Disk of the World
Unpacking and publishing the Phaistos Disk since 1993
Bridging the Worlds
Archaeoastronomy - Phaistos Disk - Bridge World

Phaistos Disk Pharaoh's GuardsPhaistos Disk Pharaoh's Guards
Cretan WarriorCretan WarriorWarriors guarding the perimeter on the Phaistos DIskCretan Warrior Cretan Warrior


Where did Euclid get his plane geometry for which he is so famous? Seems to be a hand-me-down from the Mediterranean Bronze Age, passed to them perhaps from Egypt. Or possibly Crete shared knowledge with Egypt and helped build the Great Pyramid?

When all the matching pictographs are connected to themselves, every piece of Euclidean geometry emerges, 1,300 years before Euclid lived. Revealed are diameter, right triangle, cone, every kind of triangle, polygons, parallel lines of same length and different length, and significant, large images of the Great Pyramid, inside and out, an image of the constellation Argo, the spiral maze with geometry at the center, and a big star inside a heptagram - maybe that's the star Sirius inside the seven planets, maybe it's the path of Venus, maybe it's the ancient symbol for astronomy, or maybe it's all of these! Did the Minoans have a geometry philosophy called Planeism?

I had wondered before why the spiral was sort of uneven, when obviously there are a lot of "perfect" spirals in the Minoan art, but of course if the spiral was "perfect" then the patterns for the constellations and geometric shapes would not be accurate. So it makes the artistry involved in creating the disk even more impressive! (Rhona Bloxsom - Reading, England)

Sacred Cave Right Triangle Cone
Diameter Geometry Octahedron
Obtuse Triangle Obtuse Triangle Geometry
Scalene Triangle Scalene Triangle Geometry
Geometry Geometry Geometry
Geometry Pi Quadrilateral
Quadrilateral Quadrilateral Triangle
Triangle Triangle Geometrical Point
Geometrical Point Straight Line Straight Line
Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line
Straight Line Straight Line Straight Line
Straight Line Parallel Straight Lines Parallel Straight Lines

Then there are the esoteric interpretations, such as Claire Grace Watson, who tracks down a description of the mysteries of Isis and Osiris, and argues that the record contains a "Demonstration of Euclidean geometry 1300 years before the same Euclid taught in Alexandria, Egypt and astronomical configurations as they appeared nearly 4,000 years ago." Erewohen)


Minoan RheaThe Minoans were supposed to be a "mother goddess" civilization and perhaps experienced a tranformation of myth from Egypt to Crete - from Isis to Rhea. It seems that men and women in Minoan Crete often wore topless, and sometimes bottomless, fashions. The Minoan women may have been inspired by the mother goddess (left) who appears "topless" on the Phaistos Disk.

These 3,600 year-old fashions seem postmodern, as if Alexander McQueen, the avant-garde designer, had a Minoan predecessor who came up with them. Lady Gaga would wear them if she could! These brilliant works of clothing art are included to show how innovative these people were, how easy it was to produce something simple and rudimentary, from their perspective, as the Phaistos Disk.

Minoan FashionMinoan FashionMinoan Fashion
Female Athlete ArmorMinoan FashionMinoan Fashion

Minoan FashionMinoan Fashion

Claire Grace Watson
Copyright Notice - Disk of the World - Text and images copyrighted March 21, 1993-2025, Claire Grace Watson, B.A., M.S.T., U.S. Copyright and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, All rights reserved. No part of this web page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.