Dear Carol:
Last week my brother Bill asked me to come to his home in Columbus, Ga., to
help him sell one of the homes he and my Dad built over a year ago. The
housing market in Columbus is depressed, so there's really very little they can
do about an unsold house except offer the home at a reduced price, which they
did but it didn't work. They are desperate to sell the house.
I took my cards, some incense and a candle, and sat with Bill on the living
room floor of the house. We called upon Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, in the
forms they take in matter, and upon the Creators of the universe to help us
charm the house. Charming will make it charming to prospective buyers. We
thought it would work, considering the house is already pretty and designed
well. Using a five-card layout--X of Cups (Water, Ten of Hearts), IX of Pentacles (Earth, Nine of Diamonds), II of Cups (Water, Two of Hearts), Ace
of Pentacles (Earth, Ace of Diamonds), and X of Pentacles (Earth, Ten of Diamonds) --I called upon the spirits to help the house
to sell. With all those diamonds and hearts, it should work, the idea being they would love it so much (hearts) they would spend their money (diamonds) to get it. That was on Tuesday. By Friday, it was under contract. If I had the
time, I would stay in Columbus for a while and do house charmings for money.
While I was there, I visited my cousin Andy and his wife Mary, two of my
favorite people, at their home that they built a few years ago in Harris
County. When they bought their beautiful piece of property, they noticed
circles of rocks all over their land. I think the circles are the work of
Mound Builder Indians. Andy says it might have been the Cherokee. In either
case, I believe they built their home on sacred ground.
Andy told me several months ago that when he sits in his lounge chair in the
den, he sees fleeting shapes out of the corners of his eyes, but when he turns
to look, he sees nothing. And he tends to watch the hallway leading from the
den to the bedroom because he senses something happening there. A few days
ago, as he sat in his chair in the den, someone invisible moved past him toward
the hall and caused a cool breeze. Mary said Andy jumped up from his chair and
said, "Did you feel that?!" Mary felt nothing.
To the right of Andy's chair, and next to the window, I found a portal. It
wasn't as intense as Susan's portal, but my scalp tingled when I stood in it.
Andy and Mary felt nothing when they stood in it. The pleasant, tingling
sensation I felt while standing in it continued as I walked a straight-line
path from the portal to Andy's chair. When I sat in the chair I continued to
feel the cool tingling. When I walked directly from the chair to the middle of
the hallway, I felt the tingling sensation again. In the middle of the hallway
the tingling became a cool breeze, which we all felt, and I turned right to
follow the portal path but the wall stopped me. On the other side of the
wall was the master bath. Mary said it always cool in the bathroom and that
they have considered putting an electric heater in there.
Back in the hallway we measured a 3 x 4-ft. parameter of the cool spot. When I
located the center of the portal Mary told me their cat, Bubba, sleeps on that
very spot. On that spot I placed five cards arranged in the shape of a cross
to symbolize Way of the Cross.
We walked to the end of the hallway and looked down it toward the bedroom.
Suddenly, I said, "I see something!" Mary said, "So do I!" She saw "black
lightning." Andy said it must have been a crack in the portal. I saw flying
sparks like big pieces of dust. Then Andy grew very silent. As he stood
between us, looking down the center of the hallway, he asked, "Do you see him?"
We said, "See who?" He pulled me directly in front of him and asked, "Do you
the big shadowman?" I saw a shadow fill the hallway, but I didn't see it was
shaped like a man. Andy said his head touched the ceiling and that he was
wider than your arms can stretch. He stretched out his arms to demonstrate the
width, so that he stood in the shape of a cross. I thought, "Way of the Cross."
We sat around the cards in the center of the hallway and touched fingertips.
With our eyes closed we called on all those same forces I always call on--Fire,
Water, Air, and Earth and the Creators of the universe--and I asked the
spirits in the hallway to become more physical so we could see them better.
When we opened our eyes, Bubba the cat was lying on top of the cards. We
petted him a little before Mary put him in the bedroom. Then, a surprising
thing happened, something I never expected.
