Well, I give up on trying to slow this thing down. I sure over-invoked in that
spell to speed things up, and I can't find one that slows things down. Not
that I really want to. The direction of my life is changing so fast, and it is
bringing a new sense of identity and self-confidence that I never had before.
Oh, I was aggressive before but that's not really the same thing as
And I feel like I am taking up a "life's work" where before I was mostly
involved in life's play. Everyday I go to the library to research Lord Pacal
and his sarcophagus.
My Heavenly Partners are making new sounds. I no longer hear those mellow
appliance sounds but instead I hear raps, taps and ka-thunks. Most of it is
encouragement from my partners as I work on the sarcophagus. The way they
encourage is interesting. If I get on the wrong track, I heard a loud ka-thunk
in the kitchen. If I write something about the sarcophagus that is incorrect,
I sometimes hear the loud ka-thunk. I take the ka-thunk to mean, "No." When I
get it right, I often hear pleasant taps, which I think mean, "Yes." At
first, the taps were in the other room but they began to get closer and closer
to me, until they were on the wall behind me. Soon, they were on the side of
the computer. That computer tapping was a little disconcerting at first, but I
got used to it. I also hear the ka-thunks from the other room if my sentence
structure is poor--an editorial ka-thunk. When I do really well I hear a loud
bell sound like an oriental gong. This is an astral bell, according to Madame
H.P. Blavatsky, a 19th century mystic and writer who had Heavenly Partners.
She said her partners were Mahatmas (Great souls).
All day long I work on the sarcophagus and all night long I go to Palenque.
Before I returned to Palenque the third time, I did a Tarot reading. The cards
indicated that I must accompany the Guide, Wind Brother (Air, Page of Swords, Jack of Spades). The
Wind Brother card means Sun Warrior. Now, this is a scary looking partner! I
bet he has a hard time getting any human partners to go anywhere with him,
looking the way he does. On the card, he's a dead man, a skeleton who is
vibrantly alive and swinging a sword. He has a skull for a face and a
skinless, musculoskeletal body. He's wearing a black cape and is definitely
dressed for trouble. I refused him at first because of how he looks, but the
cards asked me why I didn't like him. They also said that I have to accept him
before going back to Palenque! I finally decided that, well, he must be a
guardian angel but he sure doesn't fit my concept of how they are supposed to
look. He's like a heavy-duty guardian angel dude. But guess what?! If you
happen to be travelling in astral body to the world of Central American
Indians, this is a handy angel partner to have. No one messes with him. They
just all get back away from him. In his company I fear nothing! It was
revealed to me that the Wind Brother is my Heavenly Partner, Lord Pacal and
King of the Maya!
Pacal and I went back to the spot where he was trying to lead me down the steps
of the amphitheater. I looked down at my clothes and saw that I was wearing a
20th century style wedding gown, white with a hoop skirt. Pacal led me down
the steps to an altar that looked like it was in a cathedral. I looked around
to see if I could tell which cathedral I was in. It looked like a gothic
cathedral, but since I cannot tell one gothic cathedral from another I can't
say which one it was. I also can't tell a Ford pick-up truck from a Chevrolet.
I know that distresses you, but I have never been as fond of trucks as you
In this cathedral I married Lord Pacal who thankfully was full grown and not a nine year old child. He was in his Mayan feather chieftan outfit. The ceremony was complete with wedding guests. I
couldn't see their faces clearly and they appeared hazy and white. After the
wedding they congratulated me and called me "Pacal's Bride." Soon after the
wedding, I awoke. I checked the Tarot cards and I received The Sun card (Major Mystery, Divine Child). It
means Divine Union and Rebirth, and since I married the Sun Warrior, I guess it all
makes sense, somehow.
Now when I sleep, I dream I am in Palenque in our palace. I have my ruler, my
pen and my cigarettes with me and I spend all night long drawing and measuring.
