We are all of us entities, ensouling a form, and through the intelligence endeavoring to utilize that form for a specific purpose which exists within the conscious will of the true self. (The Consciousness of the Atom, The Evolution of Form, Alice Bailey, 1922)
Qualities and causes - Certain chemicals are used to derive substantive results when fizzassists attempt
to understand subatomic particles and their weights, structures and numbers. This terminology, qualities
and causes, is baloney because the qualities referred to in the heading are nonexistent. Nothing about this
involves any kind of qualities, and the causes referred to are nonsubstantive. Nothing about this is justified
in any way. This phrase is a pile of hokum dreamed up by research assistants to ensure the continuation of
their jobs and their paychecks. What is it about a paycheck that causes us to cut ourselves off from our own
Qualities and determinants - Certain kinds of applications are used to make determinations about the
intellectual level of subatomic particles. The qualities referred to here do not exist and neither do the
determinants. Only a causal relationship between God/dess and the particles exists. And God/dess may be
displeased about what is happening to her particles.
Quantities and ranges - In fizz666, a relationship exists between the particles and their locations when
they are being tested. The particles of course have no idea where they are. They are only trying to make
molecules and, for some reason unknown to them, they cannot. They haven't the ability to determine why
they can't make molecules, so they just keep on trying and trying and trying until they are mutants. The
fizzassists continue to pester the particles into giving an indication of their knowing their location in
space-time. What is the purpose for running this test? None whatsoever, except to extract money from
organizations that have been sold on the idea of there being some reason for running this test.
Quarks - The tiniest of particles, quarks are etheric beings of nearly pure consciousness. They exist in
potentiality like God/dess. As His tiny little representatives, they are closely related to God/dess, who is a
being who can exist and then Exist Not. God/dess is like a pulse frequency. S/He exists then S/He Exists Not.
S/He exists then S/He Exists Not. It is the "Exist Not" part of this formula that makes God/dess who S/He is,
because no other being has the ability to blink on and off, to die and come back, die and come back like
God/dess. Because of His willingness to Exist Not, we are all empowered to co-create and display free
Everything in the Universe is God/dess. As S/He exists and Exists Not, exists and Exists Not, things
come and go in the Universe, living, dying, living, dying, on and on forever, but the Universe persists.
Every individual dies, but the species persists. Rivers disappear, volcanoes erupt, continents shift, but the
planet persists. What does this tell us? Each individual is an eternally existing part of the Universe if we
choose to be. The Universe allows every being the right to free choice, and that includes the right to live
eternally. When God/dess exists, we are all united in Oneness. When God/dess Exists Not, we exist individually.
This is our parallel reality of being simultaneously bonded and separate.
Our own empowerment does not suggest the Universe is a godless place. It suggests we co-exist
with God/dess in all Power and Virtue. Thanks to God/dess's willingness to Exist Not, space-time is there
for us as we learn to be true gods and goddesses. (Sri Krishna)
Particle World