Disk of the World
Unpacking and publishing the Phaistos Disk since 1993
Bridging the Worlds
Archaeoastronomy - Phaistos Disk - Bridge World

Dots that form the constellation Argo on the Phaistos Disk Constellation Argo on the Phaistos Disk
Constellation Argo on the Phaistos Disk


Jonas: Maybe there are more cosmic signs at the disk?

Constellation Argo Constellation Argo

Claire: There are many more cosmic signs on the disk, most notably the picture-perfect constellation Argo. To excavate the constellation, connect the 15 Star/Pomegranate pictographs. The Argo completes the holy trinity of early astronomy - Sirius, Argo Navis, the Pleiades, and all of them appear to be on the Phaistos Disk.

Pomegranate/Star, Phaistos Disk Pictograph Pomegranate/Star, Phaistos Disk Pictograph Pomegranate/Star, Phaistos Disk Pictograph Pomegranate/Star, Phaistos Disk Pictograph

The star pictograph resembles pomegranates, the ancient symbol for star. This pomegranate/star pictograph, in association with the Horai (above), might be a reference to timekeeping as well.

Constellation Argo Constellation Map
Modern map of the constellation Argo (right) compared with the Phaistos Disk Argo (left).

Constellation Argo on the Phaistos Disk
Constellation Argo with mooring and oars
on the Phaistos Disk - Minoa's Ark?

Phaistos Disk pictograph, Golden FleeceExcavating the Argo on the Phaistos Disk suggests this pictograph to be the Golden Fleece, so perhaps Jason and the Argonauts of mythology went searching for it beneath the pyramid.

Is the Argo on the Phaistos Disk drawn backwards? More accurate to say, the Argo has been drawn backyards since about 200 BCE or so. The Phaistos Disk Argo shows how the Minoan's drew the original constellation, so the modern constellation has been wrong for at least 2,300 years. Wonder how that could have happened!? Maybe we owe this reversal to Aratos (310-245 BCE), a Greek court philosopher and astronomer who famously wrote (or rather, infamously as it turns out):


"Sternforward Argo by the Great Dog's tail
Is drawn; for hers is not a usual course,
But backward turned she comes, as vessels do
When sailors have transposed the crooked stern
On entering harbour; all the ship reverse,
And gliding backward on the beach it grounds.
Sternforward thus is Jason's Argo drawn.

Flower of Life

SunflowerThe Sunflower pictograph at the center of Side 1 on the Phaistos Disk may indicate influences of Egyptian theology on Minoan ideas. An identical flower pictograph is seen on this fragment of an Egyptian limestone relief. This Flower of Life is protected by the goddess Mut, a vulture-version of the goddess Isis, whose image Egyptians placed in tombs to protect the dead in their embryonic state of re-birth into the afterlife. Above Mut are the stars representing Sirius.

Claire Grace Watson examines the patterns on a Mediterranean bronze-age artifact. (David Eppstein, The Geometry Junkyard)

Phaistos Disk pictograph, Dog ScratchingMinoan cylinder seal of dog scratchingMinoan cylinder seal of dog scratching
Minoan cylinder seal of dog scratchingMinoan cylinder seal of dog scratching

Phaistos Disk Dog Scratching pictograph is compared with Minoan cylinder seals of dogs scratching

Claire Grace Watson
Copyright Notice - Disk of the World - Text and images copyrighted March 21, 1993-2025, Claire Grace Watson, B.A., M.S.T., U.S. Copyright and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, All rights reserved. No part of this web page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.