We then proceeded to weave what appeared to be a fairy tale. We pictured the human being as an atom, and traced the resemblance of man to an atom; we found that he attracted and held within his sphere of influence the matter of his various bodies, mental, emotional, and physical, in exactly the same way as the electrons were held revolving around their central focal point. The idea proved capable of still further expansion, and we turned our attention to the planet, picturing it as similar in its nature to the human atom, and to the ultimate atom of substance, being but the expression of a life manifesting through a spheroidal form and working out an intelligent purpose. Then we reached our consummation, and viewed the solar system as a cosmic atom, energized by the life of the Logos. (The Consciousness of the Atom, The Evolution of the Thinker, Alice Bailey, 1922)
- The atom has an unknown ability to store energy for later use. It is capable of building up
energy and it does so for various reasons having to do with physical requirements and expenditure of
energy for creating higher groupings of matter. Warehousing means the atom may be storing energy for
later use.
It recognizes the material form, but sees also the life within it, and
it posits a Consciousness or Intelligence which is evolving by means of that outer form. (The Consciousness of the Atom, The Evolution of Substance, Alice Bailey)
Weak force
- Quantum fizzassists have defined what is called the weak force, a reference to the part of
the Universe that produces subatomic particles for purposes of being destroyed by fizzassists. Without
the weak force, this could be prevented somehow.
The weak force is the term applied to the force field in the Universe that describes gravitational
force when in combination with the strong force. Together they produce a force called the nuclear force,
which is the definition of subatomic particles in action. When the particles are working together to produce
reality, they are considered to be the nuclear force of creation. As fizzassists, we don't really care about what this means, we just use this terminology to give us an air of legitimacy where there is none. We
wheel out our extra special terminology to baffle the dull taxpayers and their erstwhile representatives. (I
love you, Arapaho Tribal Spirit Women, Sai Baba, Serena, Moon Goddess.)
Weak force and its powers when in combination with strong force, gravitational force and nuclear
- Various forces exist in the Universe, as defined by particle fizz666, and are competing with each
other like the fizzassists. But this is utterly silly. There is only One Force in the Universe, it just gets
Weak force and its ability to overturn everything, even though it is weak
- The weak force can make
changes where it sees change is needed. When change is wrought, the paradigms shift, reality adjusts, and
this is what we hope to bring about on this planet. Why? Because the weak force is at work shaking down
the strong force, meaning the weak force of particle fizz666 is running a shakedown on the strong force of
taxpayers and citizens.
Weak force and its properties and uses when applied in the field of particle fizz666, as described in
this book
- This refers to the use of the phrase weak force and to its meaning in relationship to this book.
We are not going to validate any concepts these fizzassists have produced by their destructive work.
When we use weak force in this book we are talking about the fizzassists themselves and their fields of
useless endeavor, which are weak, indeed.
Weak force and its properties and uses when applied in combination with other types of forces, such
as gravitational force, wrong usage of nuclear force and other variables
- People can't understand
particle fizz666 terminology because the terminology does not mean anything but only seems to mean
something important. Here is a critical point we are trying to make. This fizz666 terminology is useless to
anyone except the fizzassists, who invented it to extract money from the government and taxpayers. This
is the true purpose of this high-sounding terminology.
Weak force and its ability to reorganize reality as we know it
- In our desire to garner fame and money
at the expense of the rest of the world, we have granted ascendancy to the weak force of fizzassists over
ourselves, the strong force of mass population.
Weak force and its ability to undermine all other forces
- The weak force can undermine all other forces
on this planet, and has a desire to do so. The weak force is the fizzassists and the field of particle fizz666,
a field which denudes our brothers and sisters of personal wealth, health and safety in life. Why do we
treat ourselves this way? And what can we do about it? We can organize and overpower the weak force.
The weak force can be stopped.
Weak force and its properties relating to reorganizations of matter and also to subcontinental reorganization
of matter
- The Atlanteans can reorganize matter so that bubble containment is possible. The
bubble is designed to contain beings who require and/or need protection from adverse environmental
materials like uranium and the weak force expressed as particle fizz666.
Weak force and its properties relating to reorganization of certain perceptions of reality that define
the meaning of existence and the purpose for being
- Fizzassists like to redefine reality according to
their own perceptions, which have nothing at all to do with anyone else's perceptions and are non-shareable
and therefore non-eternal.
Weak force and its properties relating to reorganization of other types of forces, such as gravitational
force, nuclear force and strong force
- The weak force can reorganize other types of forces, except for the
subcontinental force, which has yet to be defined. It is undefined in particle fizz666 because the fizzassists
neither believe in it nor understand it, which is fortunate for the subcontinentals. But shall we sit by
and allow those of us who are warped to mess up the world with their warped concepts?
Weak force and its properties relating to beings of light and angelic seeding within the population
weak force is unable to overpower beings of light and angelic beings who wish to seed themselves
within the population of a planet. This is happening now and cannot be prevented.
Weak force relating to the beings of light and angelic beings - These beings intervene here to define
particle fizz666 terminology that otherwise goes undefined and becomes an energy virus in the basin of
the planetary population. We want to define the mysterious terminology of particle fizz666 today. This
book is designed to prevent further confusion about this terminology and these so-called scientists who
think it up.
Weak force relating to beings of light
- Angels have an ability to alter reality by transmuting misconceived
concepts into positions of creativity within the environment. Let us de-pomp and de-circumstance
particle fizz666 terminology so that everyone can understand it for what it really is - a money pit.
Weak force as it applies to beings of light and their ability to change reality
- Angels can change space-time
and make reality flexible and malleable for creation at high levels of creativity. As Time Lords, we
can transform space-time into a vehicle. This is the work of angel-seeded beings. This is how the creative
force creates faster than the destructive force destroys, usually.
Weak force as it applies to a person's ability to harness the powers of the Universe for personal and
collective directives
- Given that our directives fit within the parameters of existing Divine Will and
existing Divine Law, whatever changes are made will remain permanent. An individual can change reality.
Weak force as it applies to a person's ability to alter reality
- We can define reality as flowing peace and
serenity. We can shift reality throughout the planet from hostile and warring to peaceful and serene.
Weak force as it applies to a person's ability to shift reality and become the Creator
- This is the
beginning of the spiritual journey back to Source. To know the Creator, we must become the Creator - a
Oneness relationship. An individual can be God/dess and create a different world. This creative ability
overrides the weak force of fizz666 and fizzassists. We can create a shareable reality of peace and
serenity. This is Divine Creativity.
Weak force and the ability of a group of people involved in a shareable activity to bring about monumental
planetary changes and, at the same time, maintain a meditative mind
- This is key to the whole
concept. Nothing is more important to reality than peace and serenity. It just happens that, every once in a
while, peace and serenity become meaningless words. Let us go back to that frame of mind in which
we know we can shift reality by peace of mind alone. This is reality in non-motion. This is eternity. (Lord