He enters as a hooded serpent and speaks our names. I heard them say...
Krion Sisters of Ra
Above drawing taken from the Phaistos Disk (ca. 1600 BCE, Crete) by connecting together the 14 matching Shield symbols. The drawing shows, traditionally, star Sirius in the center of the 7 planets. To the bottom right is the unconnected star, Sirius "B." Top and over to the right is Osiris and Shield, representing "Osiris system" or Sirius system, and perhaps representing Sirius "C." The third image is the second image overlaid onto the first image, matching the shields on the second image to the red circles on the first image, then inverting the colors to show the light keys as they spiral from the star Sirius.
The Genetic Disk is an enigmatical two-sided metal (type unknown) disk with a hole in the center like a CD ROM. The disk, very old and of undetermined age, was unearthed in Peru by a farmer plowing a field. (Not sure when, about 1980. This is an Eric von Daniken find while he was in Peru.) The Genetic Disk records the evolutionary stages in the creation of a complete human being from an amphibian-being or a fish-being.
On the disk can be seen spermatozoa, egg cells, fetuses, fertilized eggs, embryos, developing embryos, various types of genetic material, a fish-being, a bird-being, amphibians, sexual organs, and a pregnant female, all arranged in a certain order, apparently for reference purposes. Using the Genetic Disk as guide, looks like some ET's sampled some of the genetic material of the life forms on Earth and then, using some of their own genetic material, they practiced genetic engineering.
The Genetic Disk records for all posterity a time in our planetary life when ET's came onto the planet and did some genetic engineering. Question is, was the genetic engineering holy or unholy? Was it divinely inspired or dastardly done? Was it ET intervention or ET interference? You decide.
"Here is the news of the second coming. Our second has come, and Christ is in the Many this time, not just the One because in the Many do we behold the One. This is the first teaching of the World Teacher Maitreya."
"As a diamond do we shine. Simularly, as a race do we shine. In a black night, a man laid down a stone and with his magic wand turned it into a diamond and left it there. When in time it began it's slow revolution, it sparked a light within, sprinkled with magic dust. The light shone from the faces of the diamond in all the colors, pink, yellow, blue, orange. Resonance was found among the shining lights, spinning the diamond even faster, until all the colors became white, and a being emerged from the stone and said, 'I AM.' This is the second teaching of the World Teacher Maitreya."
Peace and Love
Hi. Are you trying to get too many signals through too small a modem?
Maybe your head needs to grow.
Are you measuring your head lately, lightworker? Sometimes, heads grow when
the lightwork begins, when the higher light bodies reside inside the
cerebellum and other parts of the brain. But how will you know if your head
is growing if you don't measure it?
In November of '96, when I first connected with Ganesha, he gave me the
project of making myself some hats. Now, I see why he did that. My head
has grown 1/2 inch in circumference since then, but if I had not made the
hats I wouldn't have known it, because it didn't feel like it was growing.
I can pick up a lot of signals, now. What about you? Are you trying to get
too many signals through too small a modem? Measure that head, lightworker.
Too much blame is being attached to us, when really,
we deserve more credit. (Where did that come from???)
Once upon a time in the world, an Old Man created a
species for purposes of doing his bidding. But guess
what? That species got well out of hand, fast! Then,
the Old Man said, "Ok, do it your way," and sure
enough, the species went out to create it's own world
and when it did, funny things began to happen.
But here is the cogent point. When we are
underdeveloped and underevolved, we tend to make
mistakes. And when we are overdeveloped and
overevolved, we also tend to make mistakes. Now,
where are we in this picture? Ask yourself this. Are
you under or overdeveloped, are you under or
overevolved, or are you just right?
Channeling Session Results with Archangel Bellaron,
("Angel of the Old and Dying"), with the Egyptian God
Horus, ("Clawed being who captures death and swallows
it.") and with Bird Tribe
January 25, 2000, 8pm EST Tuesday Night, Yahoo chat
room, 5 people present
This was the channeling sessions of your dreams!
Archangels and eagles flew in and showed us their
feathers and let us know we have something important
in common. We are the future, the saved ones, the
hopeful ones. We are the blind lovers, the crazy
thinkers, the lost reasoners. We are the divine flock
of workers in the Light, for the Light. Our reward is
Peace and the prospect of Eternal Life!
This group channeling session was lead by me, Claire,
from a friend's home in Stone Mountain, Georgia, a
perfect place for a channeling session except for one
thing: a rock band was playing in the downstairs of
the home.
I began meditation and found a peaceful space and went
into a light trance. A sense of timelessness
surrounded me like a wide peace, and I rejoiced in the
presence of the archangel. I wanted to sleep in the
deep peace I was feeling. I asked my friend Lowell to
let me know when it was 7:45. Didn't want to be late
for the session. At 7:55 I logged into the chat room
and began to bring the archangel through. Char kept
Char asked what the band was playing. "Loud and
erratic rock music," I said. Zapphoton suggested, "In
that case, channel Jimi Hendrix." We laughed. The
archangel was ready and I started deep breathing.
We began meditation and had a group experience of
moving through various frequencies, some of them
soothing and pleasant, some transitional and cold,
some nervous and warm, some weird. Our ears were
ringing. We acknowledged that we were moving through
energies and frequencies. I think the experience was
more interesting than it was pleasant. It peaked our
I began to see the archangel. He was tall and towering
over us. "And over the musicians, too," I typed. The
music had stopped the moment the channeling began.
Also at that moment, my friend Lowell fell fast asleep
on the sofa and began snoring.
Char's notes (my comments in parentheses):
Through Claire: "Archangel Bellaron: Now come we here,
and gather the forces. Valor and fortitude, values of
honor... these are priorities."
Claire describes seeing an image of him flying like an
eagle above us. Several of us feeling pressure or
touching on the temples... like gentle claws of this
Char is sharing what's going on in the session with
another spiritual kindred, Natalie Hawkmoon, in a
different chat medium, and Claire said "Oh good! Tell
her, Eagle is in the room with all of us now"
We learn Eagle is a Bird Tribe being. Everyone's
experiencing temple touches, and left/right brain
(I (Claire) have read the bird tribe material. It was
in 1996 during Ritual of the Rock Eagle Portal
(I began to feel a connection with the Ashtar Command
and typed, "Isn't this the energy that the Ashtar
Command resonates with? And don't they call themselves
eagles?" Zapphoton responded, "Yes," to both
questions. We had connected with the Command, but we
did not explore it. I could feel the eagle's talons
gripping my crown chakra and diverting my focus back
to it. "It doesn't hurt," I typed in. "They do not
seem predatorial but they do seem like warriors.")
Thru Gentleheart: "Because in order to fly and share
the information, he (angel eagle) needs to have both
sides of the brain balanced...requires him to have
what seem like two forks of talons on our
heads...though we are responsible for regulating it."
The bird tribe is arriving as a flock... a couple of
those in the chat room can see them.
That's when I (char) decided to go quiet for a moment
to allow more purely.
Again thru Gentleheart: "They are archangels and they
are birds, here to infuse us with light."
Then all of a sudden I (Char) was feeling them head to
toe, all round me, like they're carrying me somewhere.
I start sobbing tears of reunion... wondrous
familiarity of flight with them... so beautiful... so
much love.