Men are there with me. I think they are Mayan astronomer-priests. We are
working together designing the Sarcophagus of Lord Pacal. What's really
wonderful is that I am queen of the place, and everything is mine, the palace,
the stuff in the palace and anything I want. I can go anywhere and I do
whatever I want to do. I can't remember all that I do, but I do a lot.
Everyone calls me "Pacal's Bride."
Dear Carol:
My partners teach me Mayan symbols and words. In a dream, I learned the
meaning of "wacah chan." One night, I flew through my spirit tunnel and popped
up somewhere in Palenque in a small house where 3 people lived, a grandmother,
her daughter and her granddaughter. The daughter told me about wacah chan.
She said it was something everyone had like a medical condition and that they
were all anxious about it because they didn't understand it. She told me it
happened every night. She said they would go to sleep and get wacah chan. I
asked her how wacah chan felt, and she said it was trembling. I knew right
away what she meant! I have wacah chan sometimes just before I fly down my
tunnel. I checked my book on astral projection to see what it says about
leaving the body. The book says that some people tremble before projecting. I
think this is what the Mayan lady means by wacah chan. Archaeologists say
wacah chan means the World Tree. Maybe they should change that to the
Trembling World Tree.
One night in a dream I walked through a portal and went to a place the Maya
call "wacah chan xaman waxac na." Archaeologists say this means "World Tree
House of the North built by God 1." I don't want to throw out what
archaeologists say about these words, because their translations are helpful to
me, but they don't know the deeper meaning of this language.
It is more of an experience than a language. For example, I went to World Tree
House. When I got there I was invisible. (Now that's an amazing experience.
Think about being in a dream and knowing you are dreaming, and then looking at
your body and not seeing it, or seeing you are invisible!) I saw I was
invisible and I heard a voice behind me say "och chan," which I took to mean,
"You are invisible and it's OK." Archaeologists say och chan means, "becoming
the sky." I walked straight through all the walls of the House of the North.
That was cool! Then, I walked outside and directly to the World Tree, which
looked like a thick Oak tree. It was too thick to walk through, even if I was
invisible. So I studied it and then heard a voice say, "wacah chan." I just
KNEW what that meant. I looked around and I saw some Mayans gathering and
sitting down under the tree to have a ceremony. You know how you just KNOW
things in dreams? Well, I just KNEW this ceremony was for me.
On the other side of the portal was another group of Mayans. We joined with
them in an initiation ceremony held for me. At the end of the initiation,
I was given a symbol, an up-pointed triangle. According to a book I'm reading,
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the symbol means "the Gift of Divine
Reason." The up-pointed triangle is the sign of the Philosophus grade in the
Hermetic Order. The Philosophus grade is associated with The Moon card (Major Mystery, The Subconscious) which
means "stay on the path" and "journey further." The Moon is the veil of mystery
and has a Hebrew letter attribute of Qoph, which means "back of the head" (and perhaps "back of the mind"?). The
Moon also tells of the dangers on this journey. What those dangers may be, I
sure don't know at this point and I am not really concerned either. After
all, I've got Wind Brother and his wicked sword to protect me. He is my
Shield. In fact, I read that the name Pacal literally means, "hand-shield."
The second Tarot card associated with the Philosophus grade is The Star, which
means Inner Partner. The Star indicates that a great mystery will be revealed.
The third card associated with the Philosophus Grade is The Tower (Major Mystery, Blast of Light), which means
a series of electrifying insights. It also means a sudden reversal. I keep
having them both!
At wacah chan xaman waxac na, I knew that I had become an initiate at a higher
level. I also knew that the Mayas at Palenque planted corn and hoed yams by
day and then went out of their bodies at night to gather in the astral planes,
where their souls pathworked toward spiritual growth and where they held
ceremonies and awarded symbols.
The Mayans told me they were glad to see me. They said they had been waiting
for me for a long time. I felt like I was one of them, a journeyer who had
finally come home to my family. They encircled me and together we walked past
some people who were seated in modern folding chairs like card table chairs.