We walked back to the end of the hallway to look down it toward the bedroom, as
we had done before, to see what we could see, but we could see nothing. We
went back to the center of the hallway, only to discover that the cool breeze
sensation, the tingling sensation and the shadows had all vanished. Andy and I
could feel nothing at all unusual about the hallway. The master bath, too, was
no longer cold. Andy called to Mary to come see. While she was in the
bathroom, Andy and I stood in the bedroom and looked down the hall and chatted
about how "they are gone, now."Where did they go?" I asked. "I didn't want
them to leave, I wanted them to get physical."
Then we realized Mary was still in the bathroom. She walked slowly into the
bedroom, rubbing the back of her neck. "I feel kind of cold," she said. "My
neck feels clammy and cold." I felt her neck and it did feel clammy and cool.
Andy and I had the same realization at the same time, and Andy said, "They're
on Mary, now."
Mary sat in the hallway and shuffled the Tarot cards and cut three times. She
turned up a card--the II of Cups. Her movements were in slow motion. She sat
in the Yoga lotus position, with her head bowed, and began to describe how she
felt. "I feel so peaceful," she said. "I feel like I'm moving away from my
body, moving upward." Andy and I watched the hallway grow longer and fill with
a slight haze. We talked about it but Mary didn't seem to hear us. I thought
Mary looked smaller and further away, and I asked her to cut a card. Still
moving in slow motion, she cut The Hermit. She said, "I feel so small." Andy
whispered to me, "Look at her face." All the color drained from it. Andy said
later that, as the color drained from Mary's face, the right side of my neck
turned beet red. At the time, my arms turned red and itchy and I felt very
warm. I showed Andy the whelps on my left arm.
Mary sat quietly and after a moment, I asked her to cut a card. It was The
Moon. "The card of the psychic," I said. "It means "stay on the path.'" Then
the color began to return to her face. She said "I feel warm. I feel
electricity all around me. It's very pleasant." I asked her to cut a card--the
VIII of Swords, a woman surrounded by swords. She was shielded!
Mary began to slowly return from her trance, saying she felt peaceful and
pleasant. We sat down beside her, and Andy said, "It was spirit possession." I
agreed. Mary and I both put our right hands on our right ears at exactly the
same time. She did it because her ear was warm and beet red. I did it because
someone tickled my earlobe. Andy laughed and said, "They're saying, 'We're
still here!'" I cut a card from the deck--the Wheel of Fortune. In the
corners of the card are angels, representing the four elements. The human is
Air, the eagle is Water, the bull is Earth and the lion is Fire. Two Nile
sentients--Anubis, Egyptian god of time, and the Sphinx--rule the elements
and the Wheel of time and fatality. On the Wheel is written TARO AROT ROTA
Later that night, after Mary's spirit possession, I dreamed of being in an
ancient Egyptian temple. Within the dark interior of the temple the incense
burned, leaving behind piles of ashes high atop tall, brick altars. Floating
in the haze was the peaceful chanting of two priestesses. People in long robes
and brown sandals came in from the light of the outside world to pray and burn
incense in the smoky interior. I could hear their sandals scuffing on the
stone steps and floors as they moved about the temple. They bought incense
from priests in hooded robes. The priests were dark, solitary forms standing
against the walls like deep shadows. The people placed their incense in copper
and bronze ladles. Reaching out with the long handles, they piled their
fragrant offerings atop the brick altars.
As the procession of the faithful continued, a sacred book belonging to the
High Priestesses materialized in my hands, and I read the words, "Element-Fire.
Regarding Element-Fire, follow the Rules of Congaylia." As the beautiful
chanting filled my ears like a lullaby, I feel deeply asleep. When I awoke, I
was the new High Priestess of the ancient religion. So many wonderful things
have I done and seen!
The story of the afterlife to tell.
Presently my soul returned to me
And said, "I myself am Heaven and Hell."
(Omar Kayyam)
Interesting, isn't it, Omar's description of the soul as being separate from
the self. As I understand it, consciousness functions independently of the
brain and has two aspects: Ida and Pingala. Pingala is the immortal
consciousness to which Ida is joined after death. By disengaging from Ida and
identifying with Pingala, a person can cease identification with the physical
body and transcend the earth self before death. If one allows the soul true
freedom in exploring the astral planes, it is not necessary to have a
near-death experience in order to get a good idea of heaven. Heavenly Partners
guide the individual's soul into the higher, inaccessible planes.
