Disk of the World
Unpacking and publishing the Phaistos Disk since 1993
Bridging the Worlds
Archaeoastronomy - Phaistos Disk - Bridge World

Phaistos Disk  Pyramid GeometryPhaistos Disk  Right Triangle

Phaistos Disk  Pyramid DiameterPhaistos Disk Obelisk
More Great Pyramid geometry, revealed by connecting
matching pictographs with lines


The pictographs below are exact tracings by me of the pictographs on the Phaistos Disk. Apparently, I am the only person to ever do this. Before I began working on the disk I traced each pictograph because the only other pictograph images I could find were Sir Arthur Evans' freehand drawings of the pictographs, which obviously he did in a hurry. But Evans did not have the advantage of a copy machine as I did.

I duplicated each pictograph tracing the number of times it appears on the Phaistos Disk, and then I taped each one onto my tracing of the disk spirals, to pinpoint their exact locations. Because each repeated pictograph on the Phaistos Disk was intended to appear exactly identical, the only way to exactly duplicate the disk is by using a copy machine to duplicate each pictograph. I include Evans' pictographs drawings below, to the left of each one that I traced.

These are pictographs, not hieroglyphs. Sir Arthur Evans makes the case for Cretan pictographs in his book Cretan Pictographs and Prae-Phoenician Script.

Exact Tracings With
Suggested Definitions
Including Their Number of Occurrences and their Positions
on the Phaistos Disk

Position = location of the sign on the disk
Segment = the line segment in which the sign occurs
Both are relative to the center of the disk spiraling out,
A = Side 1, B = Side 2
Click the text links to see the Argotypes (Arktypes, Ships of the Sky, Constellations
I think many of the pictographs are abbreviations for the constellations.)

Flower/Island of CreteIsland of Crete
Island of Crete
Heliacal rising of Sirius
Minoan Ceiling design flower
Similar to this 8-petal flower center the wave spirals on a Minoan ceiling and 8-petal Flower of
Flower of Life guarded by goddess Mut
Life guarded by goddess Mut (Egyptian limestone relief). This flower is seen also at the center of the wave spirals in the Queen's Bathroom, Palace at Knossos (below and right)

3 Side A - Positions - 1, 13, 76; Segments - A1, 4, 19
1 Side B - Position - 72; Segment - B19

Positions mapped onto the disk

Wave spirals, Queen's Bathroom, Palace at Knossos Wave spiral, Phaistos Disk
Read the Phaistos Disk
"As Above, So Below = Duat"

Gaze at the above geometry and watch it flip. The hood of the initiate looks up, then down. (left, Hoodwink of a robe, Phaistos Disk pictograph) As above, so below, a concept that became predominate in ancient and modern mysticism as describing the mirrored nature of reality, describes the two-sided Phaistos Disk when placed side 1 above side 2. Disk below is as disk above, yet one turns clockwise and the other counterclockwise depending on which center begins the journey through the spirals. This is also the concept of Duat, that the world above and the world below mirror each other but as mirror image reversals. Widely theorized is the idea that the Great Pyramid was built to mirror a constellation, thus expressing this ancient Egyption concept of Duat.

The special effects of the geometry above are visible to any eyes no matter when those eyes gazed upon it, now or 3,600 years ago, but we can see this 3D effect (afforded by the spiral "background" of the disk) so much better, and as intended, thanks to computer graphics software. The two sides of the disk are connected by these matching pictographs and preserve this ancient religious philosophy of Duat, an expression of Dualism, the religious philosophy that indicates a system which contains two essential parts - the above or spirit part and the below or physical part, and their connection.

Island of CreteIsland of CreteIsland of CreteIsland of Crete

Astronomer-Priest Astronomer-Priest
Man with Shaved Head
Daedalus, Priest
Astronomer-Priest, Sailor
2 Side A
Positions - 2, 14
Segments - A1, 4
0 Side B
Astronomer-PriestPoints connected by a lineAstronomer-Priest

Oar of the Argo Oar of the Argo
Oar of the Argo
Thoth's Feather
Minoan Ship
3 Stars in Argo that make the Oar, Aspidiske and Markeb
4 Side A
Positions - 3, 15, 46, 71
Segments - A1, 4, 11, 18
0 Side B
Oar of the ArgoOar of the ArgoOar of the ArgoOar of the Argo
Phaistos Disk
Wings of Icarus, Dimensional Plane

Constellation Hercules Constellation Hercules
Evans gave his runner a little something extra.
Constellation Herakles/Hercules
Walker, Runner Mural, Knossos
6 Side A
Positions - 4, 19, 41, 66, 84, 118
Segments - A2, 6, 10, 17, 20, 30
5 Side B
Position - 51, 60, 71, 88, 94
Segment - B14, 16, 19, 23, 24

Walker, Phaistos Disk pictograph Constellation Taurus (see image top of this page), drawn by connecting the 11 "Walker" pictographs, 6 side A and 5 side B. Where are these walkers going?