We walked
past those people and through a portal. Just as I was passing through the
portal, I looked behind me. When I did, one of the people, a man seated in a
chair, stood up and asked me, "How did you do that? How did you pass through?
I've been waiting here all this time." I didn't answer him because I
didn't know how I did it.
Wind Brother has told me about his life when he was King Pacal. He gave a series of visions that told his story. This was not while I was sleeping but while I was meditating. When he first
fell in love, his mother opposed it. She thought his bride-to-be was socially
and spiritually beneath him. The Maya took pride in their level of spiritual
awareness. It was what established them socially. Can you imagine if we had a
value system like this? Wouldn't it be awesome?! Fortunately for Pacal and
his fiancé, his mother Lady
Zac-Kuk could be distracted with chocolate. (So what else is new?) When
Pacal's fiancé and family came to visit him in the palace, they always brought
a small, round pail on a little hanger. It was a bucket of spun chocolate
filled with air bubbles. (Hershey's Krackels?!) They gave it to Lady Zac-Kuk
to appease and distract her while Pacal made love to their daughter. It worked
and the marriage took place. His wife died sometime later and he led a long
and happy life of interesting sexual liaisons. I guess you could say he's
still doing that. He's pretty interesting, sexually speaking.
But his great sadness is how his life ended. When he was 80 he was in
wonderful physical condition and he might have lived for many more years had
not his daughter-in-law plotted with his son's mistress to kill him. This
brings tears to his eyes to tell this episode of his life. He loved his son
Chan Bahlum
so much, and he wants only to be reassured that his son had
nothing to do with his murder.
Chan Bahlum's ambitious wife and his greedy girlfriend had Pacal murdered. I
guess they got tired of waiting for him to die. They must have imagined he
wasn't ever going to die, and maybe he was going to live a lot longer. He was
an alchemist and thus prepared to live a long life. These women hired some
corrupt Mayan thugs to hijack him in his palace and bludgeon him to death.
Poor Pacal. He ran from them, terrified, but they overtook him. When Chan
Bahlum learned of the murder and of who was involved, he exacted a cruel
revenge. He buried his father at the bottom of the Temple of Inscriptions and
he executed his girlfriend and the thugs that did it. He laid them inside the
tomb where they would have to serve Pacal in the afterlife and work off their
karma. This explains why archaeologists found bodies that they guessed were
war captives sacrificed at the passing of a great king. This kind of sacrifice
was not a part of the Mayan burial ceremony, but still they reasoned that the
man in the sarcophagus must have been a great ruler and thus required it.
Well, he was great ruler but this is not why the bodies are in the tomb. Those
bodies are all but one of the conspirators and murderers. Chan Bahlum's wife
was not executed because she was royalty, but she was exiled from the palace
Chan Bahlum became a priest and dedicated the rest of his life to the
glorification of his father's memory. He built a temple to him, Temple of the
Sun, as would a
dutiful son who lost a much-loved father.
All these experiences stretch my mind so much, and as my mind stretches, the
incredible experiences continue. Here is what I can now accept about myself
that I would not have even imagined a few months ago. From the 20th century I
went back to the 7th century and made some of the history that I am reading
about in the 20th century.
spend hours at the library reading about myself in Palenque and I spend nights
going there in my dreams. I am a Time Lord (Time Lady?) and a woman in
transformation. I am solid matter in the 20th century, solid matter in the 7th
century and subtle matter in between them both. In Alchemy this is called
"solve et coagula," dissolve and combine. I have mastered this power of
transmutation - how I did it I don't know but I have a lot of help from Spirit - and I received another symbol, a
vortex, in another initiation ceremony. This is my reality now, but still, I
have the mundane in life to deal with. Everything changes but nothing ever
Susan wants me to move in with her and her housekeeper so I can look after her
house while she travels. Her parents are taking her to the Florida Keys and to
Mexico to get her mind off John's death. She's afraid to leave her housekeeper
in the house alone since John died because the housekeeper is very
superstitious. She told Susan that John died because Susan dropped an hors
d'oeuvres tray on the floor and shattered it! I guess that's what you might
expect to hear from a spooked Catholic housekeeper from the Philippines.