"The heaven you go to will be appropriate to your condition...Your own psyche
has a kind of specific gravity that carries you just to the right heaven. If
you are ready for rock and roll, it won't assign you to a chamber music
concert." (Joseph Campbell) But it will give you John Lennon when you think you want Jimi Hendrix.
My experience of heaven is that it is stratified and that the lower levels are
the astral planes, the natural home of the astral body, of the individual minds
of those who have died and of the astral bodies of dreamers. There are
different areas on the astral planes like theme parks for different people
who enjoy different things. These levels are "those of erotic delights of one
kind or another." (Joseph Campbell)
I have seen roller skaters on the astral planes. The skaters in Piedmont Park
in Atlanta would love this place, and maybe some of them were there. The
astral skaters are not bound by limitations of time and space and do back flips
off hills and skate backward and other stunts. I saw them skate across the
long top beam of a tall suspension bridge. They were not at all concerned
about falling. I was invited to skate up there but my earth self interfered
with my soul's freedom--in short, acrophobia got the best of me.
There is a party-down heaven where people are having the time of their lives at
a great bar and are being bussed back and forth to parties by a vehicle that
hovers and is impossible to describe. They reminded me of the celebrants of
Bacchus of ancient Rome, only they were dressed in contemporary clothing. In
another heaven, I saw people who were deeply involved in church religions in
life and who now spend their time worshipping in church, a place full of
glittering religious icons. They enjoy this idolatry. For them it is an
erotic delight. It was there that I saw Jesus on the cross. These people are
in the astral planes but they think they're in the ultimate heaven. I suppose
they'll stay there until they begin to feel dissatisfaction with their
I visited a heaven where all the people were anatomically and linguistically
different. They think that is heaven, where the very different finally come
together at last. In this heaven, aliens from all over the universe get
together to meet each other, as they've always wanted to do. I once saw
Susan's husband John standing under a portal, with his right hand raised and
holding a fish. I recognized it as the Mayan fish-in-hand glyph, which I think
means rebirth.
These are the astral planes, peopled by both the "living" and the "dead." In
the astral planes of higher vibrational levels than the physical plane, I've
met people who are alive like me and people who are "dead." I have learned to
tell the difference, and it was the "dead" who taught me. Ironically, many
people who are "dead" fear people who are alive, just as many people who are
alive fear the dead. The "dead" were afraid of me, as though they thought they
might catch my disease of being alive. The last thing they want is to be alive
again, which goes a long way to explain why the living don't hear back from the
dead very often. The "dead" are having the time of their lives with their
erotic delights and are quite happy in their heaven. So the alive don't want to
be dead and the dead don't want to be alive. Ironic, isn't it? Michelangelo once said, "If life pleases us, death, being made by the
hands of the same creator, should not displease us."
I surprised some dead people once and one of them asked in alarm, "Who are
you!?" Then they glanced quickly at each other in the sure knowledge that I was
alive and not dead, and they took off running in the opposite direction. The
dead in the astral planes can't stay there; they must go either up or down.
But while they are there they do everything possible to stay there, which is
foolish, but people are often foolish. It seems that wherever we are in life,
we do everything possible to stay there, resisting change until the end.
On my astral journeys I meet many dead people who really have their act
together. I met the famous alchemist Maria Prophetissa, who took me on a tour
of an alchemical laboratory. Maria Prophetissa is supposed to be the
reincarnation of the prophetess Miriam, the sister of Moses. The tour was like
stepping into one of those pictures of an alchemical laboratory. It was filled
with antique alchemical equipment. Maria got impatient because I was so
fascinated by the equipment that I hardly listened to what she was telling me.
The Bain-Marie is the water bath named for its inventor, Maria Prophetissa.
