Minoans navigated the Aegean by the stars and the sun
Connect the 15 matching "Shield" pictographs (#10, right column) to reveal a larger, hidden pictograph that seems to be stationary North Star center the circumpolar stars in the spiral and perhaps it represents star Sirius and the seven planets.
The "Shield" pictographs that form this pattern also contain a clue to the discovery of it -- just connect the dots. The dots within the Shield pictograph form a hexagon.
Does this show seven planets, Sirius and the sun? Or is that Sirius and Sirius B? The Dogon tribe in Africa somehow knew of Sirius B, the invisible dwarf star companion of Sirius. Perhaps the Minoans also knew of it.
In the Egyptian sense, it is SIRIUS the Dog-Star, the Star or Isis-Sothis. Around it are the Stars of the
Seven Planets each with its seven-fold counterchanged operation. (Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn)
Perhaps it is a reference to both North Star and Sirius. To find Sirius, first find the North Star Polaris which is directly north. Then, turn full around 180 degrees to face the south. Looking up you cannot miss Orion. It is a big constellation made up of bright stars of different colors. Identifying Orion is achieved by looking for three similar stars in a row which are Orion's belt. Follow the line of Orion's belt to the left to find the bright glow of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.
Could this be the Star Sirius inside the seven planets? I think the artist intended the star to be connected two different ways (left and above). One way connects all the pictographs and has one meaning, and the other way leaves one pictograph unconnected, and means something else. Thus, two new pictographs are excavated but I count them as one because they are so similar. One could be star Sirius inside seven planets and the other Sirius and Sirius B.