Spindle Spindle
Evans really modified this pictograph.
3 Side A
Positions - 5, 20, 119
Segments - A2, 6, 30
Phistos Disk acute triangle
Acute Triangle

3 Side B
Position - 44, 89, 95
Segment - B12, 23, 24
Phistos Disk isosceles triangle
Isosceles Triangle

Evans may have pointed this pictograph in the direction that made sense to him.
As Above, So Below
House of the God
2 Side A
Positions - 6, 56
Segments - A3, 15
0 Side B
Ja Points connected by a lineJa

Minoan Pictograph
Minoan Pictograph

Thistle or Thyrsi Thistle or Thyrsi
Evans must have thought this pictograph was a papyrus.
Thistle or Thyrsi
2 Side A
Positions - 7, 57
Segments - A3, 15
Phaistos Disk Diameter
2 Side B
Position - 85, 109
Segment - B22, 28
Points connected by a line

Circle Cross
Diameter, Phaistos Disk spinning and a symbol from Minoan art that seems to imply spin

Five-Branched Tree
5 Side A
Positions - 8, 16, 57, 85, 90
Segments - A3, 5, 15, 21, 22
Phaistos Disk geometry
6 Side B
Positions - 9, 29, 58, 66, 79, 111
Segments - B3, 8, 15, 18, 21, 29

Golden Fleece Golden Fleece
Golden Fleece
10 Side A
Phaistos Disk geometry
Inside the Great Pyramid
Positions - 9, 10, 30, 34, 47, 58, 59, 72, 99, 103
Segments - A3, 3, 9, 9, 12, 15, 15, 19, 24, 25
Phaistos Disk geometry
The Inner Plane
5 Side B
Positions - 35, 52, 74, 104, 114
Segments - B9, 14, 19, 27, 29

Shield of the 7 Planets Shield of the 7 Planets
Evans did not orient the shield to the hexagonal pattern.
Shield of the 7 Planets
15 Side A
Positions - 11, 21, 23, 35, 39, 51, 60, 64, 79, 88, 95, 100, 106, 114, 120
Segments - A3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30
Phaistos Disk geometry
Star Sirius with 7 Planets
and the Moon, North Star
2 Side B
Positions - 100, 118
Segments - B26, 30
Points connected by a line

Minyae Minyae
Crested Dancer
14 Side A
Positions - 12, 22, 36, 40, 48, 52, 61, 65, 73, 80, 89, 96, 107, 121
Segments - A3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 30
Phaistos Disk geometry
Cave of Zeus, Warriors Patrolling the Perimeter

Phaistos Disk geometry
Spinning World-Disk
Disk is spinning clockwise but center triangle appears to be spinning counterclockwise, a wagon wheel illusion

5 Side B
Positions - 11, 54, 78, 110, 119
Segments - B3, 14, 20, 28, 30

Phaistos Disk geometry

Angle Angle
Evans may have seen this as the intersection of a road.
Adjacent Angle
3 Side A
Positions - 17, 26, 86
Segments - A5, 9, 21
Obtuse Triangle
Obtuse Triangle

Telescope Telescope
5 Side A
Positions - 18, 44, 53, 69, 77
Segments - A5, 12, 14, 18, 19
Phaistos Disk geometry
In and Out
Watch the geometry flip.