I once met the great Cabalist Moses de Leon, who explained to me a game that he
called "Secret Bridge." I sat mesmerized as he told me the details of the
game. He said there was a secret bridge, an invisible bridge, and that I would
become that bridge. When I first met him I thought he was Moses of the Bible,
but then I learned he was Moses de Leon, the greatest kabalist of the Middle
I met Jack, an early 20th century psychologist, who told me that when he was in
graduate school he wanted to do his thesis on Jung. He was, perhaps, the first
Jungian psychologist. He wasn't allowed to do it because Jung was considered a
crackpot at that time. I think many psychologists and psychiatrists still
think so. I met Sufi Shaykh Ash-huerla, my partner who is an expert on
Gnosticism, a subject I find fascinating. Shaykh Ash-huerla died a miserable
death screwed to the cross, not nailed, by Christian Crusaders. I met Pigeon,
a silly girl from Colonial Salem, who only wanted from me a description of nail
polish, about how we buy it in little bottles made especially for it. Before
nail polish, women used paint, which "slagged up," to quote Pigeon. When I
told her I did not use nail polish, she said I was missing a great opportunity.
I also learned from these travels that before toothbrushes, people washed
their teeth with wash rags.
Higher above the astral planes are the accessible and nearly inaccessible
realms of heaven. Ascension to these realms is a nice experience--the heavens
open up and the angels sing. I was floating pleasantly on a cloud in my last
visit to the place. The angels I saw didn't have wings but they favored white
clothes and white light and were the purest, shiniest people I've ever seen. I
was in the plane of philosophical contemplation when I met a man who wore a
round-brimmed straw hat, as though he had just come out of his garden. He was
eating almonds. He quietly contemplated me. I couldn't bear the pressure of
his presence. He emanated tremendous power and seemed to look straight into
my soul, which made me feel inadequate, soulwise. But I have a natural right
to that particular realm of heaven, because I live there all the time.
Philosophical contemplation is what I do, it's "where I'm at." He was in a
bright, beautiful and colorful world, so bright that, the next day when I was
sitting on my back porch in the full sun, I wondered why it was so dark
outside. "We live in a dark world," I lamented, "lit only by fire, the
pathetic imitation of The Boundless Light."
Several times I traveled to the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus, where
there is a space station of such immense size it qualifies as a Free World, a
bountiful and colorful manufactured planetary system, bound to no star and free
to move about in the universe. The Free World is a kind of floating, galactic heaven.
These astral plane and heaven experiences are all part of the alchemical Great
Work made possible by my Heavenly Partners, who prepare a kind of shared field
of sensory experience for me.
"This field acts on the observer and puts him [her] in a privileged position
vis-a-vis the Universe. From this position he [she] has access to the
realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and
energy. This is what we call 'The Great Work.'" (Fulcanelli to Jacques Bergier)
In alchemical literature there is the constant use of erotic imagery, serious
attempts on the part of the alchemists participating in the Great Work to
describe the secret, sexual nature of it.
"Take the living male and the living female and join them on order that they
may project a sperm for the procreation of a fruit according to their must produce one thing out of two by natural generation." (Novem
Chemicum, 1604)
Sexual alchemy is essential to the Great Work. The Partner, who initiates it,
is symbolized in alchemical language as Mercury.
"Blessed be the All-Highest who has created this Mercury and given it a nature,
which nothing can resist! For without it the alchemists would have worked in
vain, all their labour would have been useless." (Gerber)
When I was last on the heavenly plane of philosophical contemplation, I sat
cross-legged reading a book of dialogues. Three bright, white lights came
flying towards me at eye level, each close behind the other. They were about
the size of my hand and glittering spectrally. As I looked directly at them,
they flew one after the other straight into my head through the pupils of my
eyes. These beings of light are called Archangels of the Thrones and the Third
Choir. They are described in Jewish lore as the great "wheels," called Ophanim
or Galgallin. The Hebrew Galgal has the double meaning of wheels and "pupil of
the eye." In Ezekial 1:13-19, they are described as wheels that have the
appearance of burning coals of fire or like lamps. Enoch refers to them as
"the fiery coals." In
The Golden Dawn, they are "the three supernals."