(When Char was crying I was seeing a vast flock of
bird-angels. They were flying over us and into us and
they were showing us how many there are. It felt like
timelessness. And while some of them flew away with
Char, one of them landed in me.)
Claire feels the eagle within her... who then forms
into an angel...white wings, shoulder length brown
hair... then goes back and forth...eagle to angel.
(I could see inside me the eagle's beak and one
yellow-orange eye, his right eye, and I shared my
eyeballs with the bird, who looked through my left eye
at the computer screen, but not through my right eye.
I typed it in and the bird watched me out of that one
Then one of the angels speaks through me (Char): "You
are all shapeshifters, as Claire describes. It is all
part of the blending that you are, of light and
physical, of spirit and matter, of eagle and angel. We
are always with you."
(Mayann suggested "spaceshifters" as a good
description of the angels' energy.)
(Char) said, "It's not Bellaron speaking thru me...
I asked, and got, "I AM I AM as One of the Bird Tribe"
Claire not getting much in words at the moment... just
a sense of utter timelessness. "They are ancient."
Through Gentleheart again: "It's their cellular memory
of their travel through the galactic night. Eagle is
Sirian, one of the Originators of life here, our life
as we know it."
Claire feels the eagle perched on her head.
(I was very curious, and my focus was on this eagle
perched on my head, and still is. I wanted to know
what it means to have an eagle on your head.
Zapphoton said, "It means you are the chief!" That
was so comical to me.
I (Char) asked Natalie Hawkmoon what she was getting,
and she said, "I am hearing an orchestra of sound but
more like feeling the sounds....I hear Harp playing."
(Claire): Remember the Harpies in Greek mythology?
They were winged women, goddess elementals who are
said to be like eagles and with talons. I am not at
peace with the Greco-Roman portrayal of the feminine
energies as goddesses.)
Claire realized then that the Eagle is Horus...
(I typed the words I was hearing, "Mercury,
Mercurious, Hermes Mercurious, phosphorous.")
Mayann mentioned that there is now astrological
movement of the planet Mercury, now til March.
(Claire): Gentleheart got the Horus connection ahead
of me. When he said, "Greetings to you, Horus," I
connected with the Egyptian god Horus through the
eagle within. Horus' symbols are the falcon on the
perch and the hawk that flies with the lodestone, a
natural magnet, in its claws. Felt like a lodestone
was part of the activity at the top of my head, where
the talons were. I typed that I thought I could
levitate. Thinking back, it felt more like being
lifted by a magnet.)
Through Claire: "I AM Horus, Archangel of the divine
realms. I am Eagle, clawed being who captures death
and swallows it. Transformative light. There is
another who wishes to speak, my heart-soul Bellaron,
Angel of the old and dying.... bringer of soul's
mercury to the bereft."
Still through Claire (Bellaron speaking now): "I am no
more but Life Eternal. See me glow...Mercurious,
(Claire): In alchemy, Mercurious is the Divine
Child, the being born within the Self that elevates
the Spirit-Self to the higher realms. Mercurious is
the goal of alchemists; it is the gold made from the
base metals.)
At this point I (Char) remembered a scene I saw in
meditation the night before, which was all
phosphorescent, and realized that somehow Bellaron was
present to me then.
Still Bellaron through Claire: "Angel of darkness
lights up the night. Blessed be his soul for merging
us with all that holds water."
Claire says, "His heart is ringing now and he rejoices
in all our visions. His call to us is one of harkening
to the middle places. He says "'Come hither to the
midlands. Come hither to the furrows. Here is where
the work is, in the low places, not so much in the
high. Where all are weeping, all calling forth. I am
their angel, I hear them cry. I harken to their moans
and woes of lives long past and not forgotten. Wasted
lives is the sadness; waste of time, life and love. I
am their angel. Through me they may ascend. Through me
they may yet conquer. There is a light above and
beyond, can you see it? That light is bright, and like
the moon I reflect it to them. I am their angel of the
glowing light, the phospherous light, so they may see
me. With my eagles I command the furrows wherein live
the souls whose lives are lost, so that all may live
and rejoice in the One."
(Claire): Exactly at 9:00pm EST, the archangel left,
and I typed in that he left at 9, probably because I
had requested a session lasting only one hour this
time. No one knew what I meant by "9," because it was
really 9:30. I had experienced a time slip, part of
the timelessness. I went into the chat room at 8:30
instead of 8:00 and realized it only at the end. Char
commented, "No accidents..."
End of Session
Let us rejoice in the glowing white light of the
Archangel Bellaron, for he has come to bring light to
our furrows! He is salvation to the very last!
Material on the Ophanim Angels:
Ophanim, or Thrones, are 3rd in the hierarchy, beneath
Seraphim and Cherubim. Thrones are the third most
powerful angelic order within the hierarchy. They are
also known as the Ophanim or Galgallin. They are
supposedly very swift, possibly the fastest of all the
angels, and are often depicted as wheel-like beings
with many eyes, hence their nicknames "Great Wheels"
and "Many Eyed Ones." It is not known how many wings
the Thrones have, if they have any at all, considering
they are depicted as wheels. Their leader is said to
be Raphael.
Here is more material
Constellation Orion
Deep Within Archon Territories
Channeled by Claire
Constellation Orion
Deep within Archon territories
Channeled by Claire"Jaal is amongst us now. Jaal is a student. He will not come through Baghdad to tell you, as there is no more portal there. He comes as hawk energy, with the eye of a hawk and the body of a serpent. See him there within. He is born amongst you now, delivering to you his vast potential of energy. See him there as he crawls up out of the field of flowers. He raises himself up kundalini. He speaks out your name kundalini. Jaal is amongst us. He has come here to help us. Jaal will lead us in our victorious marches to the sea of beingness. He will help us to become more than ever we can acquire without him. Rise amongst us, Jaal, great one. Rise amongst us, Jaal, lover. Rise amongst us, Jaal!"
Bringing Jaal of the Archons
From Constellation Orion, Deep within Archon Territories
Channeled by Claire
On the site is a drawing of Rock Eagle in Georgia, built by the Mound Builder Indians probably 2,500 years ago or older, and it is compared with Stonehenge. They look similar. Perhaps Bird Tribe angels influenced both groups of people.
Dan Winter and I talked about the angels-eagles, about Rock Eagle and the Mound Builders. We concluded the same as the book "Return of the Bird Tribe." We enjoyed a discussion of Ophanim angels and Bird Tribe and how they are related. We have joint material we wrote on the net. (And included below) The Ophanims are known, especially biblically, as bright specters of white light. They are the glowing wheels of Ezekiel. They also are known in old Kabalism as "Galgallin," meaning pupil of the eye. They are brilliant, bright beings that are said to enter the body through the pupils of the eyes. They are often experienced as blinding white flashes of light in the pupil of the eye.
Dan and I both felt a deep bonding with Bird Tribe. That was the last time I wrote about them. Perhaps, that's why it took several minutes for me to realize their return! According to Dan's material that follows, Char's tears were used by the angels to glue galaxies together.
Dan on Ophanim angels:
The angelic logoi/ "Bird Tribes"/Ophanim/ Lords of Time (Time Cops) inhabit...spin domains made recursive and self aware. They regulate the time lines, by the PHI based harmonic velocity modes of light, like we regulate Radio stations, to maintain communications order. They await our waking up into enough emotional awareness coherence/recursion to inhabit those black holes threading galaxies together through time. The same way emotion held tectonics together like wormhole glue for aboriginal song lines, is the way emotional magnetic coherence inside large magnetic bodies glues galaxies together through time. The arc-angles await our learning the language of symmetry enough to steer our emotion through the symmetry operations necessary to thread awareness through time.
