If we are right in our fundamental concept, if there is a grain of reality in our hypothesis, and if there is a substratum of truth in our idea of the atom from which the elements are compounded, it is to be recognized as a life working intelligently through the medium of a form. (The Consciousness of the Atom, The Evolution of the Thinker, Alice Bailey, 1922)
Grand Unification Theory or GUT - Many fizzassists are allowing their GUTs to get in the way of their
reasoning powers. Which is the right GUT and who has the best GUT? Not the vegetarians. They
probably have smaller GUTs than the carnivores.
Fizzassists keep trying to get back to square one with their GUTs, but we are already there, they
just do not know it. They think if they can recreate their favorite acorn, the Big Bang, then they can prove
whose GUT is the best. Get out your checkbooks, folks. This is going to be a big one! It could be even
more expensive than it ever has been, for there are newer and bigger accelerators on the way to weigh the
fizzassists' GUTs.
One of the goals of fizz666 is to draw seemingly unrelated theories together into a single, simple
unified theory. According to the propaganda, the advantage of a unified theory over many fragmented
theories is that a unified theory often offers "a more elegant explanation of data and may point toward
future areas of study." Unfortunately, none of the fizzassists can agree on the others' theories, so all must
go wanting. And boy, do they ever want. They want cars, they want houses, they want servants and they
want vacation homes.
Grants and funding for particle fizzassists to spend their time sitting around and chatting about
whether or not God/dess exists - Talking about God/dess is a wonderful way to spend time. Why pay
others to do it, especially when they are likely to come up with the crazy notion that the wonderful world
in which we live is the result of a cosmic abortion? God/dess gives birth to us in sublime moments, and
with Her we create our own reality. (I love you, Metatron, Mary Mother, Sanat Kumara.)
Grants and funding - This is a law of the Universe. Whatever we receive from the Universe as a gift must
not deplete the Universe in any way. The current benefits derived from the field of particle fizz666, those
producing results in the field of healing, cannot be used because they were squeezed out of an unwilling
Universe. The gifts were not freely given and their effects will not be permanent.
Money comes from major sources to line the pockets of particle fizzassists instead of funding
projects of material significance. Grants and funding exist to make it possible for particle fizzassists to
live like kings while others live like serfs, working and paying taxes to support the fizzassists in their
doubtful careers as god-kings, building new universes and claiming to "create something out of nothing."
(USA Today) Oh, now, that I gotta see! We are playing God in a cavalier way like cowboys, gun slingin' and hip shootin' holes in the
Universe's fabric of space-time.
Grant and research money makes it possible for the children of particle fizzassists to go to Harvard
and Yale and become particle fizzassists. The children of taxpayers go to community colleges and become
more tax-paying people to support the children of particle fizzassists. They went to better schools
because their parents had the money to send them, due to their habit of defrauding taxpayers and due to the
taxpayers forgetting to do anything about it.
Grants and funding give particle fizzassists vacations to Europe and to other places of interest
because the taxpayers of this country pay out trillions, ok billions, of dollars to them to do nothing at all except transmogrify
atoms. Then, fizzassists like to sit around chit chatting about it, as though they have nothing to with
The money makes it possible for particle fizzassists to go to special restaurants and to spend great
amounts on food and to spend great amounts on clothes to wear to go to those special restaurants. All this
paid for by taxpayers and people who cannot afford to eat out and buy expensive clothes. Instead, they
must work every day just to live. They must take part of their money and put it to taxes that go to pay the
salaries of particle fizzassists, who do no work at all but who claim to be great thinkers. We do not have to
pay our fizzassists trillions of dollars, ok billions, just to think, but that is what we are doing.
The money makes it possible for particle fizzassists to sit around and make notes about how the
atoms are mutating and about why the atoms are mutating, as if they themselves are not responsible for the mutation
of them. This is what we give them money to do, mutate atoms and brag about it. "We have created
something from nothing," they brag.
The money extends the livelihoods of the fizzassists into the 21st century and beyond so they can
continue in their grand style of living, using the show of money to reinforce the misplaced opinions of
them that they are brilliant. In our society, a pile of money proves brilliance. This is the Cosmic Joker
laughing at us!
Government and corporation money enables negatively charged particles to be released into the
atmosphere, so they can eventually overwhelm the positively charged particles and bring a flood of destruction
in the form of water, fire, atomic bombs, Holycosts and all manner of biblical prognostications.
Fortunately for most of the fizzassists, who are proud atheists, they need not worry about all this biblical destruction
The money allows fizzassists to set up shop in government buildings, and they use the property to
wage war on God/dess via the systematic mutation of Her space commanders. Subatomic particles are defending
themselves but it is not a pretty thing to see. We need to help them so that they do not need to
defend themselves.
The money destroys the environment in ways that cannot be repaired by us, and it causes the
possibility that God/dess might think S/He has created a monster - us! Should S/He destroy His creation and
start over? Noah and the Ark can happen. Are we building our ark, yet? Better get started, we'll need one.
How do we build an ark? We build our aura or lightbody into a divine vehicle called a merkaba.
When we die, we ride our vehicle out of here to dimensions of peace, love and understanding. Do you
want to build your merkaba? Then stop supporting particle fizz666 and get busy learning how to activate
your chakras, increase your flow of chi energy and expand your aura. (Metatron, Mary Mother, Sanat
If there is
one thing apparent to all of us who are in any way interested in the faculty of awareness,
and who are in the habit of noting that which passes around us, it is that of the
different grades of mentality which we meet everywhere, and the different types of
consciousness among men. We meet people who are alert, alive, aware of all that is going
on, keenly conscious, responsive to thought currents of various kinds in human affairs,
and conscious of contacts of every kind; then we meet people who seem to be asleep; there
is apparently so little that interests them; they seem utterly unaware of contact; they
are yet in a stage of inertia, and are not capable of responding to much outer stimuli;
they are not mentally alive. One notices it, also, in children; some respond so quickly,
while others we call stupid. It is not really that one is more or less essentially stupid
than another; it is simply due to the inner stage of evolution of the child, to its more
frequent incarnations, and the longer period that it has been occupied in becoming aware. (The Consciousness of the Atom, The Evolution of Consciousness, Alice Bailey)
When healing with energy, the getting of the gift must agree with the Universe's concept of gift
giving, otherwise karma or law of reciprocal results. If the Universe was squeezed out of its gift, then the
healing will be used to squeeze the patient out of money. This is what we are seeing in medicine now, and this is the direct result of buying into a system that believes healing must come at any cost.
Particle World