4 Side B
Positions - 4, 24, 98, 108
Segments - B2, 6, 25, 26
Phaistos Disk geometry

Serpent Serpent
Constellation Capricorn
5 Side A
Positions - 24, 37, 49, 62, 91
Segments - A7, 10, 13, 16, 22
Phaistos Disk geometry

Vulture, Constellation Aquila Vulture, Constellation Aquila
Constellation Aquila
Winged Disk, Vulture
5 Side A
Positions - 25, 38, 50, 63, 92
Segments - A7, 10, 13, 16, 22
Phaistos Disk geometry
Flip it
1 Side B
Positions - 77
Segments - B20
Flip it again
0 Side B

Hat/Star Hat/Star
Did Evans think this is a UFO?
A Star
1 Side A
Positions - 27
Segments - A8
0 Side B

Great Pyramid Great Pyramid
Evans may have used a straight edge to draw this pictograph.
Pyramid, Carpenter's Square
6 Side A
Positions - 28, 31, 43, 68, 93, 117
Segments - A8, 9, 12, 18, 23, 30
Phaistos Disk geometry
Palace in the Desert
6 Side B
Positions - 13, 23, 30, 63, 87, 97
Segments - 4, 6, 8, 17, 23, 25

Phaistos Disk geometry
Where We Study Stars

Rhea/Isis Rhea/Isis
Goddess Rhea, Isis Nursing Diktys
2 Side A
Positions - 29, 94
Segments - A8, 23
2 Side B
Positions - 10, 59
Segments - B3, 15
Phaistos Disk, two sides connected and geometry
Rise Above It
Gaze at the geometry and watch it flip.

Falcon Falcon
Constellation Corvus, Falcon on the Perch
2 Side A
Positions - 32, 78
Segments - A9, 19
Points connected by a line
1 Side B
Positions - 57
Segments - B15

Yoke Yoke/Constellation Bootes
A yoke at the least, but it seems Evans saw breasts.
Astronomy Glasses
1 Side A
Positions - 33
Segments - A9
1 Side B
Positions - 64
Segments - B17
Phaistos Disk geometry
Yoke together

Bullfoot/Constellation Taurus Bullfoot/Constellation Taurus
Evans perhaps recognized it as a bull's foot but drew it facing the wrong way.
Constellation Taurus
Bull's Foot
2 Side A
Positions - 42, 67
Segments - A11, 17
Points connected by a line

Boat/Constellation Argo Constellation Argo
Constellation Argo, Skiff

2 Side A
Positions - 46, 71
Segments - A12, 18
5 Side B
Positions - 3, 32, 73, 83, 105
Segments - B2, 9, 19, 22, 27
Phaistos Disk geometry
Open and Shut

Snoutnose Fish Snoutnose Fish
Evans drew this as a Sawfish.
Constellation Pisces
Sharp-Snout Fish
2 Side A
Positions - 54, 90
Segments - A14, 26
4 Side B
Positions - 55, 61, 92, 103
Segments - B15, 16, 24, 26
Phaistos Disk geometry
Sharp-Snout Fish

Crab/Constellation Cancer Constellation Cancer
Evans apparently identified this pictograph as a bow.
Constellation Cancer
Nile Crab
1 Side A
Positions - 74
Segments - B18
0 Side B

Grass Grass
Evans modified this pictograph to a type of trident.
1 Side A
Positions - 75
Segments - B18
3 Side B
Positions - 14, 56, 93
Segments - B4, 15, 24

1 Side A
Positions - 75
Segments - B18
3 Side B
Positions - 14, 56, 93
Segments - B4, 15, 24
Scalene Triangle
Scalene Triangle

Pomegranate/Star Pomegranate/Star
Evans perhaps saw this pictograph as a woman's breast.
3 Side A
Positions - 79, 87, 97
Segments - A20, 25, 28
Phaistos Disk Acute Triangle
Acute Triangle

15 Side B
Positions - 1, 7, 12, 18, 25, 26, 28, 31, 37, 41, 48, 82, 90, 112, 115
Segments - B1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 21, 23, 29, 30
Phaistos Disk Constellation Argo
Constellation Argos

Coffin CoffinCoffin
Daedalus, Wings of Icarus, Coffin Chest
3 Side A
Positions - 97
Segments - A24
Phaistos Disk Right Triangle
Right Triangle
3 Side B
Positions - 75, 80, 118
Segments - B20, 21, 30

Phaistos Disk Obtuse Triangle
Obtuse Triangle

Baby Baby
2 Side A
Positions - 81, 85
Segments - A20, 21
Points connected by a line
0 Side B

Fingers Fingers
Dactyloi, Glove
1 Side A
Positions - 97
Segments - A24
4 Side B
Positions - 17, 36, 45, 47
Segments - B5, 10, 12, 12, 13
Phaistos Disk Cone