(Claire): This is a mental body definition, logical and powerful. Spiritual body says simply, "Char cried and they flew away with him."
When channeling, I think it is wise not to use too much of your analytical mind. You give up remembering that the eagle on the head is a symbol of ascension, but you gain a conversation and profound connection with it. Remain acutely aware but be careful not to be analytical. Speaking of which :-)
Dan continues. The syntax of the local star field language, was brought by the Annunaki. The more fractal and galactic Sirian/Ophanic/Enochian language glyph symbols, are based on the hypercube/dodec (Vincent Bridges.) This is a superset of early language brought by the Annunaki. These ancient letterforms, language of the angels/angles are the wave guide shapes like cookie cutters through which magnetism learns the turns to inhabit/braid star systems together. The eddies (furrows?) in the wave forms of light outside of a cellular centriole/and galactic black holes shaped like Ankh, Aleph, and Omega, are the ripples past the foci of the letterform itself which wave pattern residue in the ethers we then call "a galaxy". The face of the black hole is the language of angels selectively consuming and spitting out the magnetism making galaxies. The shape algorhythm for this black hole braiding thru time is called the Ophanic Alphabet of the Enochian keys.
Another article you might like to read is by Vincent Bridges, who writes about losing the angels from him, and then shows how the mental body can be allowed to oppress the spiritual/mystical body so that the Bird Tribe cannot return. Minds spinning analytical thought toss the birds out of their nests rather than allowing them to become embedded or nested or making their birds' nests on the head. In a wordless mind the eagles can nest. See Vincent's article, if you can find it on the net, "Impact of Ophanim Angels on History."
The mental body can work in unison with the spiritual and like it. Char demonstrated that last night. Char is a conscious channel who coordinates his mental body and his spiritual body so that he can fly and type at the same time :-) I feel this is part of the teaching the eagles brought, that of the right brain/left brain phenomenal capabilities. Char's balance of both bodies is transcendent, and thus he was flown away by eagles. Whatever points the archangels were making with their chakra talons, whatever lessons they brought, they were gratefully received and with a long hope that we will see them again. The god Horus told us, "See them all, my beautiful feathers. See how many feathers I have to display?!"
Peace and Love,
Shield Guide
Claire Grace Watson
Peace be unto you. I knew yesterday that Archangel Bellaron is here because of the mind's eye vision of had of gold and yellow and brown Autumn leaves, swirling along the ground and in a spiral breeze. At the same time that I saw it, what passed over me was the widest sense of peace I have ever known. Just for a moment, an instance, I knew the meaning of life with every particle of my body but my mouth could never have told it. That is the angel of old age and dying that I experienced once before in Seattle.
Channeling Session on Spiritweb
Group Channeling Session
Dear One, I am breaking this email into two parts, not
because it is so very long, but because some people
can only get a few paragraphs, and it's longer than
Thank you for registering as a member of this
channeling group. All of us appreciate your energy
flowing through and helping us connect with higher
light bodies and divinities. We also hope to connect
with our higher selves at these ultra-highfrequencies.
Speaking of frequencies, this Tuesday night at 8:30pm
EST we will be hosting Archangel Metatron in the
Spiritweb chat room Metatron. Go into the chat area on
the website and type Metatron into
the search engine, then enter the chat room. Go to:
Last week, Metatron came into our group and helped us
adjust our "speed" so we could "handle Raphael." Not
to pat us on the back, but didn't we handle Raphael
just great?! This week, we will be handling the power
that helps us handle the power, or something like
that. :-)
I AM sure, just based on our experiences so far, we
will have a super evening with Metatron. Just relax
and allow. Take your time to feel the change of
frequencies as we move through them. Sometimes it is
a pleasant experience, sometimes it is weird,
sometimes just interesting, but keep in mind there is
a reason for it and an energy presence helping us at
all times. And when we mark our first movement into
the dimension of ascended light, we will be greeted by
a being who is merging with us to help us move into
ascension realms of light. We can experience what it
is like to be in that energy and to directly sponsor
a being of light who can merge with us and show us
some visions and sounds, and we can experience the
physical sensations of Being There in the ascension
I am really excited about Metatron! My first
experience with him came about in much the same way as
last week, when he just popped in. During the first
Ritual of the Portal in 1996, I intuitively wrote him
into the group event. Here is Ritual of the
Stonehenge portal and here is how Metatron asked to be
placed within the context of that group event. (I get
goose-pimples reading this. Everything we asked for
was granted. And this ritual is just as significant
right now as it ever was.)
See Part II
Group Channeling Metatron Part II
To continue, here is Ritual of the Stonehenge Portal
Tuesday Night, Feb. 8, 2000
8:30pm EST
Spiritweb chat room Metatron
and type in the name
In this ritual, we called upon Metatron to guard the portal, wherein reside the light keys.
Fire Ritual to Invoke the Shield Guides
We call upon the Archangel Michael, come forward now and with all your powers raise the Watch-Towers at the 4 corners of the universal Cross of Light. Come forward Lord Michael and place your first sword of light high atop the Western Watch-Tower.(Light the candle to your left)
Come forward Lord Michael and place your second sword of light high atop the Southern Watch-Tower.(Light the candle at the bottom)
Come forward Lord Michael and place your third sword of light high atop the Eastern Watch-Tower.(Light the candle to the right)
Come forward Lord Michael and place your fourth sword of light high atop the Northern watch-tower.(Light the candle at the top)
We call upon you, mighty Archangel, raise high your cobalt blue excalibur sword and make it spin! Shield us now with your presence and your sword as we begin to weave the tapestry of love and light that is our group consciousness.
Now we are shielded and with all power we say:
Come forward Pacal, Shield Guide of the Maya,
raise high your hand-shield and shield us.
Come forward Isis, Shield Guide of the World Soul,
raise high your 3-pronged sceptre and shield us.
Come forward Osiris, Shield Guide of the Egyptians,
raise high your silver shield and shield us.
Come forward Gillian, Shield Guide of the planet,
raise high the 3-pronged shield and seal the planet.
Now we are shielded and with all power we say:
Come forward priests and priestesses of the old
universe Bring us the Light keys.
Come forward Prometheus, our Fire-Brother,Bring us the
fire energy.
Come forward you powerful and loving beings of light!
Surround the fire portal Stonehenge in all spirit,
in all love and light and ignite the portal.
Place the light keys inside the portal and raise the
fiery hand.
Come forward the Archangel Metatron
Grace the portal with your angelic being.
Now we are shielded and in all power we say:
Only the light keys for ascension can pass through the
fiery portal.
Come forward the Shield Guides of the universe.
Bring the Light keys through the portal of the old
Pass the light through the portal, into the energy grid
matrix of our planet.
Flow this energy of light and love directly to us, unite
with us in the Light!
Come into our portals and empower us in all light and
Come into our biofields and increase our light.
Extend to us the love and light of the Source.
Love and Light In Extension!