Write soon.
Dear Claire:
I'm glad the remark I made about long epistles and St. Paul didn't affect you.
I was a little worried it might. I see it only inspired you. I think moving
in with Susan is a fine idea because I certainly do think you should forsake
your career of teaching Bridge in favor of solving ancient mysteries - solve 'at mystery. And it's
good you have Susan. I bet you are feeling removed from the "real" world these
Jessie has been watching Un-Dog. I was so delighted when Nickelodeon began
showing Underdog again. Remember Simon Bar Sinister? A bar sinister is a bar
bisecting a coat of arms diagonally from left to right, identifying the owner
as illegitimate. I always thought old Simon to be the king of the cartoon
villains. He has marvelous eyebrows.
I just had to stop writing because the sun poked through the clouds and Jessie
wanted to get in the pool, so I laid out there all greased down and read The
Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tan while Jessie played. I don't have a long enough
cord to get my typewriter out there. That little plastic pool is the best
money I ever spent, except that Jessie wants to get in it every day. I could
dredge out our real pool but I hate to kill the little tadpoles. Her swimming
lessons start Monday, four days a week for two weeks. If we lived in China I
could let the amah take her. What a great writer is Amy Tan. Comparing her to
other writers is like comparing meat to marshmallows. The Kitchen God's Wife is
just as good as The Joy Luck Club. I'm sending it to you as soon as I'm done
because I know you haven't read it. You would have told me if you had. It's
that good.
We came inside because the changeable weather is now blowing up a real frog
strangler outside. Jessie is really funny about storms. Thunder, yightning,
rain, everything comes under the heading of "de wain." It is all de wain. She
doesn't get scared no matter how hard it starts to pop outside, and the only
time she does not like de wain is when it interferes with de pool or de barrin.
Yesterday at dusk, immediately after cheering and applauding Jessie's tinkling
in the potty where it sits close to the TV, to quote my daughter, "Yightning
bwow up telebision!" Fortunately, Jessie had already risen from the potty or
her potty training could have suffered a monumental setback. As it is, it was
sad enough because the pixies had just been kidnapped, along with Baby Smurf,
by some horrible, slimy creatures, and now we may never know their fate. The
telebision repairperson/idiot comes tomorrow, only because I had already
scheduled an appointment since yightning had already damaged the picture a week
ago before deciding to come back and finish the job. Who was the saw-spouting
fool who said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place? Instead of
typing this, I should be clearing out a path to the television, but I hate to
waste my time on such dreary pursuits. The living room looks like the railroad
depot after the battle of Atlanta.
I don't know what possessed me to break for a paragraph. The run-on paragraph
is one of my main afflictions. I need a typewriter with a paragraph mark.
Butch and Yvonne, my friends from Louisiana, are coming with their kids on
their annual pilgrimage to Disney World. Yvonne used to have a cleaning
service, and you probably have an idea how I keep house. The house is really
not the problem. I can whip it into shape. It is the yard. I picked up all
the stuff that the animal menagerie had strung around (feed bags, flower pots,
beer cans, missile-type things) and got the immediate yard ready to cut
(something I swore I would never do). But when I pulled the lawnmower out from
under the porch, where it's been for the winter, it looked like Lot's wife.
The crank rope wouldn't even come out, and this place looks like a jungle.
Yvonne loves spiders, by the way, and says that when you see spider webs, you
know you don't have any flies. What an optimist.
I am taking a break from cleaning the refrigerator. It is half done and I am
all done. I am very slovenly about that appliance and a lot of others. There
was something in the back in a plastic container that the National Geographic
would have come in and photographed.
Molly is lounging on the floor and sends her love. She is so relaxed and at
home these days. I think she was Nefertiti in a former life.