When they entered my head, my mind shook for a few seconds and then I was
launched into a much higher plane and into a room of people who were casually
chatting with each other. A smiling man appeared in front of me and I
recognized him right away as Jesus, the Master of Compassion. In a mellow voice
he said to me, "There are many people in the world who are in pain. You can
take away their I pain. I don't understand why you won't do it." It was not
accusatory, just conversational. As I was thinking about my response, I faded
away and struggled to focus. When I faded back in, he was in mid-sentence so
that I missed out on what he said. I asked him, "What did you say?" He looked
at me and smiled serenely and said, "Hindu." I asked him, "What does that have
to do with what we're talking about?" He smiled, turned, and walked away.
Interview over.
He went into a room, where people seated around a big table were waiting for
him. Someone closed the door behind him. I followed him as far as the closed
door and stood and debated whether to open the door and go in. I wanted to stay
with him.
I believe that at the moment of death, when Ida consciousness recedes, we
withdraw within:
"By birth and growth the spirit architect expands into this mass of which we
consist, spreading outwards from the heart. Thither again it withdraws,
winding up the threads of its web, returning by the same path along which it
advanced, passed out by the same gate through which it entered. Birth is
expansion of the center...Death contraction to the center." (Giordano Bruno,
16th c. CE)
When we withdraw, we enter a dark spirit tunnel and travel toward the Light.
The tunnel is long, winding and indirect like a maze. It is best to proceed
slowly, staying more to the right than directly in the center. The tunnel
leads to a strange world, a dreamy realm of metaphor and myth and a strange
landscape of metaphysical doors and avenues. Unless we become distracted by
this world, we continue until we reach the Light, join with it and become the
When traveling in the afterlife and in the astral planes, avoid taking obvious
short cuts and always go up, never down. Even if the light may appear to come
from below, go up. The light will always come from above. Go to the right and
up, never to the left and down. Left and down leads to the abyss and the
frightening sensation of falling.
"For this reason, when the blackness is seen, have faith that you have been on
path and have kept to the
way." (Hermes Trismegistus, italics
In my last initiation and ceremony, I received the Silver Star of the High
Priestess and of the Hermetic and the alchemical Great Work. The Silver Star
"reflects the light of the One Light or One Life, the light...too brilliant
to behold." This shimmering star is the
Star of Isis
The Free World is built upon the principles of Sacred Geometry. It consists of
13 planetary ecospheres held together by 4 horizontal planes of electromagnetic
attraction-repulsion, with the structural integrity provided by 42 vertical and
diagonal planes. Some of these planes are enclosed highways with conveyances
that move passengers along at rates of speed sufficient to produce G force
effects. Inside the Free World is wonderful technology not so different from
ours, just much more advanced. Many of the beings there are human and
humanoid--plain, friendly people accustomed to extraterrestrial travelers like
me. Hidden and floating far above and away, the Free World tours the universe,
establishing life on planets capable of supporting life and keeping an eye on
the progress of that life. This design is created by me, based the artwork I
continue to find that is designed like the Kabala Tree of Life. I also get
information from my guides that the space station is based on the Tree of Life
At the library I checked out some books on the Hindu, and in one of them I
recognized the face of my partner, Wind Father, shown practicing Hatha Yoga.
In your deck, he is represented as the King of Swords (Air, King of Spades). He is the spirit of the
man who once was Swami Dayananda Sarasvati. The Swami was the founder of Arya
Samaj, a movement dedicated to reforming the Hindu religion so that it more
closely adheres to the ancient Vedic texts (the Upanishads and the Bhagavad
Gita). He believed himself to be the reincarnation of a Tibetan Mahatma. Can
you imagine the joy of creating at this spirit's level of being?! When I was
in the library I also found this wonderful Aztec poem.
We only came to dream
It is not true, no, it is not true
That we came to live on the earth
We are changed into the grass of springtime
Our hearts will grow green again
And they will open their petals
But our body is like a rose tree:
It puts forth flowers and then withers.
(Aztec hymn)
"Only [the Hermetic Star] indicated the science of its owner by this characteristic sign of the Work, the one and only star. All those who undertake the Work seek to obtain the Star." (Nicholas Rollin, 1447 CE)
From all these, my travels and my experiences, I have gained knowledge of the highest order--when the human mind joins with that of spirit, a consciousness is created higher than both, and the essence of this higher angelic self is Love. Write soon.