When I wrote, "Come forward the Archangel Metatron. Grace the portal with your angelic being," I remember it amused me, because I thought it was flattery, a way of getting this powerful guardian archangel involved with us and watching over us. Now that I read back over it, I see it IS time to bring Metatron, because we DO have the light keys in the portal and the fiery hand IS raised. Thank you, Metatron!
At the time I wrote that ritual, I could not yet hear my guides speak. I was channeling, but I could not hear them say their names. I didn't really know who Metatron was but I felt his presence and got an idea of his name, and I intuitively knew where to put him in the ritual. He is very good at wordless communication, so it is wonderful he is coming to work with us.
Our group has 28 members now, and hopefully most of us will be present on Tuesday night. The great thing about the spiritweb chat room is that we can cut and paste the session at any time, and also print it out. There is a little lag time between typing and posting to the chat room, and every time you post, the web page reloads. Try turning off the images to limit the distraction of that page reloading each time. That's all there is to it, but if any problems occur we will meet at the Yahoo chat room instead. Only registered members can enter the Yahoo chat. Anyone can enter the Spiritweb chat.
Peace and Love,
Shield Guide
Halo Merkaba, Dear One :-) I am trying to write a piece about last
week's channeling sessions, but I think I've given up on it. You just
had to be there. We merged with Metatron, Hilarion, Mahatma Ghandi,
Lady Diana, Sananda, Genie, and Rondra. Then, Metatron gave us some
tools to work with, a blueprint, a gold disk, a map, and the Water of
Life, and then took us for a ride in his merkaba to meet Spon-Das and
Lyra, in the constellation Lyra, where we entered a stone building
through a door, and then figured out to go up through the ceiling. We
floated above the building and looked back at the planet Earth and
experienced our bi-location. It was wonderful and we all felt the
sensation of riding through space, floating in space, and then coming
home in the merkaba basket boat that Isis weaved for us. It was sweet
beyond all telling and my love for Spirit has deepened since then, even
as deep as it already was.
Peace and Love
Invitation to attend and participate
If you have microphone capabilities we can talk to each other, and if you
don't you can type your comments and questions. If you do not have mic
capabilities, you still should be able to hear me speak. (Turn your
speakers on :-)
To participate (only members and founders can chat), join this club,
Channeling Sessions. Just follow the links. When you join, you can
find information on how to set up your mic so we can speak real time.
The information on setting up the mic is under Member Tools, Help,
Chat, More Help. You might want to read this info anyway.
I will be doing more channeling sessions like this with others of my
guides. As a member you will receive the I send to members
regarding the sessions and the speakers.
When you join and enter the chat room, some windows will come
up about configuring your mic. If you have one and want to speak,
click yes for voice activation and read the instructions. If you don't
have a mic just click no and keep going to enter the chat. When
we are talking, we have to take turns. We can't talk at the same
time, like on the telephone. This session should last about an hour
or so, and please feel free to stay in the chat room and continue
the discussion as long as you like. Some of my community
members and friends will be here during the channel, and they
may wish to join in with you from this end with comments and
more discussion. I am planning on taping the session. You can
tape too, if you want to have a copy of it.
I am a conscious channel, which means my voice does not
change when I channel King. I feel the presence of King very
strongly. In the US, today is his national holiday, and I live
in Atlanta, GA, where King grew up, lived his life, and is buried
just a few miles from me. I can feel a "consciousness bubble"
forming today in Atlanta in respect for King and his life and for
his values of nonviolence in an often violent world. Atlanteans
are bringing him through today.
King has requested a channeling session with me, and I have
quickly agreed. I dreamed of him last night ("I have a dream" :-),
and in the dream he showed me the topic he wants to discuss. I have
channeled King once before in Seattle, Washington, and I felt his
presence to be very serene and peaceful. He is not at rest, however, in
terms of global matters and he still participates from his level of
King is powerful and virtuous. He lives a life of happiness and joy. If
you would like to experience his energy, I think I can provide a way of
doing that through this channeling session. Certainly, I will try to bring
him through in his own energy and experiences. Oh, btw, every now
and then we have power outages in the intentional community where I
live. If that happens, which it probably won't, just stay in the chat room
and I will be back online soon.
If you have questions and I'll try to answer them. I am new to
this talk chat technology, so I am just learning it. If you are a pro,
lend your expertise. I am a little bit nervous, as you can imagine,
because I have not channeled in a talk-chat before, and my first
experience will be one of bringing through an individual whom I have
channeled only once before, a great, planetary spirit and guardian
who will speak about subjects near and dear to his heart. Feel free to
send this and the club link to whomever you think might
want to participate. There is a limit on how many people can be in
chat room at the same time. I think it's 18 or 20, but I'm not sure.
You may want to go into the room early just to make sure. That's what
I am going to do. Also, please keep your open so we can
if we need to.
Peace and Love
Next Session:
Happy Lunar Eclipse to you! Here are the channeling
session results from Tuesday night. As it turned out,
5 people did manage to get registered as members, and
several of them are channelers.
First, an archangel named Bernadette came in. She
said she is an "Irish angel lady." She connected us
together and opened all our chakras, one at a time
from the top down, and we all were having the same
experiences, temperature changes, kundalini movement
and occasional chills. Lots of goose bumps and
continuous crown chakra opening. I had a mind's eye
vision of her swirling her white gown over our
heads. The chakra opening lasted about 20 minutes,
and it was so profound an experience that we
thought Bernadette was IT, the whole event. And we
were happy with that! She told us she came because
we requested her, but none of us remembered that.
Once she got us all opened, she brought in Martin.
As I channeled her, she said, "Someone is here who
wishes to speak." Then, I channeled the name,
When I first got Martin, we had difficulties getting
synchronized, he and I, and really we couldn't.
Sananda came in and stableized us. Martin told us he
loved being with us and he seemed to want to sit with
us an casually chat, just enjoy being a member of the
group. We were, of course, delighted with that. His
presence was not as profoudly felt by us as
Bernadette's, but it was a strong presence. I gained
a remarkable experience of him because I was the main
person who was embodying him, but we all were holding
his light and energy. Bernadette made it possible for
him to merge with all of us, not just me. Martin
told a parable and a poem.
The parable was about a man who rode a raft across a
river and met a woman on the other side. He told
her,"You and I are the same person." She said, "No, we
are not the same person. I am me and you are you."
The man said, "See that raft? That raft and I were
one when we came across the river, and you and I are
like that." The woman said again, "No, we are not."
The man said to her, "Madam, you are a fool." She
replied, "Sir, you blaspheme yourself!" With that,
Martin started laughing and laughing, and somehow it
knocked me out of the chat room and I had to re-enter.
If you read that parable several times it will finally
click in how really deep it is! It is a deep river
the man rafted across! And considering the
circumstances, the channeling and the groups'
experiences, it just gets even more astonishing as a
teaching. Yet it is so simple a little parable.
Martin recited a poem, my new favorite poem :-) that
goes like this:
There was an old man who lived in a shoe, stop me if
you've heard this. (Everyone chuckled)
Like the parable, it is another poetic conundrum that
exemplifies simplicity but delivers the goods, the
teaching, in a major way! Martin said that, in life,
he was crazy about Sarah Vaughn, the singer. He also
remembered a little puppy he had when he was a child.