Pig Pig
Stylized Pig, A Star
1 Side A
Positions - 98
Segments - A24
0 Side B

Water/Tsunami Wave Water/Tsunami Wave
Tsunami Wave
Nile River, Aegean
2 Side A
Positions - 102, 112
Segments - A25, 28
4 Side B
Positions - 2, 27, 42, 113
Segments - B1, 7, 11, 29
Phaistos Disk geometry

Zeus/Curete holding Disk/Shield Zeus/Curete holding Disk/Shield
Evans removed the shield this warrior is holding and portrayed him as a captive instead.
Very early concept of Zeus
Constellation Orion
Could be the signature of the artist of the disk,
whose name might mean "Hand Shield," like King Pacal of the Maya

1 Side A
Positions - 106
Segments - A26
0 Side B

Dog Scratching/Constellation Canis Major
Evans omitted this pictograph.
Constellation Canis Major
Dog Scratching
1 Side A
Positions - 108
Segments - A27
0 Side B

Lion/Constellation Leo Dog/Constellation Leo
Constellation Leo
Lion, Goddess
2 Side A
Positions - 109, 112
Segments - A27, 28
8 Side B
Positions - 6, 20, 39, 43, 46, 50, 62, 70
Segments - B2, 5, 10, 11,12,13, 16, 18

Constellation Canis Minor
Evans did not distinquish between these two pictographs.
Constellation Canis Minor
1 Side A
Positions - 110
Segments - A27
0 Side B

Evans gave the second level four sections instead of three.
Pasiphae's Bed? palanquin
Minoan palanquin, Knossos Fresco

1 Side A
Positions - 116
Segments - A29
5 Side B
Positions - 22, 68, 69, 81, 102
Segments - B6, 18, 18, 21, 26

Evans seemed to think this pictograph is a bug.
Sacred Ivy
Sacred Ivy from Wall Mural
Sacred Ivy from a mural at Knossos
0 Side A
2 Side B
Positions - 5, 34
Segments - B2, 9
Phaistos Disk pictograph, IvyMinoan mural, Ivy
Phaistos Disk pictograph (left) compared with Minoan mural of ivy

Evans omitted this pictograph.
0 Side A
2 Side B
Positions - 8, 33
Segments - B3, 9

Ram/Constellation Aries Ram/Constellation Aries
Evans gave the ram an ear and omitted the nose.
Constellation Aries
0 Side A
1 Side B
Positions - 15
Segments - A4

Sacred Cave Entrance/Hoodwink of a Priest's RobeSacred Cave Entrance/Hoodwink of a Priest's Robe
Sacred Cave Entrance
Hoodwink of a Priest's Robe
0 Side A
2 Side B
Positions - 16, 53
Segments - B4, 14

Evans saw this pictograph as an olive branch.
0 Side A
4 Side B
Positions - 19, 38, 49, 76
Segments - B5, 10, 13, 20
Phaistos Disk geometry

1 Side A
Positions - 33
Segments - A9
5 Side B
Positions - 21, 40, 86, 106, 117
Segments - B5, 10, 22, 27, 30
Phaistos Disk Pyramid Geometry
Pyramids, Apex, Base, Two Sides

Shell Trumpet Shell Trumpet
Shell, Trumpet
0 Side A
2 Side B
Positions - 65, 99
Segments - B17, 24

Constellation Aquarius
0 Side A
2 Side B
Positions - 67, 101
Segments - B18, 26

Corn/Milky Wave/Half Moon Corn/Milky Wave/Half Moon
Evans did not count the 20 inside dots.
Milky Way
Half Moon
0 Side A
1 Side B
Positions - 84
Segments - B22

Axe Axe
Typhon's Hatchet
Labrys or Labyrinth (Maze) also meant "Axe"
0 Side A
1 Side B
Positions - 91
Segments - B22

Triangle/Volcano/Pyramid Triangle/Volcano/Pyramid
Evans did not count the 20 dots inside the triangle.
0 Side A
1 Side B
Positions - 96
Segments - B23

Child/Gemini Child/Gemini
Constellation Gemini
Divine Child
0 Side A
1 Side B
Positions - 107
Segments - B28

Copyright Notice - Disk of the World - Text and images copyrighted March 21, 1993-2025, Claire Grace Watson, B.A., M.S.T., U.S. Copyright and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, All rights reserved. No part of this web page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.