Well, the nice repairman said that lightning knocked out the timer and that it
would take two weeks for him to get back with the part. The good news is that
he isn't going to mention the lightning, since lightning isn't covered in my
maintenance agreement. I was trying to play dumb and act like I just came home
and the blooming thing wouldn't work. And the whole time I was playing dumb,
Jessie kept saying, "Yightning bwow up telebision. Yightning bwow up
telebision," over and over. I kept trying to distract her with puzzles and
dollhouses and everything else, but what could compare with all the neat things
that are in the back of a TV set, underneath the cover? And I called the cable
company and gave them a right ballocking for not having their bloody cable
grounded. They are coming tomorrow to ground it properly, although lightning
will probably not kill an already dead TV.
I just pulled the roll-front map chest out of the bedroom and put my old
Webster's on top, along with a lamp, and the rest of my reference books behind
the roll-front. A real know-it-all center, my enemies might say, parked beside
my typewriter. I am about to buy a TV for the bedroom, the tube of the one we
had in there being possessed of a brilliant horizontal line and sound and that
is all. I just dusted the bedroom, a major and infrequent ordeal. And as I
was coating everything with Pledge I thought, why clean when I can just go
through with the can of Pledge and use it like a room spray? I can also dump
Pine Sol in the toilet so that the air will be filled with the impression that
maybe I was cleaning something, in case company comes.
When I came in from the barn, Jessie had "sun bwok" all over her and she will
not tell me what she has done with the bottle. I know she has stashed it
somewhere neat like the middle of the bed, like she did with my lotion. In
defense of Lubriderm, it did not leave a greasy spot when I wiped four ounces
of it off my quilt. So I must close to go search out the disaster before it
happens. You forgot to send me your new address. Be sure it's in English when
you send it. My Mayan's a little rusty. Write soon.
When the hieroglyphs on Pacal's sarcophagus were deciphered, archaeologists
learned he had recorded the event of the appearance of a woman who
"materialized" when he was 9 years old shortly after his father, the king,
died. According to the 4 glyphs, this woman, a stranger to them all,
"materialized and crowned herself." Archaeologists say she is portrayed as "an
exotic bird with
smoke coming from her mouth." When she materialized, Pacal's mother immediately
ceded the throne to her. They thought she was Matawil, Divine Mother. They
thought she had come as divine intervention to help hold the Mayan throne for
Pacal until he could claim it at age 12, according to their laws. They gave
her everything she wanted, the palace, the grounds, the temples, and the run of
the place. The mysterious stranger reigned as queen for three years until Pacal
could legally take the throne as king at age 12. His mother crowned him. Check
out this feather crown!
When Pacal
became king, the mysterious woman went the way she came--she de-materialized. I
am that mysterious woman and I am here to tell you, time is not linear. And
after smoking for all these years, I think I'll stop. Imagine making history
in Mayan hieroglyphs by being portrayed as a smoker! (I wrote this years ago and, yes, I stopped smoking because of it :) Whatever works, I guess hehe.)
Dear Carol:
With about 3 weeks left on this month's rent, I have yet to move. I spend most
of my time during the day at the library, and when I come home, I work on a
book I've begun writing. I don't have time to do anything else.
Well, something new is happening, as usual. It's getting kind of hard to keep
up with all that's happening. My partners have begun to touch me. They
twinkle me. I call it twinkling because it's a light, pleasant touch. They
twinkle the tip of my nose; they caress my cheek and twinkle my fingers and
toes. When they want to interrupt my reading, they do a slightly stinging
twinkle. They're able to produce some kind of electricity that looks like a
spark and that flies through the air in a spiral and lands on me. When it
lands it stings a little but it's pleasant and interesting to watch, and I can
see it coming and I can predict where it will land. Sometimes, they surround me
with little sparks that land all at once, and that's some fun! When they all
land at once, it really feels good. It's a swarm of little sparks.