He took a few moments to enjoy the memory of that
Once we got in the flow things, he did tremendous
material about life and fear, and utterly lifted me to
a high realm where I could know what he was saying and
what I was typing. It just rolled out of him,
material about being who you are when all around seem
to resist it, talking about mothering others and
leading the way to the higher ground and about not be
afraid to be who you are. He told us, "The illusion
is that the world is frightful." Then he told us,
"The dream is freedom." (Think about that one for a
moment and you can see the multi-dimensionality of the
statement, almost a remark about our entire reality.)
He said there is much work to be done. He talked
directly to our hearts, and it was beautiful. He knew
something about everyone in the room and spoke to us
When the evening began, I had a fun time with this
spirit crew because both Bernadette and Martin wanted
to play with my computer equipment and with my
microphone, which was not working right. They kept me
involved with fiddling with equipment for at least 15
minutes, off and on. I think they wanted to talk :-)
It was funny to me and I typed in, "I'm trying
to wrestle this equipment from these angels :-) Bill
typed back, "When you get a body you want to play with
the toys." When Martin first came through, he kept
saying his name over and over. At least 10 times or
more I said, "Martin," with different tones of voice,
Martin, Martin, Martin, Martin, over and over. I
still am not sure why. My friend Carol says, "Don't
you just know how much he wanted to hear his name
spoken in a soft southern accent?"
Sananda was present and never said one word! He helped
Martin and me get organized. Then, towards the end, a
Sirian and a Pleidian came in. I could hold 4 but not
5, so the Pleidian left, and the Sirian stayed long
enough to say hello to Char and then he left. Char
was promoted by the Sirians to the rank of Sirian
Commander a couple of years ago.
Then Bernadette left with Martin, while Sananda
stayed behind silently. Dee and Bill tried to engage
Sananda in conversation, but he waited patiently
without responding. The only time he responded was
when he laughed when Bill, who couldn't get him to
respond, told him to go play on his Harley.
Then Bernadette came back and visited with everyone
again. We did not know she would return and were of
course intrigued. It was like she left to give Martin
a ride home and then came back to the party :-). She
resonanted strongly with James and was embodied by
him. He felt trancey and couldn't type well. He
arrived late and had not experienced her energy
earlier. She stayed on with him after the channeling
and into the next day, and she also visited with Char,
making an interesting demonstration of bilocation or
multiple self-hood or a group of archangels called
Bernadette, or something. The possibilities are
interesting. Mayann came in very late and experienced
Bernadette for a while during the channeling.
The channeling lasted for two hours and 15 minutes. I
really enjoyed it and did not want to stop. But I was
tired. They had played with everything on my desk and
pressed all the buttons, played with the silver angel
on top of my computer, fiddled with the keyboard,
messed with the mouse and taken the mic headset apart
and put it back together 3 or 4 times. :-) When I
got up the next morning I felt like I was wearing some
kind of equipment that might be called a helmet
massager :-)
My information about the next channeling is that
tentatively scheduled are Archangel Bellaron (angel of
old age and dying) and the Lady Di, Princess of Whales
(Moon Goddess of the Whales). I have channeled the
archangel once before, and during the session a
picture of a child, who had died early in life and who
we were talking about, fell off a shelf and landed
near me. The possibility because obvious to us that
the archangel was accompanied by the child. The thing
I remember so well about that session, was that two
people were present who were in their 80's, and they
were frail. Their son was there and he knew what I
was doing when I called on spirit to come through, and
they knew, too, but they didn't take it seriously.
Bellaron came and connected us, and I got most amazing
sensation of "the energy of ancientness and being
ancient." Can't think how else to describe it. The
old couple and the vastly old archangel together
produced it. I loved that energy the moment I
experienced it, the energy of being at that place in
life where old age is the reality and the moments are
lengthening and death is no longer a fear. I hold onto
the memory of that moment. If we could experience
that, how happy I would be.
I have channeled Lady Di several times since 1996.
She is a lovely spirit, fun to talk with and
passionately interested in the whales on the planet.
When I channeled her in '96, at Sananda's request, I
listened as he told about her arriving in Heaven and
making boasts about being the Princess of Whales,
setting up what she called a "foreign office" and
scheduling speeches. "She convinced everyone there of
the truth of it," Sananda said, laughing. He said,
"She materialized in the midst of us and crowned
herself queen! She produced as evidence of her
royalty her subjects, the whales, and they are indeed
devoted to her! She is their goddess."
The topic of the next session will be, "How to find
peace within," but I hope to always remain open to
whatever occurs. As Bernadette taught us, sometimes
we do not know what or who we need to make these
experiences varied and rich. The session is
scheduled for January 25th, at 8:00. If you want to
join in and are not yet a member, let me know and I
will send you a membership invitation. It's free :-)
It's a Yahoo chat room. It takes between 12 and 24
hours for the computer to process your membership so
you can enter the chat. Look forward to seeing you :-)
Peace and Love
Voice channeling of Martin Luther King on the topic of:
"The Realization of the Self in a Planetary Environment of
Lawlessness, Fear, and Hate."
Monday, January 17, 2000
8:00 pm EST
Tuesday Night, January 18, 2000
8:00pm EST
Archangel Bernadette
and Martin Luther King
Tuesday Night, January 25
8:00pm EST
Archangel Bellaron
and the Lady Di
He had so much money he didn't know what to do.
He decided to go out in the world to seek a bride.
He went out of the shoe but it was cold outside.
So he decided to seek for a bride from within,
And accomplished it with email, my friend.
Oh, btw, the channeling last night was off the scale, and I wish I could have saved it, but it won't save on Yahoo. Five people attended, including me, and it was phenomenal. First of all, an archangel named Bernadette came in and connected us all together and opened our chakras, ALL OF THEM one at a time and we had the exact same experiences. We thought she was IT, the whole deal and everything. But once she got us all opened up, she brought in Martin. She said, someone is here who wishes to speak, and I channeled the name, Martin.
That's another amazing thing that I can hardly describe. It lasted for two hours and 15 minutes. When I first got Martin we had difficulties getting it synchronized, he and I, and really we couldn't. Sananda came in and totally stableized us. Martin did a parable and a poem (with Sananda's help, I suspected) and it just blew us away. It was about a man who took a raft across a river and met a woman on the other side. He told her, you and I are the same person, and she said, no way, or something like that. He said, see that raft? That raft and I were one when we came across the river and you and I are like that. (He told it better than this. It was mesmerizing.) The woman said again, no way. And he said to her, madam, you are a fool. And she said to him, sir, you blaspheme yourself. And Martin just started laughing laughing and it knocked me out of the chat room somehow. Too much energy, I guess. I had to get back in while they waited.
He did a poem that went something like this:
There was a old man who lived in a shoe, stop me if you've heard this. (Everyone chuckled)
I forget exactly. It was funny.
Martin said that, in life, he was crazy about Sarah Vaughn :-) He also remembered about a little puppy he had when he was a child. He did tremendous material, once we got in the flow, about life and fear, and he knew something secret about everyone in the room, and spoke to them. He made someone cry, he got so close to them. He said, the illusion is that the world is frightful. He said, "The dream is freedom." He told us there is much work to be done. He said a lot and he really was talking directly to our hearts. It was beautiful. I want to channel him again.
I had the wildest time with this crew because both Bernadette and Martin wanted to play with my computer equipment and my microphone, and kept me involved with that for at least 15 minutes, off and on, while everyone waited. I typed in, I'm trying to wrestle this equipment from these angels. And Bill Brown typed back, Just when you get a body you want to play with the toys. When I first got Martin, he kept saying his name with my mouth over and over, at least 10 times, like he just wanted to hear it spoken by me or him or something, I don't know.
And guess what? You won't believe it, but Sananda never said ONE WORD. I was stunned. He just sat around and checked it all out and helped me and Martin get organized. So I channeled Bernadette, Martin, and Sananda, who said NOTHING. Then, towards the end, in came a Sirian and a Pleidian. I could hold 4 but not 5, so the Pleidian left and the Sirian only stayed long enough to say hello to Char (Bill Cunningham) who Sananda promoted to Sirian Commander a couple of years ago through me. Then Bernadette left and took Martin, Sananda stayed behind silently, then Bernadette came back and visited with everyone again and then with James, who had come in late and hadn't had the benefit of her energy. James emailed today to say she has been with him all day, and Char said the same thing. It was awesome, just awesome, and I was so tired by it. This morning when I got up I felt like I was wearing a football helmet :-)
Do you know Bill Brown (Zapphoton) from the Ashtar list at Spiritweb? He was there and if you know him you could email and ask him about it. Get it from his perspective. It would be so great it you could attend personally. I'm getting information on the next one that sounds like, tentatively, Archangel Bellaron, Angel of Death and Dying, and Lady Di. That ought to be something!
He had so much money he didn't know what to do.
He decided to go look for a bride
He went out of the shoe but it was cold outside.
So he decided to seek for a bride from within,
And accomplished it with email, my friend.
Dear Club Members: We have been very successful with the archangels we hosted, though we didn't expect a couple of them to appear. That tells me our beacon of light is bright. It is beaming into the highest realms, and They can see it and are coming toward it!
This week we hosted several winged beings of light, all either angels or archangels. We experienced the feminine energies of Goddess when Archangel Bernadette swirled her white gown over our heads and magically opened our chakras. We experienced the masculine energies of God's Holy Legions when a flock of angel-eagles with talons landed in us. We hosted the Egyptian God Horus, whom we were not expecting, and we connected with the spirit-soul of Martin King, the name he prefers. We hosted Bird Tribe, who came in vast flocks and interacted with us. The Lady Di is preparing for her time with us.
We are hoping to host the archangel Raphael on Tuesday night at 8:30pm EST. (Note the new time, spirit's request). My guidance is to prepare for his arrival and the appearance of his healing teams.
We have requested this appearance of God's Healer to come heal us of our sorrows, whatever they may be, and of our physical discomforts and ailments. We pray to the mighty Archangel Raphael to come and bring his healing staff of Hermes and touch us with it. Last week, I brought through the word Hermes and I felt the connection to Raphael and to that Higher Power yet to come. What an experience!
When archangels visit our channeling group, we gain the physical experience of them. This is because we are an experiential group rather than some other kind. There is really no pressure or need to bring through words or to otherwise obey any perceived concepts about channeling. Eventually, words do come and they are beautiful and profound. But it seems the energy is focused on kundalini awareness and the chakra system rather than speech, regardless how high the podium :-) We benefit more from kundalini yoga-consciousness expanding aspects of this work than from the analytical organization required for speaking words. I speak what I hear, but I experience more than I speak. I try to express that, also, but some things, no words can ever tell.
The best results we have been getting, imho, are those that are dynamic, physical and real - the personal interactions with the energies we call for. If we can feel them, then we can believe in them. And if we can believe in them, then they are real. The great gnostic writer Basilides said, "It is belief in the invisible that brings it manifest."
My personal goal is to experience the beings of light with all of my senses. The main thing is to feel the touch of the Divine Finger (or the grip of the divine talons, or the swirls of the divine gown, whatever :-)
Here is my personal understanding of how to do this kind of channeling, and it has been working for me. The archangels and angels are just as interested in us as we are in them. We can merge with them and share some of our commonalities as well as our personal areas of expertise. They have vast healing powers, we know this, particularly the Raphael Powers. They also have the ability to make real whatever we beseech them to make real, because they are our co-creators in many ways. But we have divine capabilities that the archangels are interested in; we have the ability to project reality. We have the Powers of Projection.
Here is my channeling formula, which is the old and simple alchemical formula for making yourself divine by merging with it. The alchemists would say the formula is simple but the alchemical preparations require many stages of development. There is mixing and re-mixing involved, with plenty of Mercury and Phospherous added. Then you heat it, then you chill it, then you take it out and test it and you put it back. You do this over and over until you make lead into alchemical gold. How does this relate to us?
It seems to me the physical experiences we have been having in the beginning of the sessions, when the archangels work with our resonance and frequences and get us all in tune, are like the alchemical mixing and re-mixing metaphor. And I have felt the presence of the Great Alchemist St. Germain behind the scenes of our sessions, mixing and stirring and helping out. I have also seen the spinning pink CD of the Lady Quan Yin, which tells me she is working with our tones. I have been intoning during the channeling sessions.
A simple way of expressing this channeling is the Alice Bailey way. She called it the externalization of the hierarchy. "As within, so without." Everything on the outside of us is also on the inside us, but not everything on the inside is on the outside. If we want divinity outside of us so that it can act upon us, then we must place it there. To do this, we externalize the (cosmic) hierarchy, which dwells within in the vast, inner-dimensional World Soul.
Another simple expression is I AM THAT I AM. The idea is that the eternal and pure is seeded within each one us, and we can access It and activate It by conscious intent and repeated tries like in Alchemy. Here is how to do it.
To merge with the angels and archangels, we have to embody them, take them within us. But they have to be outside of us for that to work, and we already know that everything outside of us is illusion. The only thing real is on the inside. So, we awaken them from within, project them outside of ourselves so we can experience them as "powerful other," and then take them back inside. Then, they can move in and out of the crown chakra and nest on the head like Eagle :-) and keep the Water of Life flowing by piercing the crown with talons. In this way, we share realities. This channeling works well as a group activity because we are all at different places along this path. When we do this as a group, we empower each other and amplify our capabilities like in the portal rituals.
Oh, btw, the membership list of the channeling sessions club is now my main mailing list. If you are a member of the club you will get email :-) If you are not a member, then probably you won't :-( If you are a member you can schedule chat room time on the club calendar and send invitations. (I AM still figuring out how the calendar works. Right now, I can't get it to send invitations.) Let me know when you schedule time and I will send invitations to the club. Good ideas always welcome :-)
To become a member, follow the links below. If you have any problems, email me and I will send an invitation direct from the club, and you should be able to join that way. Hope to see you there!
Peace and Love,
Shield Guide
Claire Grace Watson
Merkaba building continuing nicely after the session.
How bout you? I still have Raphael with me. Is he
working with you? Also, Metatron is requesting
personal time with us, "My own time slot," he says. He
left last session with the comment that he was leaving
because he wasn't schedule.
Oops! I'm happy to host him, even though my experience
of him last week was that he was a large lump on a log
that came to sit inside me and stare without blinking
at my computer screen. I have never "not moved" so
much in my life as in those minutes when we merged.
There was intense pulling energy, and I had the
deepest and most peaceful sense of NOTHING. NO-THING.
No-think, no words, no nothing. (Wasn't it after
Metatron that Buddha came in, but not as heavy?) I
stayed in the No-thing for as long as I could.