My partners love to meditate. When I sit and think for long periods of time,
so do they. Occasionally, they float across the room as gossamer haze. I say,
"I see you doing that," and they zip away and disappear. And I see them in my
dreams. We go all over the world and all throughout time via the portals.
They're fun to travel with and they have a great sense of humor. Sometimes, I
wake myself up laughing and I can even remember what it was they said that made
me laugh. My partner tried to take me deep inside a cave the other night, but
I saw a spider and wouldn't go. I told him to kill the spider. He said, "No!
It's a beautiful spider." I said, "They don't make any beautiful spiders. Kill
it." He said, "I won't kill it." I became frustrated and woke up.
My partners are shape-shifters who can appear in any form and any dress. They
don't have to look the same way day in and day out like we do. In dreams
they're teaching me how to shape-shift. I'm in dream school getting a Ph.D. in
walking through doors, sliding through crevices and materializing objects. My
partners are with me always, all day and all night. We are never apart, and I
am very, very fond of them.
Sometimes, I'm in a classroom with other people. I once sat at my desk and
took a test with several questions. I was required to perform some of the
answers, such as picking up tiny objects. I heard someone having a
conversation and I was required to remember what she said and to identify who
said it. I was required to show proficiency in drawing and painting and in
materializing objects. I complained there were too many questions, but the
nice man administering the test told me to "just keep going." The people
sitting beside me asked me to be quiet so they could concentrate. I nearly
aced this test, missing only one question.
I'm learning to read in the astral planes and to do math, which is like trying
to work Chinese arithmetic problems in Chinese. And I never play Bridge
anymore, except in the astral planes, and I call it Kooky Bridge. In this
Bridge game, my aces don't win tricks like they're supposed to because my
partner manufactures cards that beat them, like the Ace of Tree Trunks. So if
I want to beat his ace I have to materialize a card, like the Ace of Flowers.
I played War with my partner the other night, not in a dream but sitting on the
bed. I explained the game to him and turned his cards for him, but his card
was always higher than mine was. By the time the game was nearly over, I had
yet to win a single war. I don't enjoy being blitzed, not even by a Heavenly
Partner, so I told him cheating was not allowed and that it should be beneath
his dignity to cheat. I explained to him he didn't have to win every single
card to win the game, just most of them. After that, I won all the rest. Fun
and games! Write soon.
Dear Claire:
You are beginning to remind me of Evector, Mork's friend on Mork and Mindy. He
had an invisible entourage that followed him around and he was always telling
them, "Y'all get back!" But he never mentioned anything about being twinkled.
Perhaps you need a live boyfriend, one full of the flesh and the blood and the
bone and the marrow and the guts. How strange it must be to live in the world
without all those things.
I have been a busy girl but I have thought of you often. The Painting Muse is
upon me. Unfortunately, it's the House-painting Muse, one the Greeks didn't
know about. I found out that every wall in this little house of decorating
horrors could be painted so that all the walls would be one color, even if they
were all still totally different materials. And I have undertaken to do just
that. So far, I have done the hall (a pale, creamy yellow called Mayonnaise)
and half of the living room (two walls and a ceiling in Old Lace). I am going
to pickle the knotty pine walls. Pickling is paint thinned with mineral
spirits painted on and then wiped to give a light, bleached look to the wood.
And this weekend I am going to paint this dining room wallpaper. I think the
next time the walls need washing I am going to bring the water hose inside (the
hose pipe, I meant to say) and wash them with it!
I should be doing my workout, but Jessie will be up in a few minutes and I
overslept and am loath to begin. What lame, fat girl excuses. Now I will have
to ride Moore this afternoon, but I was planning on that anyway. There is no
workout routine that does for your inside thighs and hamstrings what riding
does. Even though I Jazzercise every day, well almost, when I ride, my legs
kill me the next day.
My friend Vicki just found out she's pregnant. She also just went to Nutri
System and lost 25 pounds for only about $1100. Losing weight is always a
dangerous thing to do where fertility is concerned, and I mention this only to
warn you. But Vicki wanted another baby and is very happy.
This morning, with the Housecleaning Muse upon me (another Muse the Greeks
weren't aware of) I went through one of my closets and loaded up two huge
garbage bags of clothes for Goodwill. They are hideous clothes from 1972 that
I have saved for 20 years and wouldn't be caught dead in. If Andy Warhol were
still alive he would probably buy them, but I don't think anyone else will.
The man who put this house together was a complete and utter madman, but he
certainly did put it on a gorgeous piece of land. I spent two and half years
hating this house because it wasn't pretty like my old one, when it dawned on
me that, yes, this is an ugly old house and, yes, I have never done anything to
try to make it look any better. Having all the walls of a similar appearing
substance is my first step. I just wish I had never asked the boys at the
paint store about pickling; first you strip the wall. This wall is about 25 x
18. How big is the Sistine Chapel? And why didn't you go to the University of
Paris when your parents wanted to send you? I thought about adding "you
idiot," but that would have been rude. If you had taken them up on their
offer, you could have toured Europe. The normal way.
I rode Moore today for the first time since Friday. Moore needs exercising
more than Linda Blair. He has recently gotten terribly out of shape, so that
he has changed into the shape of a sphincter. He bolted and ran when he
thought I wasn't paying attention (I wasn't), and today he worked all right but
he got all lathered up. It was 78 degrees and when we finished he had lather
everywhere a horse can have lather, and my legs were on the verge of
collapsing. While I was hanging the hose pipe back up in the tree, after
hosing the lather from between his thighs, Moore bumped it. The spray nozzle
came down and whacked me across the eye and the mouth, and I have a huge welt,
a loose front tooth, and probably a black eye. It wasn't the horse's fault; it
was my fault for trying to hang up a water hose with my left hand while holding
a 1400 pound animal with my right hand.
I have been shopping for a horse blanket for Moore ahead of the season, and so
far they are all ugly in the extreme. I had hoped to find him one resembling
an Elvis cape: long and white and fringed and beaded, with a high pointed
collar and a sequined Thunderbird design on the back. Something Moore thinks
he richly deserves.
My truck is losing water from the radiator into the cab of the truck, from
beneath the heater. "Broken water hose pipe," I diagnosed. From the auto
parts store I bought a water pump and some hose pipe but I may not need to
install them. After I put them on the front seat, the truck was miraculously
cured. And I thought about all those simple-minded people out there who take
their vehicles to the mechanics before they try psychic healing.
I must get this into the mail post haste as I am hoping the sooner you get it,
the sooner I'll hear from you. Write soon.
Page 1 - How I Wrote This Book
Page 2 - A Spell is Cast | The Voodoo Priestess | Psychic Healing
Page 3 - Sudden Death | A Hole in the Wall | Crystal Woman
Spirit Tunnel
Page 4 - The Seance | The Light
Page 5 - The Portal |
Wings of Love | Bene Ha Elohim
Lord Pacal and the Maya
Page 6 - Pacal's Bride | Wacah Chan | A Murder was Committed
The Mysterious Woman | A Swarm of Sparks
Page 7 - The Vortex |
Portal in the Cathedral | Guede Cosmo
The Androgyny | The Philosopher's Stone
Page 8 - Sexual Alchemy | Tantra Yoga | Feng Shui
Page 9 - Keys in the Enochian Language | The River of Life
Page 10 - The Number Four | The Phaistos Disk
The Star of David
Page 11 - Sacred Indian Ground |
Spirit Possession
Rules of Congaylia | The Heaven Plane
Page 12 - The Lovers | Ancash-Tica
Page 13 - Searchable Index | Bibliography
Copyright Notice - Disk of the World - Text and images copyrighted March 21, 1993-2023, Claire Grace Watson, B.A., M.S.T., U.S. Copyright and under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.