Metatron never spoke. I think he cleared his throat a
time or two is all. But, whatever. His guardianship
of us is sublime, I'm sure. He's powerful enough to
short circuit all our computers, so it may be just as
well that he sits quietly. I know he has something to
bring us or he would not be requesting time. Also,
he's a guardian angel of very high rank. I think he
is probably known around the divine realms as Mr.
Metatron. :-) I think we will be hosting the
Archangel Metatron on Tuesday night as our "main
provider," he says.
It would seem that we schedule one lightbeing, but so
many are interested and wanting to "play with us" that
they share the time. There was Archangel Uriel. I
sure would like to get him back, big as he is. He
told me his favorite nickname, right when we got him,
but I didn't want to type it in, even though he asked
me to. (He caught my block. I'll do better next time,
Sir Uriel.) It's "Buffoon." He said he was the
biggest buffoon in the Universe and that he holds up
galaxies. He was huge and entered smiling, and we
sure got the sense of just how big he really is. He
is one big buffoon. (I apologize, I haven't seen
Char's notes, but who brought in Uriel? Was it Aoriel
or Kirombi? Gentleheart channeled him, and he was
very sweet.)
Wow, weren't the lovers, Tristan and Isolde, something
else with their twining energy? Their energy was so
profound, I was knocked right out of the chat room.
Still online, but I couldn't remember where my page
was and how to get to it. Then, I noticed I was on my
page! Some more of that NO-THING. I came back into
the chat room feeling absolutely great! The image of
Cupid with his arrows comes to mind. Zapped by the
arrow of Love!
Archangel Raphael came and brought us the LOVE, and it
was wonderful and lasted 20 minutes or so. Just being
infused, all of our particles, in pure, healing love.
I'll take it anytime I can get it! Love love love!
We absorbed it for as long as we could, and then Shiva
Bala Yogi appeared and congratulated us on our
ascension. He said we were causing a ruckus outside
the Peace Palace in Heaven where John Lennon was
giving a concert, and that he and his friends had come
out to see what was going on. Then, he implied that
he was facilitating our group and our ascension, and
had been the whole time! He said, "Listen. Can you
hear it? John Lennon is singing. He's giving a
For several moments, I was there, hearing him sing and
seeing how he looks. He was singing, "Get your gear
because we're moving on!" Something like that. He
has long, angel white dreadlocks, and he still wears
the glasses. He was wearing a light beige linen suit,
loose shirt and pants, very casual and relaxed. His
shoes were dark brown and like slip-on wooden shoes,
that modern style, whatever you call it. He was
strumming his cherry wood guitar. I saw him in
concert for a second, then a longer view of him
sitting on a stone pillar and lying back against
another one, like lounging on the steps of an ancient
I remember his hair the most. It was angel white and
glowing white, like fluffy cotton, in long matted
dreadlocks like Bob Marley. In fact, I wondered when
I saw him if it wasn't another twining, this time of
Lennon and Marley. I got an impression from them that
they were "Facilitators of the organic process in
heaven of Rastafarian palaces." Humm.
Char is working on his notes of the session and I am
trying to get a chat room set up on ICQ, where
everyone can save a copy of the chat or print it out
from the screen. I think too much is happening not to
have a transcript of it. And Char misses out by
typing. A transcript will carry an energy that you
can re-connect to just by reading it.
As soon as Char's notes are done and I've added in my
notes, I'll send them. I'll also keep you updated on
the ICQ possibilities. Also, as the angels,
archangels, energies and guides learn the
capabilities of the group and the chat, I'm sure we'll
see some innovative opportunities for inner connection
come out of this, some we haven't even thought of.
One thing that occurs to me and that I can kind of
overhear guides talking about, is the way Raphael
connected us all together with those DNA spirals.
Then, he flowed the love juices through the spirals
and infused us with love. Wow, that was something
else! I think more will happen with that and some new
ways of connecting will come about. That will be
Peace and Love
Char (CH) plexus
Gentleheart (GH)... new chakra energy, above heart
Kirombi (Kir) Heart filled
CL: raphael present... many others attuning us
Aoriel (Aor)
CL...looking thru tops of eyes like bifocals
CH...swirling spirals of love connecting us all
Zap...chills upper body
CL...Rock of Ages
CH..lots of kundalini.. All day
CL...archangel metatron... opened the door... brought the energy
...another.... lighter energy...calm... a lady power...beautiful
CH...heart expanding
CL: Tristan and Isolde...lovers divine
[everyone feeling heart] and gold
CL...interwoven divine love energies...two spirals... head to toe...tree energy...
Kir: feeling sweet sadness in heart... reunion
CL: [blasted off the puter]
[Lynny too]
Thru CH: "We are so very pleased to find you all so very open to our presence...thank you for allowing us to join you.
Our intertwining reflects your oneness with each other...with all, as you continue to allow your frequencies to be raised... as you continue to remember who you are..."
CH: feeling them inside me so strong
CL: eye of horus ...eagles eye... gods of all kingdoms... rulers of the light... bringers of dawn... pharoh kephren
CL: we've been passing thru frequencies, thru spectrums of light...each individual ray identified itself to us...
CL: now a new one... a soul unborn
CH: such a pure light
CL: instilled in each lies one... and where you go it stays
GH: asleep but fully conscious.. Knowing each of us by rote
CL: by each is known the timbre of the forest and the song
GH.. Is the great goddess-god present
Kir: fingers warm
Thru CL: "Archangel Raphael attends you now..."
Kir: seat of my soul
Aor, GH, Kir: throat...tight like a bowstring
CL: totally emobied...thirsty
Pkt: fingers pulsing
CL: if you sit still and focus on top of head, help activate opening so the archangel can come in... he's sending waves of energy from me (CL) reaching out to connect you... intertwining... Like dna spirals, activating every particle of your system if you let them... merkaba initialized... unitary chakra enabled
CH, CL: feel the energy coming in thru face
Thru CL: (Raphael) "here is the master you wish for... the healing keys of the creator... collecting light, bringing it to you... healing... be refreshed and renewed... be whole and happy"
CL: Archangel touching my fingers
Thru CL: (Raph) "Remember..."
Kir..chair shaking
CL: all my particles just thrilled
Everyone: feeling gratitude
CL:. make love to us, archangel!
Aor: feel light... so grateful
Everyone: hugs around... all... so much love... love is all you need... love is all there is... wrapping in blankets of love... love is the base of all... love is what is happening
Aor: Uriel is here with me... a heavy one... sitting on my head
I (CH) got booted... missed some
GH: [something about the]..Milky way
Zap: saw Milky Way shooting from his hand (Uriel?)
everyone feeling connected... at higher self levels
GH: Uriels says we usually encounter him when deep in astral, and that the Milky Way is his prized project, and that we're very close to successfully completing our tasks, and he's proud of us...we've far surpassed their expectations of us... he sends and as always sends his deepest love and gratitude for volunteering for such a challenging assignment
Kir... feel like only beginning
Thru GH (Uriel): "Therein lies the error, Kirombi... aspects of self... it only looks like they're beginning... the alpha and omega look the same from 3D limited perception"
Aor: never felt him as fat.. Just so BIG and immense in his nature... grateful for his protection and love
Thru GH (Uriel) "I work with GH a lot, but not used to utilizing physical form. Frustrating."
GH: he's a jolly being, whom we call Saturn or Old Father Time or St Nick
CL: Shiva Bala Yogi
GH: but his true name is Uriel
CL: Feeling the presence of a yogi: Shiva Bala Yogi... sends his love to us... wants to work with our group...has some friends to introduce to us... heard about our channeling group
GH: Uriel is the energies we asign to Saturn, but also aligned with Pluto and Cronous
CL: walking thru the cosmic grapevine
CL: Shiva Bala Yogi wants to talk with us.. Something important... something going on, big time, in the upper divisions... something right outside the Peace Palace on high... "Censored"
Thru CL: (SBYogi): "Well maybe just a word or two, but keep it to yourselves. : ) Listening to John Lennon concert.... "Get your gear ready cuz we're movin on"
CL: that's it..that's what's happening...we're having an ascension NOW
Thru CL (SBY): "I am your ascension guide for this evening's ascension. You may call me Shiva Bala Yogi"
[then I kept getting booted and got no more notes.... sorry : ) ]
Born into a noble family in Athens, Greece about 639 BCE, Solon was a famous lawmaker and established Athenian democracy in Greece. He was known as one of
the seven wise men of Greece. He uses Centurion because he was a commander in the Greek army and also because he
reincarnated as a lawmaker in ancient Rome. As a Greek commander he conquered the island of Salamis and was
elected chief government official of Athens and given the authority to change the laws.
Most of the wealth in Greece was in the hands of a few powerful citizens. The farmers had been forced to mortgage
their lands and to borrow money, offering themselves and their families as security. Solon immediately passed a law
which canceled all these debts and mortgages, and freed those who had become slaves. He also changed the monetary
system so that foreign trade was made easier. Solon made many other changes to the benefit of the citizens, allowing
all classes of citizens to become members of the assembly and the public law courts. When he retired from office, he
made the Athenians promise to keep his laws for 10 years. Solon is here with us now giving us benefit of his great
logic and his brilliant beingness of light.
Built during Solon's lifetime, the Parthenon is the masterpiece of Greek architecture. Solon is thought to have contributed both architectural insights and governmental funding for the project.
"Solon was the greatest lawmaker Greece ever knew because he understood logical skepticism in a way no one else could. He used it in battle, he used it in life, he used it in law and he used it in love. He was told he would be divine while he lived and he believed it, acted upon it, understood it, and became in life who he became. He furthered himself, his people, his land and his learning through the knowledge of his divinity and never doubted it, never once.
He stood tall among men, for in that time only men ruled in such a way as Solon could be called to rule. In the Golden of Ages, he was pure gold and so everyone said so. And when he was asked his secret of success he replied to the people, "I am divine and so are you. Now what will you do about it?" he asked them. "What can you make of it?"
They looked at Solon and knew he was divine because he could speak this way to them. They worshipped him and he told them, "No, do not worship me for I am no more than you are, but I am only applying my knowledge in such a way as was given to me to use it, but you, you are standing and admiring me, and where will this get you? You have better things to do with your life than to stand and admire somebody else. You are divine, now go be divine like I told you. Go be God. You are God. Go be God."
Solon writes:
"We are skeptics, all of us, are we not? We are made this way for a good reason. We are also imbued with logic as part of our tools for living. Logic and skepticism combined make for a powerful tool of discernment.
And discernment is everything, in the sense that, without it, we are lost at sea in a vast ocean of decisions and energies, pulling this way, pulling that, and no way to decide this or that, here or there, what or why. We are in dire need of logical skepticism to help us navigate this sea of possibilities, this ocean of yearning and desire, needs, wishes, hopes and dreams. What a place this is, this life, this universe, this selfhood! What a fine place this is to be, and logical skepticism makes it all the sweeter for it helps us to define ourselves and our purposes, our joys, all the things that make life worth living, all the things that make life sweet.
This is the most beautiful of places and the most beautiful of lives that we have now, and we must strive, strive, strive to make it the most it can possibly be through both logic and skepticism. We are not puppets nor were ever meant to be. We are divine in all respects and our purpose here is to discover our divinity, whatever it takes, wherever it leads, whatever the cost. We are divine and so we will be divine through all powers given to us, one of them logical skepticism. Solon Centurion says this."
"I am a distinct personality from Claire. We are not the same being but yet we can come together this way and work as though we are. Claire and I have matched our frequencies so that we can unite and work together. So much fun we are having, so much joy and love we feel for each other. We are married, you know. We are husband and wife. We are having a great time!"
"Have you ever gone to the battle and known you would die and knew also the importance of it?"
"When in doubt, always withdraw from the fray. It is the wisest thing to do in all situations. Never be afraid to withdraw, for there is safety in hanging back until you feel a level of confidence to enter the contest again. For this is what this is, a contest to establish certain truths and ways of being. This contest is marked by casualties along the way, people who did not or could not continue in the struggle for truth. Such is life." (Solon Centurion, Commander of the Greek armies against the armies of Rome)
Solon (638?-559? BC), Athenian statesman and legislator, considered the founder of Athenian democracy. Born of a noble family, as a young man he engaged in foreign trade, gaining valuable experience. During his lifetime, a crisis occurred in social and economic conditions in Greece. An agricultural depression had taken hold, and many free Athenian small farmers who could not pay their debts were sold into slavery. In 594 BC Solon was elected archon, or chief magistrate, to reform the oppressive conditions.
Solon immediately forbade borrowing on the security of the person of the debtor and canceled all current mortgages and debts. He also encouraged those who could not live by farming to take up other occupations, thereby giving impetus to trades and professions. Equally important were Solon's constitutional reforms. He retained the older division of people into classes according to wealth: the pentacosiomedimni, that is, those whose annual income equaled 500 medimni (1 medimnus = 1.5 bushels or 8.5 gal) of grain, wine, or oil; the hippeis, or knights, who could supply a war-horse for military service and whose income amounted to 300 medimni; and the zeugitae, or teamsters, who could supply a yoke of oxen and had an income of 200 medimni.
To these classes he added as a fourth class the thetes, who in general were without property. Political offices were open only to members of the first three classes, but to the thetes he gave the right to take part in the public assembly. This step was important in the development of popular government, because the selection of the assembly out of the entire citizen body gave the people control over the administration.
A new council, composed of 400 members, was formed to prepare proposals for the general assembly. The council assumed many of the legislative functions formerly held by the council of the Areopagus. On each of the four classes Solon also imposed certain duties. The three highest provided the land army of Attica, while the thetes, as rowers in the triremes (ancient ships with three banks of rowers), formed the most important part of the navy, later to prove the salvation of Greece and the mainstay of the Athenian Empire.
Solon's regulations ranged over every province of life, including marriage, adoption, clothing, farming, and the calendar. Although many details of his legislation are obscure and disputed, Solon undoubtedly emancipated the individual and took the first decisive step toward complete and true democracy. The keynote of his reforms was moderation, and he believed that each class should receive privileges in proportion to the public burdens it was able to bear.
The reforms met with dissatisfaction, however, being too democratic to please the wealthier aristocrats and not democratic enough to suit the people. In fact, tradition indicates that Solon met with such opposition that, following his year in office, he withdrew from Athens for a period of approximately ten years.
Solon occupies a prominent position also as the first Athenian poet. His poems are statements of his personal beliefs and political concepts. In Plutarch's Life of Solon is recorded much of Solon's poetry.
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